Results for: Donald Trump Transparent

Tillis Delivers on Judges
– President Trump has accomplished many great things in less than three years in office. … Even nearly three years later, the Left still cannot accept the fact that Donald Trump – not Hillary Clinton -- won the presidency. … Senator Tillis has been a key ally to President Trump in this judicial fight. …
2020 Dems Want the DNC to Change the Debate Rules…nc-to-change-debate-rules-and-other-2020-dems-agree-n2558017
– "If we are to beat Donald Trump next November, this must be our way forward." … “The DNC has led a fair and transparent process and even told campaigns almost a year ago that the qualification criteria would go…
If Trump's Impeachment Is So Vital to the Survival of the Country, Then Why Is This House Democrat Watching Golf?…untry-then-why-is-this-house-democrat-watching-golf-n2557950
– How many times have Democrats lectured us about why they’re impeaching President Donald Trump? It’s to protect the country. … This is about keeping the progressive Left’s anti-Trump bloodlust sated. … The whole thing is rather transparent. It’s political.…
House Judiciary Report BOMBSHELL: Dems Trying to Change the Constitution…rt-bombshell-dems-trying-to-change-the-constitution-n2557690
– Second, the Democrats are proceeding with impeachment against President Trump not because of any past wrongdoing which they have no … proof of, but to “save the Nation” from Trump remaining in office. … They are trying to manipulate our supreme law of the land and subvert the will of the American people who voted Donald Trump into office…
The DNC's New Election Ad Has a Curious Omission
– “With less than a year until November 3, 2020, we must come together now and work towards the common goal of defeating Donald Trump … With less than a year until November 3, 2020, we must come together now and work towards the common goal of defeating Donald Trump … They are attempting to replace the roles of voters in the early states, using polling and other arbitrary methods which are not transparent
Liberal Outlet Triggered That People Are Saying Brett Kavanaugh Is A Good Dad…hat-people-are-saying-brett-kavanaugh-is-a-good-dad-n2499406
– ’s the spawn of Satan, or something (via HuffPo): Yet we’ve been hearing an awful lot about these facts since Monday night when Trump … Playing up Kavanaugh as some kind of gentle, good dad seems to be a fairly transparent effort to sidestep all this stuff. … No one would mistake Pence or President Donald Trump for feminists.…
The Kavanaugh Confirmation Kabuki
Donald Trump's presentations of his two nominees, Judge Neil Gorsuch last year and Judge Brett Kavanaugh on Monday, were uncharacteristically … graceful -- a worthy theatrical innovation, in the view of even some Trump critics. … The result might be fewer and more transparent laws.…
President Trump Announces New Sanctions on Turkey For Ongoing Detainment of Christian Pastor…ions-on-turkey-for-imprisonment-of-christian-pastor-n2504057
– — Donald J. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 26, 2018 Before the sanctions announcement, Trump put additional pressure on the Turkish government last … — Donald J.…
Get a Grip, Democrats
– On MSNBC, where illiterate histrionic analogies litter coverage every day, a contributor compared Donald Trump's meeting in Helsinki … Nor is Trump's ham-fisted, misguided and transparent Putin-coddling tantamount to sedition. … The Trump news conference with Putin was unhinged. But so is Democrats' reaction to it.…
Why The Liberal Dilemma Leads To A Democratic Demise
– So in doing the morally right thing in making the nomination for the Democratic nominee more fair, transparent, and equitable, they … That anger looks on with distain towards Donald Trump no doubt.…
Chuck Todd Badly Undermines Himself
Trump is a "true national emergency, or an existential threat to the Republic." … They've sought to "delegitimize" every Republican presidential nominee from Barry Goldwater to Ronald Reagan to Donald Trump. … Has NBC been fully transparent about Matt Lauer? Todd should really retract this whole bungling mess.…
ICYMI: The 'Creepy Porn Lawyer' Is Launching A Super PAC
– But then again, a lot of people thought a Trump presidency as a concept that could only be made possible within the realm of entertainment … Avenatti, 47, has become the Democratic media darling of the Trump administration. He appears almost daily on MSNBC. … It’s a bit unseemly and a whole lot of transparent, but this is politics. We all end up in the gutter. …
Let’s Hope Justice Kavanaugh Avenges This Disgusting Democrat Slander…kavanaugh-avenges-this-disgusting-democrat-slander-n2519589
– as well as by that idiot Kamala Harris, but they didn't lay a finger on him because the dumbnamic duo’s allegations were such transparent … Democracyexplains, we are in a conflict between an elite that is threatened by the outraged mass of normal Americans who elected DonaldTrump in response to the elite’s long track record failure.…
