Results for: Republican National Committee

Of Course: Progressive Org Launches Media Blitz Focusing on Impeachment and Claims It's 'Grassroots Activism'…nches-media-blitz-focusing-on-impeachment-and-claim-n2557213
– MoveOn, the progressive political action committee (PAC), is now touting their members' "grassroots impeachment events" across the … Progressive Democrats of America, DemCast, Democracy for America, Indivisible Chicago, CREW, Act.TV, Greenpeace, Democracy 21, National … There are ad buys in eight Republican-held Congressional districts in Arizona, Nevada, New York, Pennsylvania, Texas and Florida. …
ICYMI: The DNC Had a Little Meltdown Over Politico's Pick for Debate Moderator…self-with-their-tantrum-over-politicos-debate-moder-n2556680
– The Democratic National Committee threw a tantrum when they discovered that a certain reporter with ties to conservative media would … Alberta had worked for National Review and he covers the GOP for Politico magazine. … the Republican Party.…
Why the Rush Towards Impeachment?
– House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, leader of the Democratic effort to impeach President Trump, told colleagues recently … That report will go to the House Judiciary Committee, which will swiftly draft articles of impeachment. … Whatever articles the committee approves will then be sent to the full House for a vote.…
Five of Rep. Van Drew's Aides Resigned Over His Party Switch
– “Sadly, Congressman Van Drew’s decision to join the ranks of the Republican party led by Donald Trump does not align with the values … "They have refused to grapple with how the President of the United States has jeopardized our national security for his own political … Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairwoman Cheri Bustos (IL) said they would hire any staffers from Van Drew's office who…
Democrats: The Party of Death and Destruction
– present during the proceedings and have prohibited Republicans from calling key, material fact witnesses to testify before the committee … Democrats have even gone so far as to block a broad array of questions of material relevance by Republican committee members. … This success has not only yielded hundreds of thousands of high paying jobs and injected billions into our national economy; it has…
Boy, Have the Democrats Ever Overplayed Their Hand!
– impeachment proceedings, first in an underground Star Chamber in the House and then out in the open before the House Intelligence Committee … But their political apparatus -- the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign -- coordinated with foreign actors … Can you even imagine what hell there would be to pay if Trump and the Republican National Committee had been accused of doing what…
CNN Did Not Air Lindsey Graham's Opening Remarks In FISA Abuse Hearing Live…ndsey-grahams-opening-remarks-in-fisa-abuse-hearing-n2557832
– Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, laid out what the FBI did in order to obtain their FISA warrants against people … The Trump campaign and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel criticized the network for not airing Graham's remarks … Dianne Feinstein's (D-CA), the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, opening statement. …
Cue The Eye Rolls: MSNBC Panel Knows Why Trump Impeachment Polling Hasn’t Moved…nel-knows-why-trump-impeachment-polling-hasnt-moved-n2557811
– the reason why support for Trump’s impeachment hasn’t moved is due to Fox News' existence (via NewsBusters): For the liberal national … And the Republican right-wingers found one, it’s called Fox. It’s smart, they got one. … The hearings that the House Intelligence Committee had under high chancellor Adam Schiff were nothing burgers.…
House Democrats Don't Want to Know the Truth
– One exchange with Republican Rep. … Trump was trying to do with the Ukraine, they would pursue testimony from White House acting chief of staff Mick Mulvaney, former national … Professor Jonathan Turley of The George Washington University Law School last week presented the House Judiciary Committee with a powerful…
Houston Police Chief Excoriated For Partisan Tirade Against Guns, Republican Senators
– Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo was blasted on Monday for suggesting Republican senators and the NRA were to blame in the death of … that the Senate and Mitch McConnell and John Cornyn and Ted Cruz and others are not getting into a room and having a conference committee … In a fiery press conference, Houston's police chief lashes out at the National Rifle Association and three top Republican lawmakers…
Time to Give American Samoans U.S. Citizenship
– The three plaintiffs say national status has been a “badge of inferiority” that perpetuated an American “caste system.” … Amata Coleman Radewagen, a Republican from Pago Pago, currently represents the territory.  … The Republican National Committee supports equal treatment of the citizens in the territories with citizens in the 50 states.…
Socialist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez: The Democratic Party’s Obituary…andria-ocasio-cortez-the-democratic-partys-obituary-n2497741
– Tom Perez, the Big Labor Establishment-backed Democratic National Committee Chairman, declared that the upstart Berniecrat, Bronx-native … When even Robespierre’s violent confidants thought he was going too far, Robespierre shoved them under the national blade for treason … In fact, it could serve as a relief to the Republican party in particular and American voters in general.…
