Results for: voted to

$1M to embrace unreached voted by SBTC$1m_to_embrace_unreached_voted_by_sbtc
– GRAPEVINE, Texas (BP)--The Southern Baptists of Texas Convention's Executive Board has granted $1 million from reserve funds to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions and encouraged Southern Baptist churches in Texas to "embrace" 1,000 of the 3,800 unengaged people groups identified by the International Mission Board of the...
Young Americans Voted to Ruin Their Lives
– Catherine Cortez Masto earned reelection against the Republican Adam Laxalt, thanks in large measure to young voters, 64% of whom voted … The Left lies to them about everything -- from nonbinary genders to the founding of America to the extent of white racism in the country … But if a man says he is a woman, we are supposed to believe and to assert that it becomes fair.…
Why UC Students Voted to Remove American Flag
– Two weeks ago, a group of students at the University of California at Irvine removed a U.S. flag from a common area of the student government suite. Shortly afterwards, six undergraduate members of the Associated Students Council of UCI passed a resolution banning the display of...
How the House GOP Voted to Strengthen Obamacare…fix-house-republicans-voted-to-strengthen-obamacare-n1982907
– On March 26, 2015, just a few days after the five-year anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, a GOP-led House of Representatives did the unthinkable: They strengthened Obamacare. They passed the Doc Fix—eliminating the Sustainable Growth Rate (SGR) and extending the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)....
Why Democrats Voted Against Bills to Protect Americans…democrats-voted-against-bills-to-protect-americans-n2350819
to protect U.S. citizens. … officer had the audacity to obey federal immigration laws and report his whereabouts to ICE, reports CBS’s KPIX-TV. … people to vote “yes” on this legislation.  …
How Many Democrats Voted to Continue IRS Harassment?…blicans-deliver-on-promise-to-defund-new-irs-agents-n2618091
–   🚨 House Republicans just voted unanimously to repeal the Democrats' army of 87,000 IRS agents 🚨This was our very first act of the … Not surprisingly, every House Democrat voted to keep the funding and harassment of average Americans intact.  … Democrats voted en masse to protect the vast expansion of the IRS, which is already disproportionately targeting lower-income Americans…
These Democrat Senators Voted to Continue Masking Toddlers…at-senators-just-voted-to-continue-masking-toddlers-n2606769
– JUST PASSED: My resolution to stop the Biden admin rule that forced children in head start facilities to wear masks – even on the playground … Even as Democrat pollsters urge Biden and his party to move beyond COVID and try to focus on literally anything else, here are Dems … yet again showing their true colors and continuing their attempts to wield their power to control the everyday lives of even the youngest…
BREAKING: The UK Has Voted to Leave the EU
– It seemed improbable - but it now appears to be official. … The United Kingdom has voted to leave the European Union and become an independent state once again, the BBC is reporting. … Prime Minister David Cameron urged Brits to vote to remain in the EU, while former London mayor Boris Johnson and UK Independence Party…
Newt to Media: Remember When Obama Voted for Infanticide?
– His no vote meant he was in support of legally allowing people to leave baby abortion survivors to die on the operating table instead … left to die. … In Illinois, people tried to stop this barbarism by supporting “born alive” legislation.…
Meet the Seven Republicans Who Voted to Convict Trump
– The United States Senate on Saturday voted 57 to 43 to convict President Donald Trump. … "I voted to convict President Trump because he is guilty." … Therefore, I have voted to convict.  I do not make this decision lightly but I believe it is necessary.…
Democrats Voted to Take Health Care Away from Millions
– So let's give Senate Democrats the same treatment: they just voted to take away insurance coverage from millions of Americans. … Last summer, Republicans failed to deliver on their longstanding promise to repeal Obamacare due to Senator John McCain's dramatic … Every single Senate Democrat voted for Tammy Baldwin's resolution to re-impose Obama's 2016 regulations that cripple non-Obamacare…
These Are the Republicans Who Voted to Confirm Merrick Garland
– Even before President Joe Biden took office, he announced his intention to nominate Garland to be his Attorney General. … Again, in addition to every Democrat senator, a number of Republicans voted to make Merrick Garland the Attorney General of the United … single Senator agreed to comment. …
What to Watch: Pro-Life Dems Who Voted for Obamacare
– Anthony List sent out a reminder today of a few key races to watch -- they're Democrats who claimed to be pro-life but voted for Obamacare … SBAL has their eye on defeating these five congressmen (the group's sixth target, Bart Stupak, decided not to run for for re-election … SBAL also sent out their top three Senate races for getting pro-life women elected to Congress: Kelly Ayotte in New Hampshire, Carly…
