Results for: sign up to vote

RSLC Has Clever Way to Encourage Voters to Send Democrats Packing Statewide…ncourage-voters-to-send-democrats-packing-statewide-n2607179
– Gas is up, rent is up, food is up, everything," during which the president can be seen laughing pretty heartily.  … The website also allows people to sign up for updates from the RSLC on how to vote in their state legislative races. … The RSLC press release referred to the numbers as "brutal" and pointed out they indicate "that record-high inflation is here to stay…
Kansas Needs Republicans Who Know How to Fight and Win
– Now it’s on the ballot for Kansans to vote on this year.  … That’s why I’m stepping up to run for Kansas Attorney General.  … So, I’m stepping up again. Yes, we’ve begun to take back our state.…
California Moves Ahead With Bill to Legalize Infanticide
– encompassing the 20th to 28th week of gestation up until 28 days after birth.   … House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has refused to even allow such a bill to come up for a vote, though Republicans are currently trying … to force that vote through through a discharge petition. …
From Shifting Majorities in Congress to a Post-Roe World, RSC Has a Plan to Stand Up for Life…a-postroe-world-rsc-has-a-plan-to-stand-up-for-life-n2607784
– If 218 members sign on, a bill must receive a vote on the House floor. … For years, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has refused to allow the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act to come up for a vote, … He emphasized he is not opposed to a dual track of having the above-mentioned bills come up to expose Democratic extremism. …
Trump-Backed 'Stop the Steal' Candidates Get Walloped in Georgia GOP Primaries
– Trump wanted to defeat Kemp badly, as revenge for Kemp's correct and honorable refusal to help the former president try to steal Georgia's … But Kemp worked to sway Hufstetler during the 90-minute meeting, delivering what the developer later recounted to POLITICO as a “lengthy … He, of course, won’t be able to let go of the 2020 nonsense, and nobody wants to hear his whining about it anymore. — Brendan Buck…
Indiana Law Will Protect Women's Sports After All, as State Legislature Overrides RINO Governor's Veto…legislature-overrides-veto-to-protect-womens-sports-n2607742
– Should a majority of members sign on, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) will have no choice but to bring it to the floor for a vote … "Indiana families are better off after today’s vote and I’m thankful to have state legislators who will fight for Hoosier values." … Banks mentioned, and as Herron referenced in her Twitter thread of today's vote to override, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU…
The Conservative Populist Coalition Has Grown in Pennsylvania. What That Means Going Forward Is Important…sylvania-what-that-means-going-forward-is-important-n2607696
– decide to sit that race out, but not to vote for his opponent. … fall to the Democrats, and gained state legislative seats they weren't even trying hard to gain. … cards close to their vest.…
Reactions to Nancy Pelosi Being Denied Communion Show a Dangerous Disregard for Catholic Teaching
– 915, that you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion."  … Republicans currently have a discharge petition to try to force a vote.  … The archbishop closed in part by mentioning that he "will continue to offer up prayer and fasting for [Pelosi]" and asks "all of the…
Grand Jury Comes for Peter Navarro Over Subpoena from Jan. 6 Select Committee…r-navarro-over-subpoena-from-jan-6-select-committee-n2608193
– If found guilty, Navarro could face up to a year in jail and fines of $100,000 for each account. … House of Representatives voted 220-203 to hold Navarro in contempt of Congress, referring him to the Department of Justice (DOJ) for … For his refusal to comply, the House found Bannon in contempt last October with a vote of 229-202.…
Open Thread: When TRUMPets Fade
– He also noted that there is little evidence that Trump is hurting the GOP brand, as his rivals aren’t living up to poach his supporters–and … Hillary Clinton had opened up a double-digit lead over her competition, which grew to almost 25 points in September. … Even in Iowa, the vast majority of voters have yet to make up their minds, as Dan noted earlier today.…
The Iran Deal Betrays America
– majority in both houses—subject to a certain presidential veto, which requires two-thirds of both houses to override. … of senators to sign on. … hire lawyers to challenge parental authority on such matters as which church to attend and which TV shows may be watched.…
Hillary Totally Fails to Connect With Millennials in Ohio, Forces Attendees to Sign 'Loyalty Pledge'…als-in-ohio-forces-attendees-to-sign-loyalty-pledge-n2048972
– Early speakers failed to fire up the crowds and efforts to do the same by the state’s former Gov. … to vote.”  … Looks like Team Clinton may have more than just the email scandal to keep them up at night. …
