Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

The Media's Broadcast Brutality Against Trump
– They were nine times more negative about Trump. … Their protective coverage of Lovable Grandpa Joe is just as transparent. … ABC and CBS both rushed to "balance" the story with negative Trump news.…
Excuse Me, FBI Director Wray, Did You Withhold Exculpatory Evidence From Michael Flynn?…did-you-withhold-exculpatory-evidence-from-michael-n2571309
– Bureau of Investigations Director Christopher Wray fought to prevent exculpatory evidence from surfacing in the case of President Donald … , that evidence indeed showed that top officials at the FBI plotted to entrap the then-national security adviser under President Trump … WRAY: "We've bent over backwards to be transparent and cooperative." — Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) June…
Time to Tear Hillary Clinton's Name from State Department Pavilion…llary-clintons-name-from-state-department-pavillion-n2571153
– On January 10, 2017, just ten days before Donald Trump was sworn into office (instead of Clinton), the former Secretary of State returned … "I'm sure you will notice it is the most transparent part of the entire project."…
Well, That Schiff Development Pretty Much Shreds the Credibility of this Russia-Taliban Bounty Gate Story…uncorroborated-bountygate-allegations-but-not-trump-n2571834
– Schiff, who has acknowledged President Donald Trump was never briefed on the so-called intelligence, has thus far refused to disclose … Trump wants to wind down things in Afghanistan. … It’s all so transparent.…
New Book Revealing the '21 Biggest Lies About Trump' Might Trigger One Group..And It's Not Liberals
Donald J. Trump is anathema to the Left. … But some of these you’ve already heard ad nauseum: “Trump hates LGBT people; Trump is a warmonger; Trump is not a real conservative … ; Trump hates the free press; Trump is a pawn of the NRA etc.” it’s all here. …
President Trump Should Use Reagan Model on Global Leadership to Fight Coronavirus…gan-model-on-global-leadership-to-fight-coronavirus-n2572246
– Right now, President Donald J. … Trump has a unique opportunity to take the pre-eminent leadership role in fighting the coronavirus globally. … The Trump Administration has already done much that goes unnoticed.…
Fact Check the Left: Did Trump Refuse To Denounce White Supremacists in First Presidential Debate?…nce-white-supremacists-in-first-presidential-debate-n2577208
– (@abigailmarone) August 21, 2020"Neo-Nazis and the white nationalists ... should be condemned totally” — Donald Trump, Aug. 15, 2017 … DONALD TRUMP: "Sure..." That debate was garbage but this is the actual transcript of the white supremacy exchange. … The liberal media establishment’s game here is beyond transparent.…
Big Tech's Election Interference Has Gone Too Far
– This is all the more so when you consider that stories critical of President Donald Trump, such as the anonymous leaks of his taxes … He says he called the FBI and also made a copy, which he somehow got to Trump adviser Rudy Giuliani and former Trump insider Steve … It requires us, among other things, to be completely transparent in our work and to explain our process.…
Ted Cruz Demands Answers from Twitter Following Election Interference…er-and-facbook-in-letter-over-election-interference-n2578089
– Accordingly, this can only be seen as an obvious and transparent attempt by Twitter to influence the upcoming Presidential election … Has Twitter ever restricted a story published by a major news outlet about Donald J. … Trump during his four years as President of the United States? …
Joe Biden Is Flirting with the Destruction of the Judiciary…n-is-flirting-with-the-destruction-of-the-judiciary-n2577754
– But back here in the real world, we know that court-packing would be far more destructive to our political order than anything DonaldTrump has done, Barrett's nomination very much included. … The notion that the Senate shouldn't confirm Trump's nominee because Biden might win the election or Trump lost the "popular vote"…
Gen. Michael Hayden's Mature Response for Richard Grenell Over Declassified Docs
– "CITE [summarizing] alleged approved by Hillary Clinton a proposal from one of her foreign policy advisers to vilify Donald Trump by … ad warning Americans what could happen if we re-elect President Trump. … "President Trump doesn't care about facts. President Trump doesn't care about the truth.…
Trump Campaign Touts Major Legal Victory in Pennsylvania
– — Sean Davis (@seanmdav) November 5, 2020***Original post*** The Trump campaign is celebrating what they call … "In a major victory for election integrity, election transparency, all Pennsylvania voters, and the rule of law, the Trump Campaign … — Donald J.…
What Crenshaw Realized About the Democratic Party After Big Tech Hearing That 'Should Terrify Americans'…fter-big-tech-hearing-that-should-terrify-americans-n2578996
