Results for: agenda 47

Trump Approval of Coronavirus Handling Soars in New Poll
– TrumpJobApproval #COVID19 — YouGovUS (@YouGovUS) March 19, 2020New Reuters/Ipsos also showing same trend (47% … The American people appear to see right through the media’s agenda-driven effort though, and are standing by President Trump and his…
Back to Iraq Journal Entry # 6 - Kate Norley
– While security continues to be a focus of priority across Iraq, a substantial shift has occurred in the agenda of doing so. … After uncovering fake ID’s, hidden pistols and AK-47’s, potential detonators for IED’S as well as wired battery packs ready to be packed…
Shame On You, Terry McAuliffe
– “This is just another example of Ken Cuccinelli ignoring the economy and instead focusing on his divisive ideological agenda,” a McAuliffe … court moved to overturn the statute, the Attorney General was in the midst of prosecuting the case of William Scott MacDonald, a 47 … “This case is not about sexual orientation, but using current law to protect a 17 year-old girl from a 47 year-old sexual predator,…
Trump Unloads on Biden at Pennsylvania Rally
– The president accused Biden of spending "the last 47 years betraying the American people." … Trump said his agenda was made in America and Biden's agenda was made in China. …
We Now Know Who the Left Will Blame If McAuliffe Loses
– The failure of Beltway Democrats to pass major components of Biden’s agenda gives Virginia voters the impression that Democrats aren … “I sent 47 e-mails on behalf of Terry McAuliffe, I’ll probably send more e-mails as much as any three people in the Democratic Party … the potential outcome of tomorrow’s Virginia gubernatorial race, suggesting the stalemate on Capitol Hill over President Biden’s agenda
Obama Resurrects Romney's '47 Percent' Comment…ers-think-its-weird-we-havent-had-a-woman-president-n2178408
– It won't, he insisted, create a "fictional welfare state" constantly spurned by the GOP or an instance where 47 percent of the country … Of course, the president's speech wasn't complete without criticizing Republicans for refusing to pass his agenda.…
Pay No Attention to Obama Marching With the New Black Panthers
– has even more substantial, clear photos of Obama marching with the Black Panthers in his new book Injustice: Exposing the Racial Agenda … was the Panthers’ “Minister of War,” Najee Muhammed, who had called for murdering Dekalb County, Georgia, police officers with AK-47
Obama’s 1994’s_1994
– According to the Gallup poll, 47% of Americans disapprove of Obama’s actions thus far. … But instead of conceding that Americans needed to be persuaded about healthcare and led towards his agenda, Obama and his cohorts in … And it certainly won’t draw the American people to his agenda.…
President Biden Is Dragging Democrats Down the Drain with Him
– A memo from RSLC President Dee Duncan explains how the "radical liberal agenda being pursued by President Biden and his allies in Washington … The radical liberal agenda being pursued by President Biden and his allies in Washington, D.C. is sinking Democrats at the state legislative … House of Representatives and Senate get the advantage of Americans souring on Biden's agenda, so do Republicans running for state offices…
MI GOV: Mark Schauer Just Could Not Get The Votes
– Rick Snyder beat Schauer 51/47. … “But he didn’t have issues to drive Democrats,” Sarpolus said, contending that while Peters had a broader agenda for moderates and … According to the exits, Snyder won: High school graduates 51/48College graduates 57/42$50k-$100k (the middle class) 52/47$100k-…
Support For New Gun Control Laws Plummets, Especially Among Women
– Less than half of Americans, 47%, say they favor stricter laws covering the sale of firearms, similar to views found last year. … The 47% who favor stricter laws is just above the historical low of 43% measured in 2011.Ten years ago, three in five Americans (60% … They've also been successful at pointing out the real agenda coming from anti-gun groups funded by Bloomberg, which aren't interested…
Trump: The Incumbent Outsider
– "So Biden was here for 47 years. … Instead, they nominated a man who represents the "let's go back to the good old days of the last 47 years" message that nobody believes … Even members of his own party have childishly worked to undermine his agenda and his authority for their own selfish political ends…
Obama's Midterm Report Card
– His agenda, if he has one to speak of, is going nowhere on Capitol Hill, and his party faces daunting challenges in next year's midterm … The Gallup Poll Thursday showed Obama is fast losing popular support here at home, too, with 47 percent saying they disapprove of … how he's running the country and 47 percent saying they like the way he is handling the nation's problems (who are these people?)…
Sen. Mark Kelly Short Circuits When Asked About Joe Biden's Job Performance…cuits-when-asked-how-he-thinks-biden-has-been-doing-n2613089
