Results for: dissent from supreme power

Is Biden the Worst President Ever? A Historical Assessment.…en-the-worst-president-ever-a-historical-assessment-n2626538
– Abuse of Power In the past, major presidential abuses of power occurred primarily in time of war. … So is purporting to transfer student debt obligations from those who benefited from them to those who did not. … One was the debacle accompanying American withdrawal from Afghanistan.…
Lina Khan Keeps Dodging Congressional Oversight to Effect Her Radical Agenda…ongressional-oversight-to-effect-her-radical-agenda-n2626437
– checks, and independence from established legal precedent and ethical norms. … Meta in 2022 requested Khan’s recusal from the case. … “The essence of Government is power; and power, lodged as it must be in human hands, will ever be liable to abuse,” James Madison said…
The Left Unmasks Its Hatred of Individual Freedom
– Cities barred residents from going outside maskless, even when alone on an empty street. … Nonessential workers were prohibited from leaving their homes. Travelers were required to wear masks at all times. … It’s the same message from leftists, liberal media, and elected Democrats — your freedom is what they decide it is.…
Coercion Disguised As Consensus Is Unconstitutional Just the Same…ised-as-consensus-is-unconstitutional-just-the-same-n2607352
– The larger point that Secretary Levine’s comments demonstrates is the attempted silencing of dissent. … If all dissent is crushed, it’s easy to confidently declare there is no disagreement. … Supreme Court has agreed to hear her case.…
Hillary’s Hipster Army Prepares For The Second Civil War…arys-hipster-army-prepares-for-the-second-civil-war-n2036475
– , and criticism of Hillary Herself (“This dissent is unpatriotic!”). … Most of the commanders of those bases, and most of their troops, hailed from the Free States. … Plus, this seems like kind of a patriarchal power structure here.…
No Foolish Romance
– Political romance has brought us two Supreme Court justices who choose ideology over judicial humility. … bound for destruction -- doesn’t work by itself: Central governments stifle dissent. … Today, from fantasy football to Second Life, from gated communities to the Big Sort (so we don’t interact with persons unlike ourselves…
A Legacy of Lawlessness
From the first days that Barack Obama declared his candidacy, we were told how brilliant he was, how this Harvard trained lawyer, … Channeling Hugo Chavez or Fidel Castro, Obama’s agenda would brook no dissent, respect no constitutional restraint or congressional … See his decision to refuse to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act; see also in the wake of the Supreme Court’s decision recognizing…
Expect More Tyranny and Thus More Kim Davises
– Why are those demonizing the Rowan County, Kentucky, clerk so indifferent to the Supreme Court's rank abuse of power that created the … Who died and made the Supreme Court god? Well, the Supreme Court made itself god in 1803, with the case of Marbury v. … From the beginning, people have debated the Supreme Court's propriety in establishing itself as the final arbiter of the Constitution…
Have “We the People” Stopped Being “Our Own Rulers”?
– Once the Supreme Court has ruled, that’s it. Case closed. Right? Not necessarily. … Hodges” in reference to the Supreme Court’s same-sex marriage decision. … Consider what Justice Alito said about the second point above in his dissent of Obergefell---that dissent will be punished: “I assume…
Projecting Power and ‘Debasing Norms’
– It’s part of what distinguishes us from authoritarian societies, where dissent is forbidden,” Mrs. Clinton writes.   … Far from healing America’s racial divisions, the Obama administration made them much worse.    … Foundation, much of it coming from foreign sources that benefited from Mrs.…
Here's Susan Collins' Speech Announcing Support For Kavanaugh. She Also Subtlety Ripped Democrats For Overreaching…anaughand-quietly-ripped-democrats-for-overreaching-n2526093
– Collins faced enormous pressure from everyone on her vote on the Supreme Court nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. … In a dissent in Seven-Sky v. … Many experts have said his dissent informed Justice Roberts’ opinion upholding the ACA at the Supreme Court.  …
Get Cynical, Get Angry, And Stay Free
– The only thing they care about is their own power, they absolutely intend to steal every election they can, and everything they say … Is our glorious press, those defenders of democracy that seek to keep it from dying in darkness and stuff, on the case? … They believe they should have power and that you should shut up and obey.…
Supporting LGBT Rights and a Religious Baker at the Same Time…lgbt-rights-and-a-religious-baker-at-the-same-time-n2415096
