Results for: sign up to vote

Onward: Senate On The Fast Track In Giving Obama Trade Promotion Authority
– A vote on TAA is to follow shortly after the TPA is a done deal.  The final vote is set for Wednesday.  Sen. … have to vote for Fast Track before House Dems vote for TAA). … Sargent followed up yesterday, writing that the TPA's passage in the Senate will probably force House Democrats to vote for TAA:…
Slate: Left-Wing Sanders a Right-Wing Gun Nut
– He wants to break up Big Banks and end business as usual in Washington aiding Big Business. … As US Senator, he voted to allow Amtrak passengers to pack heat in their carry-on language (have concealed-carry, will travel). … Already divided on trade, and to a lesser extent on marriage, the gun issue is shooting up the Democratic Party rank-and-file.…
Official: South Carolina Will Remove Confederate Flag
– " to the families of the Charleston victims if they decided to further delay the vote. … Tearing up, but also with a great deal of force, she said: "I cannot believe that we do not have the heart in this body to do something … And if any of you vote to amend, you are ensuring that this flag will fly beyond Friday. And for the widow of Sen.…
Paul Ryan’s Thin Gruel?
– for this eventuality to come to pass. … blow themselves up. … Finally, we remember Karl Rove and other GOP operatives advising the Republican members of congress to vote in favor of Obamacare in…
Baltimore Since Freddie Gray: A Spike In Crime, A ‘Preventable’ Riot, And The Dismissal Of A Police Commissioner…ble-riot-and-the-dismissal-of-a-police-commissioner-n2027488
– ' orders to avoid engaging the youths who were concentrated around Mondawmin Mall on the afternoon of April 27 emboldened people to … And the city's police union was poised to hold a no-confidence vote next week. … Her timing surprised some. … Six officers are awaiting trial in October on charges ranging up to murder.…
GOP Poll: Trump Leads Everyone. Seriously.
To quote a famous 90s hit classic, say it ain’t so: Donald Trump has surged to the top of a crowded Republican presidential … unlikely to happen. … Yet for Trump, it hardly seems to matter.…
GOP Presidential Candidates Blast Iran Deal
to 'wipe Israel off the map' and bring 'death to America.' … John Kerry should have long ago gotten up on his crutches, walked out of the sham talks, and went straight to Jerusalem to stand next … Rick Perry: "President Obama’s decision to sign a nuclear deal with Iran is one of the most destructive foreign policy decisions…
The New RFRA: Pro-First Amendment Bill Gains Steam in the House…ra-profirst-amendment-bill-gains-steam-in-the-house-n2024782
– While the 1993 RFRA won massive bipartisan support, this bill is likely to run up against a common sentiment among liberals that religious … block a vote on the measure. … “I would hope it gets a vote.…
I Am Now Officially Sick and Tired of Being Lied To
– There to pitch why Congress should totally sign off on the Iranian Nuclear deal, he explained what the administration is trying to … In order to overcome a promised-by-the-President veto of a down vote from Congress, the Senate will need a super majority. … The Republicans knew this when they set it up but told us it was the best way to stop the President. It was a lie.…
Trump Expresses Love for ‘Legal’ Immigrants and Mexicans
– “In my community, a lot of my friends are liberal but they are ready to vote for Mr. Trump,” Shaw Sr. said. … to face imprisonment there. … John McCain has failed miserably to fix the situation and to make it possible for veterans to successfully manage their lives,” Trump…
Colorado Senate: Gardner Touts Major Newspaper Endorsements, Leads in New Poll…outs-major-newspaper-endorsements-leads-in-new-poll-n1904546
– He is giving up a safe seat in the House to challenge a one-term Senate incumbent, Democrat Mark Udall, in what is typically an uphill … We also know there’s no better way to frustrate a bully than to refuse to be bothered by him. … The Obama campaign's get-out-the-vote operation in Colorado was highly efficient two years ago, allowing the president to carry the…
5 Political Halloween Costume Ideas
– Here are five fun political costume ideas that will spark a debate at your Halloween party—and remind your friends to vote for freedom … Hold a broomstick and tape a sign to the stick that reads: Dead Broke. … dress pants, a blue tie and a white button-down shirt (be sure to roll up your sleeves!).…
Psssst, Here’s What We Do When We Win (Don’t Tell The Liberals)…heres-what-we-do-when-we-win-dont-tell-the-liberals-n1909773