– The latest polling shows the race is very tight, with Kelly ahead 47 percent to Masters 45 percent, but Masters is within the margin … evasive non-answer with, 'Hey, it’s not my job to…' Apparently he thinks his job is to vote in lockstep for Joe Biden’s failed agenda
Psst: Do-Nothing "Republican" Congress Strikes Again
– These were all elements of President Obama's jobs agenda.  Now he's signed a job creation bill championed by House Republicans.  … Well, there's this:   In a hypothetical Election 2012 matchup, Mitt Romney attracts 47% of the vote, while President Obama…
Cuomo: 'Extreme Conservatives,' Pro-Lifers Not Welcome in NY…extreme-conservatives-prolifers-arent-welcome-in-ny-n1781071
– those familiar with his proposed Women’s Equality Act - legislation which works opposite its title thanks to its radical abortion agenda … We should be attacking his comments, which alienated a large bloc of voters, just as much as the left jumped all over Romney’s ‘47
ICYMI: For The First Time, Democrats Now View Socialism More Favorably Than Capitalism…s-now-view-socialism-more-favorably-than-capitalism-n2512741
– It could mean that the economically ruinous agenda of single-payer health care and free college aren’t winning issues beyond the concrete … The major change among Democrats has been a less upbeat attitude toward capitalism, dropping to 47% positive this year -- lower than … For now, it would be wise for Republicans and anti-socialists to highlight the price tag for the Sanders-Ocasio-Cortez agenda: $42.5…
Biden and Obama Run a Campaign Fit for the 1980s
– He clearly did what the Obama campaign wanted: lots of lusty attacks on Mitt Romney, repeated mentions of that magic number 47 percent … That's the second-term agenda. On entitlements, Biden said that Social Security and Medicare were "guaranteed." … But that's 77 and 47 years ago now. But the Obama campaign wrote off the white working class last spring.…
Enabling the Delusional Democrats
– Sam Brownback drew 47 percent of Hispanics in Kansas, and Gov-elect Greg Abbott pulled in 44 percent of Hispanics in Texas. … "If you look at 2010 and the 2014 midterm elections, clearly, we know the voters support our agenda, that they consistently last Tuesday … These people cannot fathom -- just as they couldn't with Reagan -- that America wants a conservative agenda enacted.…
New Study Finds Media Bias in Gay Marriage Coverage
– Almost half (47%) of the nearly 500 stories studied from March 18 (a week prior to the Supreme Court hearings), through May 12, primarily … Reporting bias in the Pew study was 47% in favor to 9% opposed; that study registers present public support as 51% in favor to 42% … With this wealth and influence, it made sense for them to utilize media as the primary tool for advancing their agenda instead of orchestrating…
Uh Oh, Democrats: Here's the Group That's Boosting Trump's Numbers Against Biden
– The Republican National Convention offered a vision, an agenda, and focused on something that the Democratic Convention ignored: the … The new national telephone and online survey finds the president with a 47% to 46% lead over Biden among Likely U.S. Voters. … National GE:Trump 47% (+1)Biden 46%@Rasmussen_Poll, LV, 9/9-15 — Political Polls (@Politics_Polls) September 16, 2020Presidential approval…
President Biden May Have Killed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan By Tying to $6 Trillion Budget Proposal…frastructure-by-tying-to-6-trillion-budget-proposal-n2591564
– Steve Daines (R-MT), who founded and chairs the Senate's Pro-Life Caucus, circulated a letter earlier this year with 47 other senators … statement from Daines also noted: We have a message for Democratic Leader Schumer: we will vote to block any radical, pro-abortion agenda … I'm glad to have 47 of my pro-life Senate colleagues join me in this fight. We're in the fight for life together.…
How Mike Lee Is Changing The Republican Party
– Lee has been proselytizing for a “comprehensive anti-poverty, upward-mobility agenda” — making him one of the few Republican politicians … In particular, Lee's tax plan is a direct repudiation of Romney's individualist 47 percent line. … But Gerson goes, on to claim, "Lee's specific agenda ... is well within the broad tradition of ... compassionate conservatism."…
FEC Filings Show Ossoff Fundraised With Cal Cunningham After Adulterous Sex Scandal
– Eighty-seven percent of his donations from his quarter came from states other than Georgia, with 47 percent coming from California, … "Given his radical socialist agenda, it's no surprise that Jon Ossoff has so much appeal to liberal California billionaires and so…
Here Are the 37 Democrat-Held House Seats Republicans Are Targeting in 2024…held-house-seats-republicans-are-targeting-in-2024-n2620571
– by building strong campaigns around talented recruits in these districts who can communicate the dangers of Democrats’ extreme agenda … (AK-AL) Mary Peltola(CA-09) Josh Harder (CA-47) Open (Porter)(CA-49) Mike Levin(CO-08) Yadira Caraveo(CT-05) Jahana Hayes (FL-09) Darren…
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