Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Headlines From An Administration That Is Not Putting America First…an-administration-that-is-not-putting-america-first-n2400356
– Here are some headlines from that presidency: "Defying Turkey, U.S. … He called the Democrats' sudden decision to treat illegal immigrants as a beloved constituency "political suicide." … War, military strikes, treaties -- if you're president, these are the antidote to whatever ails you!…
Immigration Crisis Has Quebec Feeling Under Siege
– Canada doesn't have such a problem, but leftists are trying to create one. … Some migrants are reportedly traveling to the United States with the ultimate objective of crossing illegally into Canada. … The Canadian public safety minister recently asked U.S. officials to trace back travel visas that are being used by immigrants who…
New Jersey, Don't Go "Sanctuary State"- Vote Guadagno for Governor…y-dont-go-sanctuary-statevote-guadagno-for-governor-n2399322
– During their first debate, Murphy announced that the 22,000 illegal alien youths are “just as American” as his own kids. … The latest illegal alien crimes committed in New Jersey are staggering: Illegal immigrant admits raping sleeping Princeton womanRepeatedly … Illegal immigrants breaks into Trenton home, rapes 6-year old girl The horrendous child rape took place three days prior to their…
Someone Who Has 3 Million Followers on Facebook Explains The Ways Social Media Is Making Us All Dumber…lains-the-ways-social-media-is-making-us-all-dumber-n2235467
– All these things are important. So, to be clear, I AM NOT saying social media is a bad thing. … One is likely to feature stories about illegal immigrants who commit crimes while the other is likely to feature stories about how … illegals are good for America.…
An Issue That Won't Be Solved With Insults or Pandering
– Trump made his usual promise to build a wall and added to his insults against Mexican immigrants by warning, "We have some bad hombres … Illegal immigration is at its lowest point in four decades. … The American economy is helped, not hurt, by immigrants, but we need a system that brings in immigrants with the right skills.…
Third and Final Debate (yea!)
Illegal immigrants are killing Americans. … Not a bad approach, but didn't do anything to counter her appeal to women. The discussion turned to the Clinton Foundation. … Out of nowhere, Trump said that John Podesta said really bad things about you "and he was right."…
George Soros Drops $2 Million to Unseat Sheriff Joe Arpaio
– News of the money drop is the latest in a string of bad news for the embattled sheriff. … He has out-raised Penzone several times over and local voters are more familiar with him. … Arpaio's tough stance against illegal immigrants and cost saving measures such as Tent City have earned him the love of border enforcement…
Trump's Picks
– the latter's hard-line stance against both legal and illegal immigration is worrisome. … But Trump's choices for Commerce and Treasury are a bit puzzling. … "Pakistanis are one of the most intelligent people.…
Relax Liberals: The Third Reich Isn't on the Way
– Liberals are the ones who pride themselves on being open-minded. … I told him the reason was both simple and benign: They were against illegal immigrants sneaking into this country. … shocked and offended to discover that there are other views."…
The 7 Factors Turning America From a Great Nation Into an Also-Ran…turning-america-from-a-great-nation-into-an-alsoran-n2437182
– Furthermore, our unwillingness to secure our borders has created a lot of problems with illegal immigrants. … Currently 57% of families headed by a legal or illegal immigrant are receiving some form of welfare. … There are a number of reasons for that.…
Schumer Shutdown: Senate Democrats Brag About Having Votes to Shut Down Government via Filibuster…filibustering-spending-bill-to-keep-government-open-n2436857
– Put bluntly, Senate Democrats are prepared to shut down the government on behalf of illegal immigrants.   … Democrats are openly saying they are using the filibuster to shut down the government to try to get something entirely unrelated. — … immigrants whose ordeal we also support resolving.  …
Trump Should Stand His Ground on Immigration
– On the day Donald Trump announced he was running for president, he vowed to change the way our immigrants are selected and screened … “When Mexico sends its people,” he said about the country that has sent about 50% of our immigrants, both legal and illegal, “they’ … In effect, this year’s immigrants are selected by last year’s immigrants instead of by the American people as a whole.            …
CIS Director Explains How the Wall Will Pay For Itself…ill-pay-for-itself-with-illegal-aliens-it-keeps-out-n2434845
– The calculations, he explained, are based on the research the National Academy of Sciences conducted on the cost of the average illegal … Annually, that would mean Americans are spending $135 billion for the illegal immigrants in America. … (CIS) “That’s not bad for a government program,” he said. .…
Will Trump Go Sloppy and Soft on Illegal Immigration?
