Results for: voted to

Where UNESCO and ISIS Converge
– I wish to remind all parties present of the absolute necessity to preserve this unique heritage as an essential condition for peace … to the Western Wall in scare quotes. … Harvard Professor James Russell referred to her book as “malign fantasy,” designed to demonstrate the “colonial essence” of Zionism…
New York's Home-State Winners Have November Problems
– Trump trails Clinton 49 to 39 percent in the RealClearPolitics average of recent polls. … Half of Hispanics in Illinois and one-third In Florida and New York voted for Sanders. … But in 2016 they seem allergic to voting for Clinton.…
Illinois Senate Votes to Decriminalize Possession of Up To 10 Grams of Marijuana…iminalize-possession-of-up-to-10-grams-of-marijuana-n2152062
– The Illinois Senate voted on Tuesday to decriminalize the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana. … and/or a fine of up to $1,500; possession of 2.5-10 grams is a class B misdemeanor punishable by up to six months in jail and/or a … fine of up to $1,500; and possession of more than 10 grams up to 30 grams is a class 4 felony punishable by up to one year in jail…
FCC Commissioner: We Were Told to Keep Quiet on Obamaphone Fraud Until After Vote to Expand Program…oner-we-were-told-to-keep-quiet-on-obamaphone-fraud-n2151991
– “On March 31st, the FCC -- on a party line vote -- voted to dramatically expand its program to cover Internet access in addition to … be on to say anything about it until April 1st at the very earliest, conveniently, one day after we voted on that party line vote … to expand the program.…
Love Finds a Way in Oakland
– This month, Oakland's City Council voted 5-3 to adopt "Love Life" as the city's motto. … Supporters of the new slogan meant well -- and really who can object to an exhortation to love life? … Locals want to know what it even means.…
The Irrational Nomination Process is Boosting Donald Trump's Campaign…mination-process-is-boosting-donald-trumps-campaign-n2151629
– Donald Trump has provided two great services to the nation during this campaign season. … For example, the numbers of delegates allocated to each state bear no relationship to the number of Republican voters in that state … If you wanted to accurately reflect voter preferences, you would get rid of these quirks and award delegates to the candidates based…
Brazilian Leftist President Facing Impeachment
– Brazil’s lower house of the National Congress has voted in favor of impeachment. The vote now moves to the Senate. … When you are receiving a ten point presidential approval rating – you’ve lost your mandate to lead. … Liberal supporters of the president need to understand being popularly elected does not give anyone free reign to break the law for…
Where Do The Presidential Candidates Stand on Legalizing Marijuana?…residential-candidates-fall-on-legalizing-marijuana-n2151477
– Across the country, people gather to partake in the drug and celebrate cannabis culture. … While Cruz used to be very opposed to any form of legalization, he said in an interview in Colorado that while he personally would … not vote to legalize marijuana in his home state of Texas, he respects the right of Coloradans who voted to legalize marijuana for…
Brazilian Leftist President Facing Impeachment
– Brazil’s lower house of the National Congress has voted in favor of impeachment. The vote now moves to the Senate. … When you are receiving a ten point presidential approval rating – you’ve lost your mandate to lead. … Liberal supporters of the president need to understand being popularly elected does not give anyone free reign to break the law for…
Voters in NY Put Their "I Voted" Stickers on Susan B. Anthony's Grave…ut-their-i-voted-stickers-on-susan-b-anthonys-grave-n2151314
– Voters in Rochester, New York have a touching tradition to honor suffragette Susan B. … Anthony on Election Day: They place their "I Voted" stickers on her gravesite. … way to honor the legacy of one of their "permanent residents."…
Hannity Blows Up At Cruz Over Delegates: 'I'm Getting Sick of It'
– the opportunity to switch their votes. … “So you’re in a process of talking to delegates, and it seems to be very extensive. … So if I ask you, senator, a legitimate question to explain to the audience, why don’t you just answer it?”…
Union Leaders Fret About Trump’s Populist Message Siphoning Votes Away From Democrats…opulist-message-siphoning-votes-away-from-democrats-n2159909
– “But when you cut through it and begin to focus on his record – from his talk about trade agreements, to manufacturing abroad to offshoring … This time UAW has yet to endorse a candidate, but is likely to back a Democrat. … But his brand of populism seems to be more favorable to Clinton’s pragmatic centrism on trade.…