– sincerely preclude them from endorsing same-sex marriage. … Supreme Court. While of little solace to the couple that was understandably angered by Mr. … as they should and must be and the ability to appropriately dissent based on one’s religious beliefs.  …
SCOTUS: EPA, You ‘Unreasonably’ Interpreted The Clean Air Act
– point of having a separate provision for power plants was to treat power plants differently. … The Government concedes that if the Agency were to find that emissions from power plants do damage to human health, but that the technologies … Furthermore, the EPA’s carbon limits for power plants are expected to shut down more than half of the nation’s coal-fired power plants…
It’s the End of America as We Know It, and America Feels Fine…end-of-america-as-we-know-it-and-america-feels-fine-n2017714
– powerful nation in the world threw in the towel today on the entire notion of what it means to live in a “land of liberty,” when its Supreme … today by Chief Justice John Roberts—a man so opposed to the cause of liberty that his career would make Benedict Arnold blush—the Supreme … But as the Supreme Court ruled today, none of that matters.…
Destroying Religious Freedom to Save It
Supreme Court announced the previously unknown constitutional “right” to impose same-sex “marriage” on all 50 states, the American … from settled public policy on matters of race or sexuality, we need to take a more radical step. … Viewed that way, it’s not a stretch to have the government assert taxing power over ecclesiastical property.…
Don't Give Up On America
– We all seem to agree that to a great extent politics flows downstream from culture. … How quickly their true intentions emerged once they scored their Supreme Court victory. … They are determined to use the power of the state and economic coercion to neuter and punish dissenters.…
So Much for the Constitution – Is America Now a Rudderless Ship?…the-constitution--is-america-now-a-rudderless-ship-n2020188
– Recently we have seen judicial activism on steroids at the Supreme Court. … of the nine lawyers on the Supreme Court.” … In short, what matters now is who’s got the power---in this case one man, Justice Anthony Kennedy.…
Fewer Traditional Values Means More Government
Supreme Court's decision in Obergefell v. … Supreme Court ruled that prayer in school is unconstitutional. … Justice Clarence Thomas zeroed in on the truth in his dissent on the court's opinion.…
Deferring to Congress, Roberts Takes Over Its Job: The Chief Justice Saves Obamacare by Rewriting the Law…chief-justice-saves-obamacare-by-rewriting-the-law-n2019434
– to regulate interstate commerce, which the Supreme Court had already stretched beyond recognition. … Roberts therefore fixed the statute by excising those three inconvenient words -- "established by the state" -- from Section 36B of … As Justice Antonin Scalia pointed out in a dissent joined by Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito, fixing statutes is not the Supreme Court's…
Four Reasons for the Supreme Court’s Marriage Decision
– On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled in Obergefell v. … This decision and others like it are enabled primarily by an understanding which fails to take a limited view of the Court’s power … and disregards any serious consideration of federalism as informed by the Tenth Amendment and the intrinsic limitations on federal power
The People’s Votes Matter – Except When They Don’t
– To celebrate the recent birthday of the 14th Amendment, let’s play a little end-of-term Supreme Court bingo. … You are now entering the Supreme Court spin zone. … To take a phrase from Justice Thomas, it’s “faux federalism” at its finest.…
Complacent Majority Not the Answer
– First, he accurately diagnosed the situation: “More and more Christians feel estranged from mainstream culture. … Avakian, they can’t even explain why this is different from serving up some cupcakes. … And it’s music to the ears of secular elites who want a power monopoly.…
Tammy Baldwin: First Amendment Foe
– A Congresswoman from a left-wing Wisconsin district, she won her first statewide election in 2012, during the unexpected Obama GOTV … Because of negative press, perhaps particularly from US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX), the Democratic US Senators changed the text : … Nothing in this article shall be construed to grant Congress or the States the power to abridge the freedom of the press.'…
HUD's 'Disparate Impact' War on Suburban America
– It has been given a green light to impose the rule from Justice Anthony Kennedy's majority opinion in the Supreme Court's 5-4 decision … from 100 percent white to over 90 percent black within a single year. … In a 1971 Supreme Court case, Griggs v.…
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