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The Biggest Problem With Kamala's Astounding Border Wall Reversal Is Something She's Repeatedly Said

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Shortly after Kamala Harris stole Donald Trump's 'no tax on tips' policy -- announcing it in Nevada, as he did -- the Democratic National Convention was transformed into a flag-waving, tax-cutting, freedom festival.  Together, Harris and her running mate represent the most left-wing ticket in the history of the Democratic Party, but that's not the image they projected to the cheering throngs in Chicago.  It was a temporary moderate-to-conservative facelift for these committed leftists.  Their supposed policy reversals have come in the form of campaign staffers emailing news organizations to declare the new stances.  No questions, please.  Neither Harris or Walz has conducted a single interview in the more than five weeks since Democrats' primary election results were nullified by the elected nominee being rammed out of the race.  The replacement ticket has not grappled at all with their cascade of 'never mind' policy contortions, in which long-held and publicly-asserted beliefs, priorities and values have simply been anonymously jettisoned, without explanation. 

I joked to a friend that by the first Trump-Harris debate, Harris would be chanting 'build that wall!'  At least, I thought it was a joke:

If she's elected president, Kamala Harris pledges to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on the wall along the southern border — a project she once opposed and called "un-American" during the Trump administration. It's the latest example of Harris flip-flopping on her past liberal positions such as supporting Medicare for All and banning fracking proposals that aides say she now is against...Harris advisers note that the bipartisan border proposal didn't include any new money to continue building the wall.  It just extended the timeline to spend funds that had been appropriated during Trump's last year as president, they say, although the legislation has new restrictions to ensure the money is spent on barriers...Harris' campaign has portrayed her as an immigration hardliner in ads.  One Harris TV ad frames her time as California's attorney general as that of a "border state prosecutor," and includes images of the border wall...Like the wall itself, Harris' changes on border policy reflect how Trump has shifted the political debate on immigration during the past decade.

"An immigration hardliner" who has presided over ten million illegal crossings, whose policies deprioritize deportations for illegal immigrants convicted of additional crimes, who calls for the decriminalization of illegal crossings and supports taxpayer-funded healthcare for illegal immigrants, and who lectures Americans against using terms like "illegal alien."  Got it.  This Axios story notes that the Harris campaign is trying to spin to its leftist base that she's not fully embracing the entirety of Trump's border wall, but her endorsement of (ultimately fatally flawed) immigration legislation makes her a supporter of The Wall.  The real Kamala Harris opposed the border wall at every single turn, not just with her Senate votes -- part of her successful efforts to become the single most left-wing Senator in the chamber -- but with her demagoguery and rhetoric.  Notice what's especially significant about these comments:

"I'm not gonna vote for a wall under any circumstances," she said on national television, evidently excluding the circumstance under which feigning support for the wall might help bamboozle enough swing voters to get her elected president.  Remember, she's now even featuring Trump's wall in her own ads:

In the clips above, Harris presents herself as an expert on the subject matter -- a prosecutor who understand transnational gangs.  Trump's wall isn't just immoral, you see, it won't work, she asserted again and again, citing her supposed expertise.  Setting aside the fact that border officials have consistently acknowledged that walls and barriers are actually quite helpful in pursuit of their mission, Kamala Harris staked her anti-wall bona fides on her own authority and knowledge.  Now, she's vowing to fund Trump's wall, to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars.  If she ever takes any questions about her endless stream of flip-flops, it will be very difficult to reconcile her explicitly- and emphatically-stated recent stances with whatever jumble she's trying to claim as her own through November 5th.  In light of this, this, and this, I'll leave you with this.  Her true colors couldn't be clearer:

These numbers do not reflect any terrorists who may have been among the two million known 'got-aways' who have crossed the US-Mexico border on Border Czar Harris' watch.


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