– They have enjoyed total immunity,” Cotton said on a conference call with reporters, which the Trump campaign organized. … “Big Tech oligarchs [are] declaring war on Donald Trump, on the Republican Party, and conservatives across America,” he added. … It is therefore critical that they be honest and transparent with users about how they use that power."…
Why He Fights for Us
– Former Vice President Joe Biden said this week that President Donald Trump was "embarrassing" himself due to what Biden described … Unlike Joe Biden, President Trump didn’t need to take the job. … Donald Trump, as our No. 1 current public servant, is seeking the answers We The People need here. They are fair questions.…
Election – Not Over Yet
– The legal answer, unless Trump concedes, is “no.”   … In Georgia, where a solid Trump lead evaporated late – as in other states – questions abound.   … On the other hand, the Supreme Court could rule Biden’s victory unwarranted – and Donald Trump the winner.…
Joe Scarborough Accuses Trump of Fomenting Violence During WH Press Conference…mp-of-fomenting-violence-during-wh-press-conference-n2579609
– So not sure what Donald Trump is talking about that. That’s me adding on. That was the take from Mitch. … 'Downcast Donald Trump makes baseless election fraud claims,'" he added. … And this confidant of Donald Trump said he got rid of all of them four years ago. It’s laughable.…
#WalkAway Founder Has an Idea for How Joe Biden Can 'Unify' America…aka-has-an-idea-for-how-joe-biden-can-unify-america-n2580637
Trump. … Acknowledge & apologize for violence & damage done to Trump supporters.2. Admit Trump is not a racist or bigot.3. … Call for transparent audit of 2020 election.6.…
What Happens When a Broken Country Tries to Fight a Pandemic…ens-when-a-broken-country-tries-to-fight-a-pandemic-n2580412
– Confronted with these new contradictions, Newsom's spokesman was suddenly a lot less transparent. He's still refusing to answer. … A better route would be for politicians to be more transparent about what they are doing and what they know or don't know about this … They see President Donald Trump almost never wear a mask and see President-elect Joe Biden wear one everywhere, even when it's totally…
With Wisconsin Having Counted All Its Votes, The Trump Campaign Makes Its Next Move…ntrump-campaign-has-until-5-pm-to-request-a-recount-n2580297
– Here's a press release from the campaign: President Donald J. … Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. transferred $3 million to Wisconsin to cover the estimated cost of the recounts.  … The completion of the canvasses gave President Donald Trump a little over 24 hours to decide whether to commence a statewide recount…
The NRCC Fails To Silence Conservatives Like it Fails At Everything Else…ence-conservatives-like-it-fails-at-everything-else-n2573244
– The ones that let you know that Donald Trump is greatly disappointed in you? Well, one popped up on my cell and I lost it. … That’s how we elected Donald Trump last time, and that’s how we need to take back the House. Join Townhall VIP.  … Also, Grab a copy of my just-released Regnery non-fiction book, The 21 Biggest Lies About Donald Trump (and You!).…
Time for Trump to Smoke Joe Out of His Basement
– Just imagine if President Donald Trump were displaying such obvious signs of mental confusion. … By contrast, everyone knows where Trump stands on everything. He's the most transparent public figure in our lifetime. … They must smoke Biden out and force the public to see the stark differences between him and Donald Trump.…
We Need the Catholic Vote to Vote for Life
– President Donald J. Trump has been a champion for the unborn. … , Hispanic-Americans, and Asian-Americans had all reached record lows under President Trump. … These statements are perfectly transparent and have no room for debate.  …
The Biden Bait and Switch
– Biden Fake Implied Promise Here’s the deal – give up on your impudent embrace of populism via its avuncular avatar Donald Trump and … We don’t belong to Trump; Trump belongs to us. And I think we’ll reelect him handily in November. … Get my spectacular new book The 21 Biggest Lies about Donald Trump (and You!)…
Twitter Kicked Me Off for Saying This But I'm Going to Double Down…me-off-for-saying-this-but-im-going-to-double-down-n2574611
– The Post Millennial asked me whether Twitter should be transparent in their political endorsements. … The answer is simple: Trump. For as long as Donald Trump continues using Twitter, so will his supporters and the media. … If and when Trump decides to shun Twitter and move over to Parler or another substitute, Twitter will fall.…
Why a CNN Editor Got Taken to the Woodshed Over His Tweet About the Ongoing Riots…the-woodshed-over-his-tweet-about-the-ongoing-riots-n2575342
– For the liberal media, that’s Donald Trump. He’s the drug. He’s made them deranged. … It just blows one’s mind to think that Democrats actually thought that no one would care about the riots or better yet, blame Trump … It’s just so predictable, so transparent, and so as expected this shift regarding the riots.…
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