Results for: voted to

Fraud: CBS News Discovers Hundreds of Dead Voters in Greater Los Angeles
– prove that they are who they say they are when they arrive at a polling station to cast their ballot. … In some cases, Goldstein discovered that they voted year after year. … The anti-voter ID crowd must be forced to explain just how much fraud they're willing to accept.  …
Weld for VP? He'd Get My Vote
– In his inaugural address, he declared that the people of Massachusetts had "voted to disenthrall themselves from the failed dogmas … thing to do," Weld said, "is to get out of the way." … I applauded as he pronounced Beacon Hill "rotten to the core" and pledged to carve $1 billion from the state budget.…
National Security Policies of the Next Commander-in-Chief
– The site goes on to tell us that, as secretary of state, “Hillary worked to restore America's leadership in the world.” … Readers also are informed that Secretary Clinton “supported President Obama's decision to bring Osama bin Laden to justice.” … to “make America great again.”…
NBC and ABC News Shine Spotlight On Democratic Divide, 15 Percent Of Obama Voters Supporting Trump…divide-15-percent-of-obama-voters-supporting-trump-n2167141
to NBC News’ Chuck Todd. … wing to back the billionaire real estate magnate. … The key, though moderate, Philly suburbs have taken a liking to Trump in Pennsylvania.…
National Union of Students Collapsing After Pro-ISIS Leader Elected…of-students-collapsing-after-proisis-leader-elected-n2167954
– LONDON, United Kingdom - A third major university has voted to leave the British National Union of Students since it elected a pro-ISIS … According to the Huffington Post, Bouattia’s election led to immediate calls for disaffiliation from ten universities. … Only one university has voted to stay in the NUS so far and that referendum was scheduled long before the Presidential election.…
A Response to My Conservative #NeverTrump Friends
– It seems to me that the #NeverTrump conservatives want to remain morally pure. I understand that temptation. I am tempted, too. … But if you wish to vanquish the bad, it is not possible -- at least not on this side of the afterlife -- to remain pure. … For these reasons, I, unlike my friends, could not live with my conscience if I voted to help the America-destroying left win the presidency…
Best Business- Surprise
– Make no mistake; the Street knows there is more pressure on Yellen to keep Fed hawks at bay - one even voted for a rate hike in the … is that the economy is too weak and spending too inconsistently to move the Fed needle. … Biotech has an inherent risk, but it is oversold and technology acts like it is ready to rally higher.…
The #NeverTrump Party's Desperate Scenarios
– The #NeverTrump conservatives who hope to recruit a third-party candidate to challenge Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have so far … which means he would have to win a state. … That is hard to do.…
From Elephant to Tortoise, a GOP Manifesto
– By late May, Donald Trump had the 1,237 delegates needed to win the nod. Nonetheless, I voted for Ohio Gov. … Witness her reckless email judgment, compounded by her refusal to talk to the inspector general who investigated her emails. … If the goal is to beat Clinton and Trump, Libertarian could be the ticket. If the goal is to stop a Clinton-picked U.S.…
The Donald & The La Raza Judge
– First, Trump has a perfect right to be angry about the judge's rulings and to question his motives. … to put him on the bench? … The most depressing thing about this episode is to see Republicans rushing to stomp on Trump, to show the left how well they have mastered…
Hillary Clinton Refuses To Say We Have A Constitutional Right To Bear Arms…to-say-we-have-a-constitutional-right-to-bear-arms-n2173893
– it's not linked to service in a militia? … from liability to gun makers and sellers. … to that, but the rest of the American public has a right to require certain kinds of regulatory responsible actions to protect everyone…
When Refugees Get An Olympic Team
– Because most Americans have the common sense to know that many refugees are merely feigning to be our friends in need. … Certainly you wouldn’t starve yourself, so why are we starving our own people in order to pretend to help others? … It takes at least 18 months to complete all 18 steps for a single refugee to be properly vetted to enter the U.S. as a refugee.…
Why I Skipped Milo's "Free Speech" Tour at UCI
– This time, however, enough enraged social justice temper tantrum warriors voted to remove Novshadyan from office. … The club wanted to settle the matter privately, and had encouraged him to lay low, not go to the press about what happened. … One question: To protect ideas … or to keep them out?…
