Results for: is the us at war with iran

It's No Revelation That Intelligence Agencies Are Politicized…velation-that-intelligence-agencies-are-politicized-n2273323
– Spare us the outrage. … Careerists at these agencies naturally want to continue working from one administration to the next in "the king is dead; long live … So they make the necessary political adjustments, which are sometimes quite at odds with their own agency's findings and to the detriment…
Obama’s Quarrel with Russia Is a Dangerous Way to Try to Delegitimize Trump…sia-is-a-dangerous-way-to-try-to-delegitimize-trump-n2273116
– Despite the fact that Obama is the one who doggedly pursued media whistleblowers, Trump’s non-cooperation with news outlets who despise … Neither is the response to Russia’s hacking proportional to the offense. … Alex Grass is a Young Voices Advocate and a student fellow at the Floersheimer Center for Constitutional Democracy.…
The Coming Clash With Iran
– Where is the evidence Iran had a role in the Red Sea attack on the Saudi ship? … The problem with making a threat public -- Iran is "on notice" -- is that it makes it almost impossible for Iran, or Trump, to back … It was thought he would disengage us from these wars, not rattle a saber at an Iran that is three times the size of Iraq and has as…
10 Hostile Acts the Islamic Republic of Iran Has Committed Against the US in the Past Year…ic-republic-of-iran-has-committed-against-americans-n2279949
The U.S. was not the only country to catch Iran running guns throughout the Arabian Peninsula. … "The U.S. is our enemy," Rouhani said. … Iran, the government in Tehran decided to do the same.…
Law Supports Anti-Terror Ban – With One Refinement
Is that true?  Take Boston, the April 2013 bombing.   … At heart, the Trump approach – forcing rigorous refugee vetting for nations riven by civil war and instability is entirely legal.  … Claiming this or that faith is not the issue.…
Answering 20 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative…20-questions-liberals-wanted-to-ask-a-conservative-n2278438
– Currently, the number he’s going to allow overall is roughly in line with historical standards. … @polititrolls What is up with the obsession some conservatives have with cuckoldry? … On the other hand, I also have friends at Breitbart who’ve worked with him who say he’s a terrific person.…
President Obama & Company’s Domestic al-Qaeda Tacticts
The best way to get people to support your cause is to show how the effort will prevent the suffering of others. … , the manipulation is precisely the same: Take unrelated issues, make irrelevant associations and tug at the hearts of ignorant people … The President’s agenda is very dangerous as it divides us as people and dismisses those who disagree, as inferior, while doing nothing…
Oil Holdings…For Now
– Psychological support is $30.00. Meanwhile, there is the scuttlebutt of a price war between Saudi Arabia and Iran. … This is helping Brent, but the same angst we came into the week with is permeating the session. … The time to buy weakness is among us.…
Is Iran Taking the China Road?
– But the money Iran is getting back belongs to Iran. It is not foreign aid. … Otherwise, they should shut up with the lying and goading the U.S. into another war that will leave us with another trillion-dollar … "will sell us the rope with which we will hang them."…
The Founders Would Vote to Impeach Barack Obama
– ’s president nor approved by its parliament; it rewards Iran with $150 billion to fund Iran’s terrorist campaigns against us and the … Same ruse with the Paris “Climate Change” con. … But the most profoundly malevolent, at least in clearly revealing Obama’s distaste for this nation, is his steady release from Gitmo…
You Don’t Give Up The Ship
– Pueblo, which is still in the hands of the North Koreans by the way, the ship came under intense attack and enemy fire, sustaining … Of course there is one big difference between the Pueblo incident and this most recent involving the Iranians.  With the U.S.S. … With reports emanating from Iranian television showing the supposed commander of the American vessels apologizing to Iran and complimenting…
Cuba, Gitmo and the Surrendering of America
is because the people who stand to lose from change, have all of the power. … than the Malibu retreat at Guantanamo Bay. … Unfortunately, the real world is not on the same page.…
State of the Union Address
– That ideology is what gave us Carter's Community Reinvestment Act, and eventually, the financial crisis and meltdown. … And in the U.S., the enemy attacks our men and women in uniform with impunity, such as at the Naval Reserve Support Facility in Chattanooga … at the federal level.…
Tea Party Response to President’s State of Union
– *Perhaps most important, you did not hear in tonight’s State of the Union that we are at war with radical Islam. … At a time of war we are being led by a President who won’t even name the enemy. He is a “terror denier.” … Obamacare is sucking the very life out of the U.S. economy, killing jobs and bankrupting the middle class with double-digit increases…
Tea Party SOTU Response
– *Perhaps most important, you did not hear in tonight’s State of the Union that we are at war with radical Islam. … At a time of war we are being led by a President who won’t even name the enemy. He is a “terror denier.”  … Obamacare is sucking the very life out of the U.S. economy, killing jobs and bankrupting the middle class with double-digit increases…
In Pakistan, They Trust
The notion of Arab states was invented almost 100 years ago by the British and French at the tail end of World War I. … With the possible exception of Egypt, which predated Sykes-Picot, the Arab states formed at the end of World War I were not nation … Obviously, the order of the day is for the US security guarantee to Saudi Arabia to be reinforced, mainly through straightforward US
Hey National Review, What's Conservatism?
