Results for: is the us at war with iran

Forget Syria, Target Iran
– That's because those pale in horror and in danger by comparison with the nuclear weapons now under construction in Iran. … This scenario takes us no less into the unknown: evidence exists that the Assad regime does not worry about the U.S. … his declaring the use of chemicals a "red line"; and strengthening the hardliners in Iran.…
Authorize the Use of Force Against Our Real Enemy - Iran…orize-the-use-of-force-against-our-real-enemy--iran-n1694587
– Why don’t we authorize the President to go to war with Iran with the express purpose of deposing the sociopaths running the store? … – the destruction of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its replacement with a pro-Western regime that is no threat to its neighbors … And Iran is our enemy – Iran has been at war with us since the hostage crisis of 1979.…
Could Obama's Indecisiveness Have Helped Postpone WW3?
– For the first time in many decades, the eastern Mediterranean Sea is crowded with American and Russian warships. … Most of the Western world is underestimating the fact that the Shiite sect of Islam, championed by Iran, feels that their back is against … That is something that most of the Gulf states, who are predominantly Sunni, would welcome with open arms.…
Obama's Power and its Limitations
– That is, she called for the US to go to war against Israel to protect the Palestinians from a nonexistent threat maliciously attributed … Israel's alliance with the US, upon which it is so dependent, was not built with America's political or foreign policy elites. … Israel's alliance with the US is built on the American public's support for Israel.…
The President's U.N. Speech
– His claim that "The world is more stable than it was five years ago" is demonstrably false. … That's not the profile of any power station with which I am familiar. … He didn't mention at all the Muslim war against Coptic Christians in Egypt.…
Smart Power: UN General Assembly Kicks Off in New York City
– Newly minted US Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power is in New York City today for the UN General Assembly meeting. … As a reminder, during the height of the tension with Syria, Power missed an emergency meeting at the UN to deal with the crisis because … In addition, Power believed the Iranians would back the US with revelations the Assad regime used chemical weapons.…
Peace is Proclaimed
– But why let any such doubts, or even deep-seated revulsion at making another bargain with Evil, interfere with the celebratory rhetoric … To quote our president, who rapidly becomes interchangeable with the Russian one, the agreement reached at Geneva this past week ( … Just ask the last shah of Iran. Or lots of others. For the world is littered with little countries we have abandoned.…
China's Big Picture Objectives
– "The Chinese side is ready to make unremitting efforts along with the relevant parties and the international community to maintain … The US is adjusting its Asia-Pacific security strategy, and the regional landscape is undergoing profound changes." … No one can quarrel with a world trending towards peace, but the Chinese spin is it is trending China's way.…
Is North Korea Looking for Dialogue?
– Some of the terms place no new demands on the US. The training will stop and US forces will withdrawal at the end of the month. … "The DPRK is not opposed to dialogue but has no idea of sitting at the humiliating negotiating table with the party brandishing a nuclear … Comment: The entire statement runs 16 short paragraphs but they are parallel in content to materials directed at the US, but with more…
America's Enemies Are Colorblind
– Barack Obama called the Iraq War a "dumb war." … To enlist Russia, which adamantly opposed the defense installations, to help us deter Iran from acquiring the ability to build a nuclear … Iran still insists on pursuing its nuclear program, with tension between the U.S. and North Korea worse than at any time since the
How Serious Should the World Take North Korea
Iran launched more than 170 Scuds - Shahab I 's -- against Iraq during the War of the Cities in 1985. … Secondly, technology is shared among the members of the nuclear technology network, as the testimony at trial of A.Q. … The Ministry of Defense sees the US as exploiting the confrontation to justify its defense build-up in Asia which is encouraging bad…
BP Ledger, April 15 edition
– He said no one is exempt from the schemes of the enemy. … His cries from the cross should help us think about the cross. "He died for us, but that's not how the story ends! … Frances Clinkscales for whom a courtyard at the School of Nursing is named.…