Shania Twain Explains Her Trump Comments
– Shania Twain is Canadian, but if she had the chance to vote in the 2016 American presidential election, she would have supported DonaldTrump. … I would have voted for a feeling that it was transparent. And politics has a reputation of not being that, right?"…
Bold Leadership: Why Trump is Right to Withdraw from Obama's Terrible Iran Deal
– Nevertheless, Trump has done the right thing, in my view, because the Iran deal constituted an irresponsible, lopsided and weak giveaway … Part of the deal was that Tehran had to be 100 percent transparent about its nuclear history, owning up to the full extent of its previous … Furthermore, Donald Trump's campaign rhetoric on this subject was unambiguous: He loathed the agreement and promised to undo it.  …
President Wants Market Reforms to Reduce Drug Prices
– President Donald Trump continues to address the American people’s practical needs. … President Trump, who has made economic recovery a major priority, has just such a strategy. … The president also is changing Medicare rules to make prices more transparent.…
North Korea Pledges to Begin Dismantling Nuclear Sites in Ceremony Open to Foreign Press…ismantling-nuclear-sites-in-ceremony-open-to-foreig-n2480182
Trump in a historic summit to discuss peace on the Korean peninsula. … President Trump thanked the Koreans for their “kind and gracious gesture.” … — Donald J.…
Why America’s Elites Have Failed
– Brooks, like many elite intellectuals, has struggled to understand why, precisely, Donald Trump won in 2016 and what his victory means … For them, four years of Donald Trump was much more palatable than allowing progressives another term in which to increase their authoritarian … In recent months, they have become more transparent in their attempt to turn America’s institutions into a leftist cabal, denying “…
Democratic Party Announces Plans For First Two 2020 Presidential Debates…ounce-plans-for-first-two-2020-presidential-debates-n2541533
– “I am committed to running an open and transparent primary process,” DNC Chair Tom Perez said in a statement. … Another six debates will be scheduled for spring of 2020 if the party is still considering who to nominate to challenge President DonaldTrump in the general election.…
Malkin's Handy History of Fake Noose
– Three weeks ago, when I first documented troubling questions, contradictions and doubts about Trump-hating, attention-craving actor … willingly played public relations agents for Smollett last week while his story was already falling apart and he refused to be fully transparent … Another manufactured outrage erupted when black firefighter-paramedic apprentice Donald Maynard claimed he found a knotted rope and…
Democrats Keep Trying to Cover Up Their Anti-Semitism
– But Democrats' draft measure condemning anti-Semitism is a useless and transparent attempt to distract from a serious problem of their … Steyer, perhaps more than anyone, in fact, is known for advocating the impeachment of Donald Trump.…
House Democrats Finding It Hard to Confront Anti-Semitism…democrats-finding-it-hard-to-confront-antisemitism-n2542797
– Others think it's unfair that Omar should be criticized when Donald Trump or other Republicans have said bigoted things. … I certainly wish Republicans did more to condemn many of the things Trump has said. … It's a transparent dodge to avoid condemning a specific kind of hate. It might do the trick to turn the page.…
Dr. Jha Makes Rounds on Sunday Shows, Reiterating Lack of Transparency from Biden Administration
– Ashish Jha says "we are being very transparent."" … O'Connor has not spoken directly to the American people, but that doctors did do so when former President Donald Trump contracted the … this has been an incredibly transparent and open process." …
An Insider Perspective on the Mar-a-Lago Raid
– Conversely, Trump secured his classified documents, which he was free to declassify (when President, Trump was empowered with original … Whereas, Trump was in negotiation with the National Archives to comply with legitimate requests for documents.  … Is Trump being set up? Certainly. Is the FBI, particularly in this instance, a political patsy? Without a doubt. …
Fox News Host Again Pushes Liberal Talking Points About the FBI's Trump Raid…beral-talking-points-about-the-fbis-trump-raid-with-n2611654
– Doocy, the FBI fabricated evidence to secure FISA warrants against Carter Page, a Trump campaign official in 2016. … The list of Trump appointees who have either disappointed or backstabbed is long. … First, this raid was executed because authorities didn’t feel Trump was being fully transparent regarding the items returned in January…
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