Top Senate Foreign Relations Committee Democrat Opposes Obama's Iran Deal…l-democrats-announce-opposition-to-obamas-iran-deal-n2048139
– I remain troubled that we agreed to a challenge period of up to 24 days for International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspections should … Congress will take up a resolution to disapprove of the Iran deal after the Labor Day recess.   … The House appears likely to vote on the measure on…September 11th.  …
McConnell: Defunding Planned Parenthood is 'Another Issue' That Will Have To Wait
– If he doesn’t sign it, it doesn’t happen. We voted on that already in the Senate and we will vote on it again." … The House of Representatives is also expected to vote on Rep. Diane Black’s (R-TN) bill to defund Planned Parenthood. … Now, our constituents would like to know when we’re going to follow through on that promise.”…
Endgame: Iran Deal Opponents Concede They Lack Votes to Overcome Veto…s-concede-they-dont-have-the-votes-to-overcome-veto-n2045112
– Thus, a bipartisan bill was passed that asserted the right of Congress to vote to approve or disapprove the final agreement. … to try to obstruct a vote on the accord, with the White House's strong encouragement.   … Forcing the president to defy a bipartisan Congressional vote on an unpopular foreign policy misadventure would help set the stage…
Clown Show 2016: Progress To Date
– I don’t expect most of these people to vote in the actual primary elections—because they probably won’t—but man is it fun to watch. … As a result the GOP look like desperate jokers because they are now trying to “force him” to sign a pledge of loyalty to the party. … All of which are now catching up to us.…
University of Oregon Professor Calls Female Pro-life Rep a ‘Misogynist Liar'…gon-professor-calls-female-prolife-rep-a-misogynist-n2050946
– On Friday, House leadership announced they would bring the bill up for a vote next week.  … We don’t believe that money should go to an organization that is breaking the law.” … Black has responded to the tweet and her office emailed the following statement to Townhall: “I understand that, as a public figure…
Stop The Romney 2016 Rumor Mill Open Thread
– As Trumpmentum continues to move forward with no sign of stopping, Romney’s people have been chirping about Mitt 2016. … it. […] The very inability of the Republican establishment to decide on a candidate for the whole party is a sign of the … Concerning Hispanic voters, of course, Republicans should be gunning for every vote possible–but Romney would dredge up the self-deportation…
No Juice
– The inability or unwillingness to move wasn’t seen as a bow to Wall Street and an attempt to prevent yet another hissy fit. … The Fed is trying to clean up its actions with hints at a rate hike before the end of the year, and suggested that it almost happened … from time to time.…
Are Our Familiar Political Alignments Suddenly Changing?…our-familiar-political-alignments-suddenly-changing-n2055040
– You could have forecast the 2010-2014 popular vote for House of Representatives by looking at that of the 1994-1998 popular vote. … There was a clear uptick for Democrats in 2006 and 2008, but in 2010 the political numbers snapped back to looking like 1994 to 2004 … But something new seems to be afoot.…
How to Fix Elections, Automatically
– register to vote? … But people still have to bother to sign up. … be forced to vote.…
Insanity on Steroids!
– “I was here at this time in 1854 – still frozen up – and doubts were entertained as to the possibility of escape.” … sign a nonbinding declaration calling for more international action to combat Arctic melting and climate change. … It’s time for Congress to pass bills dismantling and defunding Obama’s energy and climate dictates – and dare Democrats to vote against…
Deal Reached In Trans-Pacific Partnership
– any more power to Obama–and also have taken a more populist tone on trade. … an up-or-down vote on whatever agreement is in question. … When TPA passed, there was no reason for Democrats to use TAA, as leverage.…
– By refusing to allow a vote on any issue Obama disapproves of, the Democrats are able to leverage the slobbering assistance of their … He never has to explain why he is refusing to sign a bill, or why he is shutting down the government. … Without the filibuster, he can send piecemeal bills to Obama’s desk and force him to veto or sign each painful, embarrassing one.…
'Hostage Takers:' Dems Block Bill to Fund Veterans, Demanding More Spending Elsewhere
– And Democrats are dutifully refusing to even permit a vote on a spending bill many of them praised and supported in committee.   … threats to try to force Republicans to agree to hike federal spending across the board.   … In other political fights, Republicans are hamstrung by their inability to force the president to sign bills that unravel his agenda…
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