Will the Odd Couple -- AMLO and Trump -- Narrow the U.S.-Mexico Gap?…odd-couple--amlo-and-trump--narrow-the-usmexico-gap-n2497578
– NAFTA was a project of two Republican presidents who settled and made their fortunes less than 100 miles north of the border -- Ronald … Its chief Democratic advocate was Lloyd Bentsen, chairman of the Senate Finance Committee during the Reagan and Bush presidencies and … From 1929 to 2000, one party won every national election and outgoing presidents hand-picked their successors -- and then disappeared…
Congress Should Stop the Drama and Take Action to Force Justice to Comply With Subpoenas…ke-action-to-force-justice-to-comply-with-subpoenas-n2497066
– Last week’s House Judiciary Committee hearing - during which Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and FBI Director Chris Wray were … As the party in power, and reflecting the primary focus of the hearing, the Republican inquisitors railed – legitimately - against … To this scenario can former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper attest.…
ICYMI: Sen. Flake Won't Give Senate GOP Heartburn And Block SCOTUS Nominee Over Tariffs
– Flake has threatened to become a force of obstruction on the Senate Judiciary Committee, threatening to hold up votes for lower court … He’s the vote that gives the GOP the advantage on the committee—and he’s very much aware of that. … The outgoing Arizona Republican and member of the Senate Judiciary Committee said he will evaluate the person nominated to replace…
Is it Time for Jews to Leave the Democrat Party?
– With a Republican majority, Obama knew ratification would not happen. … The Democratic National Committee is another example of the left turning their back on Jews.…
NRCC Names Two PA Congressional Candidates to 'Young Guns' Program…o-pa-congressional-candidates-to-young-guns-program-n2496673
– Ahead of the 2018 midterms, and a battle for the youth vote between progressive liberals and the GOP, the National Republican Congressional … Committee is heading up a program for first-time congressional candidates called “Young Guns.” … The National Republican Congressional Committee’s ‘Young Guns’ program is a testament to how many first-time candidates President Donald…
Did Obama Grant Thousands of Iranians Citizenship as Part of the Iran Deal?…s-of-iranians-citizenship-in-exchange-for-iran-deal-n2496600
– and a member of its national security and foreign affairs committee, made the allegations during an interview with the country’s Etemad … “If today these Iranians get deported from America, it will become clear who is complicit and sells the national interest like he is … “The Obama administration during the negotiation of the Iran deal misled the American people,” Republican Senator Rob Portman said…
Trial Infrastructure Program Offers Deal for Taxpayers
– The result is legislation that not only offers potential wins for interests as varied as the Republican Study Committee, Congressional … goes well, the program could expand beyond the USDA and as much as $2 trillion could eventually be available for new projects and national
A Story From Reagan’s Fourth of July 1988 You Probably Never Heard Before…fourth-of-july-1988-you-probably-never-heard-before-n2495775
– Green was 83 years old and had been a contributor, albeit one dollar at each donation, to the Republican National Committee.   … Green in line was an executive of Ford Motor Company who had informally served both Republican and Democrat Presidents, Set Momjian … good, decent people who help others and remember their humble roots, such as Set Momjian and Ronald Reagan are a hallmark of our national
GOP Lawmaker: Impeach Trump
– It’s not a top Republican. … This whole screed reads from something conjured up by Democrats and the Democratic National Committee. … And he’s given the conservative wing most of what they wanted from a Republican White House.…
From Russia With Love: Trump Presser With Putin Triggers Another Media Meltdown…presser-with-putin-triggers-another-media-meltdown-n2500804
– That’s not true, even former Obama Director of National Intelligence James Clapper had to remind Congress of this.    … No Republican cares, dude. Everyone knows the Democrats are blowing anything Trump does out of proportion. … Mark Warner, vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said Obama choked on this front.…
The Week That Wasn't For Anti-Trumpers
– , to announce the indictment of a dozen Russian intelligence agents for their alleged involvement in the hacking of Democratic NationalCommittee records. … That Strzok smirked in response to many of the questions from Republican committee members did not help his credibility.…
The Dorky Idea Americans Deserve
– “Why on earth was this the thing that any libertarian-leaning Republican would choose to focus on?” … Term limitation: an important republican check on power for centuries. … “This is not the system our Founders envisioned,” David French wrote in a piece for National Reviewlast week. …
Run, Hillary, Run!
– During the ascendancy of Donald Trump to the top of the Republican Party and the presidency, the media has devoted plenty of attention … Recent polls have shown the President maintaining an astounding 90% approval rating among Republican voters. … In fact, Clinton needed a rigged primary system and unfair assistance from the Democratic National Committee to defeat Sanders for…
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