– Yeah, because all illegal aliens are dreaming of being hard-working, productive Americans. … The Fredocon whiners contend we must hide the ugly truth behind soggy clichés about how hard-working immigrants who are always inevitably … We aren’t supposed to tell the truth about the fact that some immigrants add no value to our country, and that some are actively bad
The GOP Can't Get Burnt on DACA Deal
– It's true that by law they are illegal immigrants. But most DACA kids have grown up to become good, law-abiding Americans. … But already it's a perfect example of how bad the Republicans are at educating the public about what they do in Washington and why … Part one of Simpson-Mazzoli allowed 3 million illegal immigrants to have a pathway to citizenship.…
WaPo Editorial Board To Democrats: Help Trump Build The Wall…al-board-to-democrats-help-trump-and-build-the-wall-n2433299
– It won’t do much to suppress illegal border crossings, which in any event have been falling for decades. … crossings, as measured by Border Patrol apprehensions, are already at their lowest point since the Nixon administration. … Second, take this op-ed for what it is; the liberal media admitting that this actually is not a bad idea.…
Wow: Chelsea Handler Just Went Way Too Far In Attack on Lindsey Graham
– I don't want crooks, I don't want bad hombres, I want to get a merit-based immigration system to make sure we can succeed in the 21st … I'm willing to be generous with the 11 million [illegal immigrants], I just don't want to do this every 20 years.Now, we made the decision … Right wing radio and TV talk show hosts are going to beat the crap out of us because it is going to be amnesty all over again.I don't…
Trump Learns Some Valuable Lessons in Government 101
– seemed inevitable Friday night, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell placed a call to the White House to tell President Trump the bad … “I am pleased that Democrats in Congress have come to their senses and are now willing to fund our great military, Border Patrol, first … But he also held out hope for what was interpreted as offering legal status to “dreamers,” immigrants who were brought into our country…
Democrats' Shutdown Fever Finally Breaks
– The explanation appears to be that the Democrats misjudged the zeal of the American people for protecting illegal immigrants from the … consequences of their (illegal) actions. … Trump for everything bad that happens will only get you so far in life.…
'The Senate is Broken': Rep. Luke Messer Calls for an End to the Filibuster…rep-luke-messer-calls-for-an-end-to-the-filibuster-n2438814
– lots of ways to protect our nation from bad laws.” … Great to see how hard Republicans are fighting for our Military and Safety at the Border. … The Dems just want illegal immigrants to pour into our nation unchecked.…
The Faster (And More Effective) Way to Deal With Illegal Immigration
– Meanwhile, there are faster and more effective ways to deal with the problem of illegal immigration and the drugs "pouring" into our … Immigrants, legal and illegal, come to America primarily to work. … "Though there are parts of the border where better barriers are needed, universal E-Verify would probably do more to cut illegal immigration…
Is Shutdown Chuck Stuck? We'll Know Soon; UPDATE: Democrats Cave
– who are losing legal protections, as long as the government remains open.  … There’s a consensus on that, but the Democrats shut down the government over illegal aliens, attaching this issue to matters of the … budget that the party historically said was bad government strategy.…
CNN, MSNBC Skewer Democratic Talking Points, Party Took A Huge Risk Following Shutdown Chuck…talking-points-party-took-a-huge-risk-following-shu-n2437787
– Democrats caused this shutdown over illegal immigration. … Democrats decided to take the nation hostage because they want protections for illegal immigrants. … Folks, the Democratic position is so bad that even CNN decided to take a few shots at it.…
McConnell's Unholy Big Budget Alliance With Schumer and the Democrats…big-budget-alliance-with-schumer-and-the-democrats-n2446327
– Congressional critics of the wall are offering only a fraction of the funding he is seeking and oppose his plan to end family-based … Still, he appeared to offer a compromise in his State of the Union address when he extended “an open hand” to allow DACA immigrants … “This is a bad, bad, bad, bad… deal,” Rep. Jim Jordan said.…
Trump Keeps Winning on Immigration
– Democrats proved they are so committed to the principle of amnesty for illegal immigrants that they would even shut down the government … We allowed about 1.5 million immigrants a year to settle in America in 2014 and 2015, the latest year such figures are available, but … immigrants.…
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