– , all while making Democrats – particularly ones up for reelection in 2016 – have to choose between supporting their party and keeping … Sure, we need to symbolically vote to repeal Obamacare again, but we need to do other things too. How about copyright reform? … It’s so they can get up there and defeat the progressives who want to destroy our country.…
Hagan Can't Say If Obama Is A Strong Leader
to Ebola. … “You know, I think that when issues come up for a vote, I stand for North Carolina, whether it’s a Democratic idea or a Republican … When the BP spill took place in the Gulf, we were beginning to be slow, but then he put the resources to bear and the science to bear…
Obamacare: Largest NC Insurer Announces Double-Digit Premium Increases…nc-insurer-announces-doubledigit-premium-increases-n1908643
– Hagan wasn't in the mood to answer yet another question about her decisive vote to pass Obamacare, which continues to harm North Carolinians … them sign up. … “The burden gets shifted to Medicaid,” he said. The burden gets shifted to Medicaid, i.e. to taxpayers.…
"Obama Has Never Broken a Sweat in His Life"
– That may well indeed be the first sign that he doesn’t have the strength or will to tell you the awkward truth on debt or ISIS or anything … So I’m in favor of candidates going out to win every vote. … On the whole Western feminists have done – not only have they done nothing to stand up for those women, when there are women who do…
Regulators and Bureaucrats Vs The Soup Nazi
– “You can’t eat this soup standing up, your knees buckle,” Jerry Seinfeld explained to Elaine. … But if they want MSG in their kung pao chicken, Chu is free to serve it up. … “We work hard to please everyone, but we know we can’t,” reads Chu’s newest sign.…
Now, It's About Governing, Not Politics
– Nowadays we rely on the Internet to give us information on where the races end up. … Three governorships were picked up by Republicans as well, leaving the total count for governors at 31 Republicans to 15 Democrats. … sign, and then moving to more partisan issues that will allow for clear, clean lines to be drawn for the 2016 election.…
Uber Republicans
– You sign up for an account, enter credit card information, and the service will use your phone’s location to find a nearby car. … But Lyft also alleges that Uber recruiters have booked thousands of Lyft trips, only to cancel on those drivers before pick-up. … A pro-innovation stance on peer-to-peer companies doesn’t necessarily have to be a vote-moving issue to make a difference.…
Democrats Playing The Race 'deck' In Midterm Elections
– It features pictures of a 'colored waiting room' sign, a 'must show ID to vote' sign, racists marching against civil rights and Donald … The public may be waking up to the failure of these programs. … Maybe they should try the other party just to shake things up.…
Breaking Away? Ernst Leads Braley By 7 In Iowa
– … Braley has lost vote share since an early October Iowa Poll (he dropped from 46 percent to 44 percent) while Ernst has … increased her share (from 47 percent to 51 percent now). … In the early October poll, he was up by 1 point there. But let’s not break out the champagne yet. …
Lesbian Extremist Mayor Must Go -- Now
– put her utterly insane gender-neutral “bathroom bill” up for a vote by the very people whose privacy it sexually assaults). … ’ in Houston, and since it’s the only ‘tolerant’ thing to do, men who sign up for the ever-persecuted ‘LGBT’ class have secured the … covering up her crime of stealing our right to vote.’…
CBS Poll: Obama Approval 39 Percent, GOP Up Big on Congressional Ballot
– Then both CNN and Fox News gave Democrats a one-point edge, causing liberals to briefly cease whining about Fox News.   … to a University of Arkansas survey.   … I'll leave you with a positive sign in Iowa: Dem edge in Iowa early vote: 1.7%.…
Democrats Prepping The 'Blame Game' If Disaster Strikes On Election Day
vote with me. … Service all contributed to a Republican mantra that the Democrats can't govern. … If Republicans are able to pull off winning 6 seats, it’s going to be interesting post-Election Day on the Democratic side; that is…
With His Policies Under Attack in His Own Party, Obama is No Longer Relevant in the Last Two Years of His Presidency
– The Republican-run House and Democratic Senate now plan to vote to bypass Obama's stubborn opposition to the Keystone XL pipeline - … Nearly a dozen Democrats support her demand for a vote, along with the entire Senate GOP caucus, to complete the pipeline. … up for coverage.…
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