'Dilbert' Creator: You Know, Trump's Protestors Are Probably Helping Him…you-know-trumps-protestors-are-probably-helping-him-n2173580
– Obama.Now voted Trump(early) & LEAVING LA — Ruth Prodan (@ruth_prodan) June 3, 2016 @ScottAdamsSays They're doing such a good … It simply isn't good optics to show up to a protest and start throwing eggs and tomatoes at people, while brandishing a foreign flag … All this does is make people angry and energized to support Trump--it hardly makes anyone sympathetic to the cause of the protestors…
PBS' Ifill Asks 'What Gives' To Indiana City Upon Discovering They Don't Like Obama…indiana-city-upon-discovering-they-dont-like-obama-n2173175
– Residents here voted for Ted Cruz in this year's primaries, and Mitt Romney by two to one in 2012. … IFILL: But I first want to ask why talking to you a little bit about this campaign. … Besides scores of people opting to pay the penalty to remain uninsured because it’s cheaper, could this be due to the fact that this…
'Honorable Alternative' Gary Johnson Sides With Bernie Sanders 73 Percent Of The Time…agree-with-73-percent-of-what-sanders-says-you-know-n2172078
– Johnson responded by telling Claudia to go to and take a quiz to see whom she best matches up with concerning the remaining … require before allowing someone to drive. … Oh, and did I forget to mention the striptease that occurred when it came time to vote for a new party chair.…
The Dogs That Aren't Barking -- and Those That Are -- in 2016…ogs-that-arent-barking--and-those-that-are--in-2016-n2172572
– The issue seems to be settled, in a way most voters find tolerable. … But younger women, raised to assume they should work outside the home, have voted heavily for Sanders. … wants to increase already undeliverable benefits.…
Hillary Rejects 'America First'
– "Clinton to Paint Trump as a Risk to World Order." … Inside the Times, the headline was edited to underline the point: "Clinton to Portray Trump as Risk to the World." … As senator, Clinton voted to authorize President Bush to attack and invade a nation, Iraq, that had not attacked us and did not want…
Of Course, Venezuela's 'Crazy' Socialist President Is Blocking Humanitarian Aid…is-blocking-humanitarian-aid-thinks-us-might-invade-n2172357
– Then in May, lawmakers from Venezuela’s ruling socialist party voted against a bill that would have allowed congress to authorize medical … Maduro, defiant as ever, took to the stump and told the OAS member states to “shove it.” … As Venezuelans try desperately to find food and medicine, Maduro's aversion to accept aid due to the fear of being embarrassed by the…
Turkey Mad At Germany For Calling Armenian Genocide 'Genocide"…d-at-germany-for-calling-armenian-genocide-genocide-n2172460
– Tensions between Germany and Turkey flared Thursday when the German parliament overwhelmingly voted to label as genocide the Turks’ … Every party in the parliament voted in favor of attaching this label, and according to AP, there was one abstention and one vote against … A NATO member, with close ties to Israel, home to a U.S. base through which most of the supplies to American forces in central Iraq…
Sacramento: Let Felons Vote in Jail
– In that no-speed-limit spirit Tuesday, the California Assembly voted 41-37 to allow convicted felons to vote in jail. … With such clear language, you would think that a measure to allow felons to vote behind bars would first have to go before voters as … An Alameda County Superior Court judge obliged with a ruling that felons on county parole have "the same right to register to vote…
Key To Trump's Victory: Math
– In the lead-up to the election, the media freely dispensed advice to Wilson, nearly identical to the advice they're giving Donald Trump … 187 would propel her to victory. … to the courts to give them whatever they want.…
The Left vs. Israel
– for the first time shows liberal Democrats to be more anti-Israel than pro-Israel. … the degree that [Israelis] want us to have a positive relationship, I think they're going to have to improve their relationship with … Despite these facts, the WHO voted on May 28 to accept the proposed field assessment with the predictably lopsided outcome of 107 votes…
Are the Clintons the Real Housing-Crash Villains?
– We are going to reveal the grand secret to getting rich by investing. … Barack Obama voted to filibuster a Republican effort to roll back Fannie and Freddie. … It now includes profit sweeping from shareholders to the government, thereby ending any chance to sell the mortgage agencies back to
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