Results for: voted to

If Biden Is Pushed Out, Here's Who Trump Believes Will Step In…pushed-aside-heres-who-trump-believes-will-step-in-n2641592
–  "It looks to me like he may very well stay, and he's got an ego, and he doesn't want to quit. He doesn't want to do that. … wanted to run. … prescription drugs to student debt to housing.…
Limits to Our Own Power
–  The army, led by D9 tractors to rip up the streets, are there every few weeks and have even used fighter jets to take out terrorists … Our wedding was moved indoors at the last moment due to rain. … Now one can certainly say to the citizens of LA, San Francisco, and New York: you voted for a Soros D.A. Suffer the consequences!…
Trump Leads Biden in Even More Key Polls
– age and his ability to do the job:Donald J. … for Biden in 2020 look to want a different nominee, with 49 percent of registered voters and likely voters who voted for the president … Biden as risky as Republicans were to view Mr.…
Joe Biden Is in Serious Trouble With Swing State Voters
–  He also said that someone in the group is deeply concerned if Biden will even be able to make it to November. … voters confirmed they had voted for Biden in 2020. … focus group said Biden had one job-- and that was “To show up and look alive.”…
Joe Biden Still In It to Win It!
– in it to win it.” … They don’t want to be taken down with him.Does he want to prove he is OK to serve four more years? … It is not fair to the millions of Americans who supported him and voted for him in primaries.…
Joe Biden's Path Is 'Narrow to None' If He Loses This Key State…facing-a-polling-disaster-in-key-battleground-state-n2641341
– In addition to watching how Biden's fellow Democrats scramble to figure out where to go from here, and what the mainstream media is … With mid-size county voters, Trump's lead expands to 48 percent to Biden's 37.1 percent. … for him in 2020 have a favorable view, compared to how 84 percent of Republicans and 89 percent of those who voted for Trump in 2020…
Vulnerable Democratic Incumbent Refuses to Say What He Thinks About Biden's Debate Performance…say-what-he-thinks-about-bidens-debate-performance-n2641229
– continue to be my focus."" … The ad also invites viewers to go to … help Brown, adding that Brown "will need to significantly out-perform Biden in Ohio to win his race.…
Rediscovering the Meaning and Authority of July 4
– And that has meant that Americans were free to pursue happiness, free to worship God, free to speak publicly of their views, and of … course to choose their leaders. … President Reagan declared that “If we lose freedom here, there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on Earth.”…
Democrat Boston Governor Is Finally Ready to Kick Illegal Aliens Out of the Airport…nor-ready-to-kick-illegal-aliens-out-of-the-airport-n2641126
– step around them to get to their gate. …  The undocumented citizens will also be offered to be transferred to “safety net” sites. … residents voted in favor of Biden in 2020.…
The Only Way to Read This Biden Fundraising Email Is That the Campaign Is Having a Meltdown…email-is-that-the-entire-operation-is-melting-down-n2641161
– The only way to cope is to pretend it didn’t happen. … That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose.First of all: Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, … Voters voted.…
A Wild and Crazy Road to the Election
– Board is calling for Joe Biden to decline to run. … First, Jill Biden seems to be pushing him to run. … They supported a man they were told was still able to do the job. Would they have voted for him knowing what they know now?…
So Much for Biden Being More Trusted to Defend Democracy
– in key states who will likely decide the election trust former President Trump more than President Biden to handle threats to democracy … , according to a survey released Wednesday. … The economy continued to fail; chaos erupted abroad, and illegal immigrants who Biden allowed to waltz on in started raping and murdering…
New York County Passes Transgender Athlete Ban
– This week, lawmakers in Nassau County, New York voted to pass a bill that would bar so-called “transgender” athletes from competing …  According to several reports, the legislature voted 12-5 in favor of the measure." … I am gratified that the Republican Majority in the legislature voted in favor of this common sense measure to protect the integrity…
Another Abortion Draft Order Was Just Leaked From a Court
– “Today the entire court was shocked to learn that a confidential draft document was ostensibly leaked to the press,” Zielger said in … The group argues the Wisconsin Constitution protects both a pregnant woman’s right to have an abortion and a doctor’s right to perform … This draft opinion showed the justices split 6-3, with the majority siding with the Biden administration to force Idaho to provide…
Biden Campaign Gives Supporters List of Talking Points to Defend President
–  Acknowledging Biden didn’t get off to a great start, the email goes on to list “7 Things to Tell Your Friends After The Debate—And … That is the best possible way for Donald Trump to win and us to lose. …  First of all: Joe Biden is going to be the Democratic nominee, period. End of story. Voters voted. He won overwhelmingly.…
Will Congress Take Internet Safety Seriously?