Support Assad
The Iraq-Iran war of 1980-88 created a similar situation. … Iraq threatened Iran, our interests lay at least partly with Iran. … The Obama administration is attempting an overly ambitiously and subtle policy of simultaneously helping the good rebels with clandestine…
Lessons in Supreme Leadership
At the moment, it is not. Time is not on our side. … At that point, the North Korean threat will seem like small kimchee in comparison with the perils posed by an oil-rich state, the world … The moment Iran achieves “critical capability” is the moment the world of the 21st century becomes a more dangerous place than most…
Iran's North Korean Future
The present crisis with North Korea offers us a glimpse of what, and what not, to expect should Iran get the bomb. … The West often fears a nuclear Pakistan, given that a large part of its tribal lands is ungovernable and overrun with Islamic radicals … The result is that there is no commensurate regional deterrent. Nor does Iran have a tough master like nuclear China.…
The Dark Side of Diversity
– Did we not ourselves stir up the nest of hornets that stung us in Boston? Yet there is another reality. … Ultimate goal: Bring the world to acknowledge and act on the truth that there is no God but Allah and Muhammad is his Prophet. … With a fourth of mankind, their birth rate is higher and their numbers soaring, along with their militancy at home and in the diaspora…
Defense in the Age of Jihad
The final battle is to take place in the Levant — Israel, Syria, and Lebanon.” … It is possible — but not very probable — that the Tsarnaev brothers learned to make these weapons from the Internet with no one instructing … But now is no time to slash the defense budget. Iran: No threat is more serious than that represented by Iran’s theocrats.…
Remembering Howard Phillips
– Our beef was with the treaty, not with the Gipper. My co-conspirators agreed unanimously. … For speakers vying for coverage, the rule is pretty solid as well: He with the best one-liner wins.I led off, and my statement contained … Viguerie and I, seated at the head table on either side of the lectern, leaned our chairs back, looked at each other and silently nodded…
The Unbearable Lightness of Syria Policy
– Obama is right to find the available options unappealing, but the problem remains. … them joined at the hip to al-Qaeda. … As Henry Kissinger reportedly said during the Iraq–Iran war: “It’s a pity both can’t lose.”…
Dershowitz and Tragedy
with the law. … Israel Hayom is the first mass circulation Israeli newspaper not aligned with the political Left. … The Iranian takeover of the US Embassy in 1979 was not merely an act of war against America.…
Obama and the "Official Truth"
– like the Muslim Brotherhood and Iran at the expense of US allies, including Israel, the Egyptian military, and longtime leaders like … It presented the assassination of Osama bin Laden by Navy SEALs as the denouement of the US war on terror. … Adelson is best known for his support for the US-Israel alliance, and his friendship with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.…
Why They Fight
The president described this ideology as “a belief by some extremists that Islam is in conflict with the United States and the West … Next, the president said: “Of course, this ideology is based on a lie, for the United States is not at war with Islam.” … That is something of a non sequitur: As noted above, a central tenet of the ideology he’s discussing holds that Islam is at war with
Libya Deja Vu: Arming Syrian Rebels Likely to Usher in al Qaeda…vu-arming-syrian-rebels-likely-to-usher-in-al-qaeda-n1606923
– Syria has been at civil war for the past two years, raging between Sunni rebels and hardline President Bashar al-Assad's Shiite-controlled … The U.S. is already supplying the Syrian rebels with food and medicine. … or with Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shiite militia group that takes its orders from Shiite Iran.…
Thank You Hafez al-Assad
The chance of war breaking out at any time is extremely high. … On the one hand, we would be facing an all but certain war with Syria with al-Qaeda or Iran controlling everything from the Jordan … So at this bitter juncture, as we face the all but certain prospect of war with Syria while our one ally is behaving like a drunken…
Two Prime Ministers
– Sudan and in the Crimean War. … Given the secular condition of modern Europe and the huge influx of radical Muslims, many of whom carry with them earthly agendas, … He said, "Our job is to change the Constitution of America."…
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