The Many Ages of Adulthood in the Nanny State
– Translation: It's easier to get children to do what they are told. … Loo charged Wiener, Kim and other supporters with "hypocrisy" for pushing the "nanny state" -- San Francisco voted to raise the age … Next stop: You have to be 21 to buy a gun to protect yourself.…
Unemployed Coal Miner: Clinton Sounded Joyful When She Attacked Us…l-miner-clinton-sounded-joyful-when-she-attacked-us-n2159028
– In an interview with Sean Hannity, Copley said he felt Clinton lied to his face. … “She lied to you. Right to your face when she said that, didn’t she?” Hannity asked. … The West Virginia Coal Association later voted to endorse the presumptive GOP nominee.…
Trump Needs to Start Talking about the Obama Economy
– And has drawn millions of working class Americans and younger people to Bernie Sanders' delusional crusade to transform our market … "According to the U.S. … And this is why it is premature to believe Hillary Clinton is going to beat Donald Trump in November, certainly not in a landslide.…
Republicans, Apologize to Bill Clinton
– The independent counsel concluded Bill Clinton committed perjury and Republicans in Congress voted to impeach the President. … The predicate act to Bill Clinton's impeachment was his affair with an intern and his lying to cover it up. … , and few Republicans ever called on him to account.…
Green Indoctrination at School
– Common Core is intended to create uniform, one-size-fits-all, national education standards. … (BOE), and likely to be adopted in many other states, revolutionizes the classroom landscape for millions of students. … , should be troubling to not only parents but also educators and others.…
NYT: Obama Misled Public on Iranian ‘Moderation’ to Pass Nuclear Deal…admin-misleading-public-on-iran-deal-was-innovative-n2158529
– TIME magazine referred to him as a “moderate politician” when he was voted runner up for 2015’s Person of the Year. … (This is why that title deserves to be in quotes.)  … In other words:  NY Times: Obama admin knew they were lying to the public to sell the Iran deal — Seth…
And Then There Was One
– It's like to going to Mecca, for Americans. … For those of you not yet on the Trump Train, I know you don't want to vote for Hillary, but all the pundits have been trying to convince … I had to spend the weekend figuring out how to attack a friend without saying, "This is the most retarded argument I've ever read."…
Electoral Map in Democrats' Favor at This Point in Campaign…al-map-in-democrats-favor-at-this-point-in-campaign-n2157691
– Compare this to the Republican electoral map, which he says "is decidedly less friendly" to the GOP. … "In this critical swing state, it is clear to us that Republicans continue to suffer substantial brand damage amongst all segments … Trump is going to be Mr. Trump. That is to say, his appeal has been as a person who tells it like it is. Mr.…
Ted Cruz is Not Even Partly Dead
– For now, Rubio is playing his delegates close to the chest, perhaps to mount a surprise Ted Cruz rescue on the first ballot. … will go to others according to state guidelines since he hasn’t qualified. … Though all 58 delegates are required to vote Trump on the first ballot because he won the primary, they will doubtless shift to Cruz…
Looking Back On How Donald Trump Beat Hillary Clinton
– Trump also frustrated Clinton by using black and Hispanic celebrities to reach out to those communities. … I mean, I wish she had been Scared Hillary back when she voted to invade Iraq, which was a disaster. … they learn about it it’s going to be very bad for you because you were very bad to the women.…
The GOP Has Been Bad. But Not as Bad as You Think
– Republicans then filibustered the DREAM Act of 2010 and voted to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, and then many … to repeal ACA. … You can shut down Washington all you like: Obama is not going to allow Obamacare to be dismantled, and Democrats are not going to offer…
Wait–Trump's Working Class Voter Support Is A Myth
– Their anger -- which has brought millions to the polls, particularly on the Republican side -- has prompted the candidates to focus … A generation ago, Scioto residents didn't need to go to college to earn a decent wage. … turn out to vote, especially in the primaries.…
South Carolina Bans Abortions After 19 Weeks
– The Associated Press reports that the State House voted 72-29 in favor of the ban, while the Senate agreed to a compromise back in … The legislation will now head to Gov. Nikki Haley's desk. … In Utah, a related law, also signed in March, requires doctors to provide anesthesia to a fetus at least 20 weeks in the womb.…
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