Senator Joe Biden Voted to Allow States to Overturn Roe v. Wade…oted-to-allow-states-to-overturn-roe-v-wade-in-1982-n2606675
– Senator, Biden voted for a 1982 proposal that would have allowed individual states to overturn Roe v. … Biden's stated and voted opposition to Roe's invention of a constitutional right to abortion that overruled state prohibitions and … Senate to take action to protect the unborn.…
206 Pivot Counties Voted Twice for Obama Then Switched to Trump…unties-voted-twice-for-obama-then-switched-to-trump-n2302567
– In other words, these Pivot Counties voted twice for President Obama before switching sides to vote for President Trump in 2016. … (51 to 47 percent). … It will also be fascinating to explore whether that support is unique to the president or if it is part of a broader shift to the Republican…
Democratic Senator Explains Why He Voted to Kill Biden's Vaccine Mandate…xplains-why-he-voted-to-kill-bidens-vaccine-mandate-n2600381
– As Rebecca reported Wednesday night, Montana Democratic Senator John Tester voted to knock down President Joe Biden's Wuhan coronavirus … I believe people need to go out and get vaccinated," Tester said. … Biden's five mandates:OSHA - stayed nationallyCMS - enjoined nationallyContractor - enjoined nationallyFederal employee - punted to
Traitors: 20 Republicans Voted to Protect Adam Schiff's Anti-Trump Insanity…on-squishy-republicans-to-let-bad-democrat-get-away-n2624519
– Case in point, whatever happened to the promise to repeal Obamacare? … Schiff also allegedly abused secret subpoena power, issuing them covertly to find anything damning about Trump.    20 Republicans voted … are the 20 GOP Reps who sided with Democrats and voted to protect Adam Schiff from a resolution to censure & fine himLet’s make them…
One Country Just Voted to Decriminalize the Possession of Child Pornography
– Germany’s Parliament, known as the Bundestag, received enough votes last week to remove a section of the country’s Criminal Code to … 🚨Germany's Parliament has officially voted to decriminalize the possession of child pornography.The move is being celebrated by a … "pedophile rights" activist group which has also called for the age of consent to be dropped to 12.— REDUXX…
Women's March Takes Aim At Three Dems Who Voted To Confirm Gorsuch…akes-aim-at-three-dems-who-voted-to-confirm-gorsuch-n2310457
– Joe Manchin (D-WV), Joe Donnelly (D-IN), and Heidi Heitkamp (D-ND) because they voted for Gorsuch. . … An elected official is in office to represent his or her constituents, not to carry out the goals of a party. … to result in further division and further gridlock.…
Virginia Lawmakers Have Voted to Ban Guns from the State Capitol Building
– But as Democrats voted along straight party lines on Friday to ban people from carrying concealed handguns at the state Capitol, they … worry, despite all evidence to the contrary, that there is a real danger to letting people continue carrying guns. … This vote foreshadows Democrats' opposition to allowing people to defend themselves and their loved ones.…
House Overwhelmingly Votes to Recognize Armenian Genocide, But Guess Who Voted 'Present'…es-to-recognize-armenian-genocide-but-omar-votes-pr-n2555554
– The House of Representatives on Tuesday voted overwhelmingly to recognize the Ottoman Empire's killings of 1.5 million Armenians over … The Turkish government has paid millions to U.S. lobbyists to prevent passage of a genocide resolution. Former Missouri Rep. … Ilhan Omar refuses to recognize the Armenian genocide?…
One City Voted to Cut LA Sheriff's Budget Despite Increase in Crime…to-cut-la-sheriffs-budget-despite-increase-in-crime-n2609511
– The city of West Hollywood in Los Angeles County voted to take funding away from the sheriff's department amid a continued increase … "They are outraged that people and organizations from outside our city are dictating to Council how to run our city. … Mayor Pro Tem Sepi Shyne led the effort to slash the department budget in an effort to re-imagine policing. …
Once Again, a Word to Pro-Life Evangelicals Who Voted for Biden…a-word-to-prolife-evangelicals-who-voted-for-biden-n2595315
– “We will launch a whole-of-government effort to respond, looking at what steps we can take to ensure that Texans have access to safe … In October 2020, I wrote this to pro-life evangelicals for Biden, “With all respect, I say this: Do not talk to me about ‘biblical … in their mother’s womb and will fight tooth and nail to codify Roe v.…
To Christians Who Voted for Biden: Did You Not See This Coming?…ans-who-voted-for-biden-did-you-not-see-this-coming-n2583967
– When it came to standing up to radical Islam or facing down tyrannical China, Trump was our definite preference. … Were you unaware that he might well give back to terroristic Iran a potential path to nuclear armament? … But just as I welcomed those who questioned my vote for Trump, I urge every Christian who voted for Biden to welcome my questions now…