– For example, Glenn Beck suggests that Trump is no conservative because along with Barack Obama, Trump supported “the stimulus, theus the bank bailouts. … Though Beck has since come to see the Iraq War for the calamitous event that it is, he didn’t always think this way. …
Do Emotions Trump Facts?
With the Iowa caucuses coming up, it is easy to understand why Iowa governor Terry Branstad is slamming Trump's chief rival, Senator … Is not one of the biggest criticisms of today's Congressional Republicans that they have made all too many deals with Democrats, betraying … If deal-making is your standard, didn't Barack Obama just make a deal with Iran -- one that may have bigger and worse consequences…
For Americans, Global Freedom Is A Mission That Crosses Party Lines…lobal-freedom-is-a-mission-that-crosses-party-lines-n2116238
– Freedom House, the esteemed human rights and democracy organization, is out with the latest edition of its flagship publication, " … Even by Freedom House's reckoning, the world is still considerably freer than it was at the end of the Cold War. … power in the world; others argue with equal vehemence that US leadership abroad matters less than nation-building here at home.…
The Remainderman
– But there is a problem here for the establishment. … Rubio is "The Hustler," the "Fast Eddie" Felson of 2016. And the Beltway is all in behind him. … He is now the candidate of the Washington crowd that a majority of Republicans voted to reject in Iowa, the darling of the donor class…
At Prayer Breakfast, Obama Suggests Welcoming Refugees Is Example of "Faith Over Fear"…lcoming-refugees-is-demonstration-of-christian-love-n2114655
– “If we let it consume us, the consequences of that fear can be worse than any outward threat.” … “Faith,” he said, isthe great cure for fear.” “Jesus is a good cure for fear.”   … The president suggested an opportune way for us to practice Christian love is to welcome refugees with open arms.…
Is a New Era Upon Us?
– Whoever wins the nominations, the most successful campaigns of 2016 provide us with a clear picture of where the center of gravity … Bernie is an anti-interventionist, anti-nation-building, anti-empire leftist of a breed common in the Labor Party after World War II … , balance the budget -- this is not the red meat of the Trump rallies.…
Our Foreign Policy Problems Go Well Beyond Iraq
– Jeb Bush, the brother of the president who launched the war, has said so. … Bernie Sanders insists that Clinton's vote for the war is all you need to know about her foreign policy judgment. … The instability closer to the fighting is even more dangerous.…
Bystanders to Genocide
– According to a report issued last week by the Syrian Center for Policy Research, the total number killed is now at least 470,000– almost … The following year, the president made her the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations with cabinet-level rank. … The crucial question is why.”…
How Does the Next President Stop Losing the War on Terror…es-the-next-president-stop-losing-the-war-on-terror-n2118476
– And here is the key. They are rivals not enemies. Both are at war with America and Israel and in various ways. … Iran has, since 1979, under the Ayatollah Khomeini, proudly proclaimed that it was at war with America and the West. … Secretary Kerry has been very clear, that Khomeini’s successor, the Ayatollah Khamenei, is also at war with us.…
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