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Meeting With Xi Jinping Reveals Yet Another Concern With Biden's Age

Doug Mills/The New York Times via AP, Pool

Last week, President Joe Biden met with Chinese Communist Party's Xi Jinping, and it went about as you'd expect. The lengths that Biden and his fellow Democrats--including California Gov. Gavin Newsom and San Francisco Mayor London Breed--are willing to go to appease dictators are truly something else. They even cleaned up the city, all  for Xi. Biden is about to turn 81-years-old, tomorrow in fact, and he very much comes off as our nation's oldest president. In the latest episode of "The Verdict," Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Ben Ferguson discussed the age factor and other issues with the visit, which Ferguson described as "the red carpet welcome to the Communist from China," literally, with Cruz making clear the "sad meeting" was one of "capitulation."


Biden's age doesn't merely speak to health concerns, but also how long he's been in politics for, with little to show for it. "Joe Biden has spent has spent literally 50 years in Washington as an apologist for the Chinese Communists, defending them, saying 'come on, man, they're our friends, they're not our enemies, they're our friends!' He's been saying that for 50 years," Cruz stressed. 

"This was about politics and PR," Cruz said, as he also discussed how the Chinese spy balloon was able to make its way throughout the continental United States at the start of this year before finally being shot down. "It was not about standing up to China." 

Continuing on to talk more so about the San Francisco visit, the senator shared Biden "does not have an objective of defending our nation from our most significant enemy." He also pointed to how upon coming to the Senate, he's been warning that China poses the "greatest geopolitical threat to the United States for the next century," as explained further in his book, "Unwoke." This is especially since China is "seeking complete geopolitical domination." It's something the Biden administration is "not only not opposed to that, they're supporting that," Cruz warned.

The senator also talked about China and their "culpability" with COVID-19, with there being "overwhelming" evidence that the virus escaped from a lab, as well as how "it is undisputed that China covered it up" as they "disappeared the whistleblowers, they disappeared the doctors, they hid the break of COVID-19."


Where the president comes in, Cruz stressed passionately, is that "on any level, China bears enormous culpability for the millions of deaths that came from COVID, from the trillions of dollars of economic damage that came from COVID, and you know what? Joe Biden didn't say a damn word about any of that when he sat down with Xi in San Francisco!"

Symbolism plays a big role too, as Ferguson discussed, especially after COVID. "He wanted to come here. I'm sure he's laughing in their meetings going wow, we exported COVID and really hurt financially America," Ferguson said about Xi. "Interest rates are up, we have a lot of their debt, they're paying us even more money. And now we're walking off the plane to this red-carpet welcome. What does this do to embolden him, especially on the issue of Taiwan?"

Directly addressing Ferguson's question from the start, Cruz solemnly pointed out that when it comes to Taiwan, "Xi has got to feel incredibly encouraged." And this is where Biden's age comes in further, on the level of foreign policy with meeting with dictators, including and especially Xi, with Biden himself having admitted Xi is one, to Secretary of State Antony Blinken's horror

"Any enemy of America that sits down with Joe Biden recognizes this man is too old. His mental capacity is not there. He is not an effective commander-in-chief. There is a reason the world has gone to hell in a hand basket," Cruz pointed out, and he came armed with plenty of examples.


"Think about it," the senator offered. "Two and a half years ago, Joe Biden came into the White House, he inherited peace and prosperity the world was in very good shape. We now have two simultaneous wars," Cruz reminded, speaking to a point he also mentioned earlier in the podcast as well. "We have the biggest war in Europe since World War Two. And simultaneously the worst war in the Middle East in 50 years."

"That's what happens when the US commander-in-chief is weak and ineffective, and nobody is afraid of him. Nobody thinks he's credible. Nobody thinks he will follow through on anything. And Xi is looking at that, saying there has never been a better time in the history of the universe for China to invade Taiwan than right now today. And the fact that Joe Biden welcomes Xi from China, and basically bends down and kisses his ass," Cruz continued quite candidly.

The senator also offered his thoughts on foreign policy on a larger level as well. "That, you know, it's something on foreign policy, that is counterintuitive where people think strength--some people in the media, some Democrats--think strength, make it more likely to go to war. It's actually the exact opposite. Weakness makes war most likely. I hate war. I am someone who is extremely, extremely reluctant to send U.S. servicemen and women into combat," Cruz shared.

Speaking to how he met with West Point cadets at his office where they discussed "among other things, foreign policy," Cruz mentioned "I said, look, I consider myself a non-interventionist hawk. I think you should be very reluctant to send U.S. servicemen and women into harm's way. But, the way you prevent war, is you're strong enough that nobody wants to screw with you."


When it comes to our current president, Cruz warned "Joe Biden is embodying the opposite of that, which is he is so weak, he is so ineffective, that every enemy of America is emboldened. I've joked before, there is a reason nobody studies at the Neville Chamberlain School of Foreign Affairs. Appeasement doesn't work."

It's not merely China whom the Biden administration is looking to appease, though. As we covered at the time, the Biden administration just cleared roughly $10 billion more for Iran by extending a waiver so that they can receive funds from Iraq in exchange for electricity purchases. While this was the same waiver extended months before, this time it comes after the October 7 terrorist attack Hamas perpetrated on Israel. As we know, Iran backs and supports Hamas.

"Just this week, Biden announced billions more for Iran, Iran funds Hamas, trains the Hamas terrorists, sends them into Israel commits horrific acts of terror. And what does Biden say? 'Here have a few billion more,'" Cruz explained as he stressed how the decision was "truly stunning."

Bringing it back to the question at hand, Cruz offered "I don't think Xi has the tiniest bit of concern about what Biden would do if he invaded Taiwan," as he also warned "China invading Taiwan would be absolutely catastrophic for the U.S. economy and U.S. national security because, among other things, we are profoundly dependent upon Taiwan and China for advanced semiconductors," he explained. 


"Advanced semiconductors are used in just about every electronics, we use from our cell phones, to our cars, to our trucks, to our planes, to our military weapons, to missiles, and just about every device of modern life uses advanced semiconductors and if China invades Taiwan, the U.S. economy and the U.S. military is in a stranglehold to China. And I gotta say every time Biden shows weakness to China, the chances of that go up dramatically,” Cruz continued.

As also covered last week, a Yahoo!/YouGov poll came out with disastrous numbers for Biden, including and especially on the age issue. Tellingly, just 28 percent of respondents believe he's been in charge, while 54 percent believe he's been mostly passive during his presidency. Further:

  • 83 percent say Biden's age is at least "a big problem" or "a small problem" for Biden's "fitness for the presidency," with 56 percent saying it's a big one. 
  • 64 percent are "very concerned" or "somewhat concerned" with "Biden's health and mental acuity," including 46 percent who are very concerned.
  • 56 percent say Biden does not have the "competence to carry out the job of president."

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