– House, and even voted out of a House committee, making the Kids Online Safety Act poised to be the first online child protection bill … and privacy settings to be on by default.They also have not voted on other crucial child protection bills like the Children and Teens … They can interact with adults who may turn out to be predators and fall victim to sextortion schemes.…
Congressional Republicans Continue to Work to Protect Conscience Rights of Healthcare Providers…o-protect-conscience-rights-of-healthcare-providers-n2641047
– These  changes respond to the actions the Biden administration has taken to rescind and replace the 2019 Conscience  Rule … babies born alive from abortions and another to protect pregnant students on campus. … Banks voted in favor of such an amendment and was also one of the cosponsors.…
An Unspinnable Biden Disaster
–  They appeared, very much, to be setting the groundwork to try to force Biden out of the race.  Soon. …  Given the optics at play on the other side of the stage, Trump simply had to not self-immolate to "win" the debate. …  Tell me, does this sound like a candidate, or a candidate's spouse, getting ready to exit the race with just months to go?…
The CNN Post-Debate Poll Is Absolutely Brutal for Joe Biden…ute-panic-after-disastrous-biden-debate-performance-n2641080
– The lack of presidential timber was apparent to most voters; 86 percent felt he was too old to run. … to Donald Trump. …  Afterward they didn’t try to cover up his poor performance, but instead tried to emphasize that Trump remained a threat to American…
Did You See How Trump Is Doing With Black Voters in the Latest NYT Poll?…ump-is-doing-with-black-voters-in-that-new-nyt-poll-n2641026
– If this trend holds, Joe Biden will be relegated to the nursing home for all time. … to that of Mr. … Trump, not President Biden, would stand to gain if everyone in the country turned out and voted.…
On Eve of Primary, Bowman Still Shows 'Never Ending' Obsession With Jews and AIPAC…ll-shows-never-ending-obsession-with-jews-and-aipac-n2640901
– That's why they're spending over $20 million to try and divide our community.It's time for us to defend NY-16 the voice of the people … before quite a bit leading up to this primary. … The betting odds also point to a Latimer win.…
Pelosi: This Supreme Court Has Gone 'Rogue,' or Something
– refuses to tackle a censorship issue championed by many conservatives, and upholds the ability of policy-makers to block access to …  They don't even try to be subtle about it. …  They are not to be taken seriously.…
There's a Major Problem With Pelosi's Latest Attack on the Supreme Court
–  But it's unfortunate further to see what the other justices -- what happened to the -- what happened to the chief justice? …  But just a matter of hours, when I called people back to the floor, overwhelmingly, the Republicans voted against the results … If they have a point of view about a woman's right to choose, OK, but that's not what they're there to do, to advocate for a point…
Has SCOTUS Replaced One Kind of Unbridled Discretion With Another in Second Amendment Cases?…defeating-constitutionally-dubious-gun-regulations-n2640942
– domestic violence restraining orders.That take is somewhat misleading, since all eight justices who voted to uphold that law plausibly … claimed to be following the approach the Court prescribed in the 2022 case New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. … who present a credible threat to the physical safety of others" -- a description that applies to at least some people covered by the…
Trump’s Trials Fail to Weaken Him in the Polls, So Dems Have Pivoted to a More Nebulous Attack…olls-so-dems-have-pivoted-to-a-more-nebulous-attack-n2640943
to vote for Biden. … among the crucial 10 to 15 percent of voters needed to swing this election. … So why, then, are Democrats planning to use ‘threats to democracy’ as their new theme of attacks?…
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