Results for: they are all going to jail

This Political Prosecution Scheme Is Going To Backfire Hard
– There are a lot of state attorney generals and district attorneys out there in red states, and they are going through their statute … You see, all the incentives are to prosecute Democrats in red enclaves for things Democrats did far away. … And then all the others are going to have to follow along lest they be left behind. Some of them won’t want to.…
New Hampshire, Why Are You Doing This?…e-seeking-legal-advice-to-keep-trump-off-the-ballot-n2627572
All who are committed to the Constitution should take note and say so.”  … But some of us like to believe that we are committed to the Constitution and, for that same reason, we say no.  … It’s who they are at their core—rotten.…
Chris Hayes Is Addicted to Fentanyl Deflections, and Vox Has a Dim View on Lightbulbs…yl-deflections-and-vox-has-a-dim-view-on-lightbulbs-n2627502
– We are not going to allow abortion all the way up till birth, and we will hold them accountable for their extremism.”  … There are some places where they are specifically selling these titles, as a response to the moves by school boards. … Yet While these bulbs are forbidden to be sold, and if they were to be imported there would be severe fines imposed as punishment,…
‘Consensus Is Not Leadership’: Pence and Haley Butt Heads Over Abortion
– And, can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?” … HALEY: "Can't we all agree that we are not gonna put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?" … “It’s going to take unapologetic leadership.”…
There's Only One Word That Can Describe This MSNBC Guest's Take on Trump's GA Indictment…usional-episode-when-discussion-trumps-legal-circus-n2627336
– JILL WINE-BANKS: It’s going to be very different because they have said that they are going to do mug shots and fingerprints. … So it’s going to be a very different picture. … And we had to move them to a Army base where they could be housed without being in fear at all times so that they could cooperate and…
Being Wronged Doesn't Make You the Right Candidate
– The indictments are questionable and may very well be thrown out on appeal after they are no longer necessary to bring Trump down. … With the 2024 election, they are going after the leading candidate and trying to emasculate him, neuter him, and affect the way that … There is no question that many faithful Trump supporters are mad as hell and can't wait to vote for the man whether he is in jail or…
The Mind-Blowing Bias in the DOJ's Trial Against 5 Pro-Lifers Will Shock You
They are going about the country raiding people first thing in the morning, and I mean, it was six o'clock and they pounded on my door … and planned to "use it again," Hinshaw stated: "For all my abundant sin, and I have many, they have not brought me to court for one … And, you are plainly evil, if you are going to attack people who just want to save babies. That's all we're trying to do.…
The One Conclusion Trump's GOP Opponents Must Accept Right Now…n-trumps-gop-opponents-must-accept-at-least-for-now-n2627880
– In polling by CBS News, the ability to beat Joe Biden is one of the top qualities Republican primary voters say they are looking for … They are undeterred by pleas from party elites who say Mr. Trump is taking the Republican Party to the point of no return.  … That intensity isn’t going to subside.…
Tudor Dixon Claims Trump Advised Her to Change Her Messaging on Abortion…ims-trump-told-her-to-change-her-abortion-messaging-n2627820
– “I hope that you are able to navigate that issue in ‘24 and that we can win those women back, because they are already putting out … And, can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?” … HALEY: "Can't we all agree that we are not gonna put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?"…
Lessons from Lincoln for Our Current Crisis
– Prepare for a future in which running for office carries the legal risk of going to jail---on all sides. … in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive on to finish the work we are in.’” … In the Declaration, they add that they are “appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions”---they
Conservatives on Edge After X's Latest Announcement
– Building on our commitment to free expression, we are also going to allow political advertising. … robust screening processes to ensure only eligible groups and campaigns are able to advertise.   … the "free speech" that they think Americans are allowed to hear.That doesn't sound very free to me at all.…
Maddow Turns Fascist With Elon, While DeSantis Takes Norah O’Donnell to School on Florida Schools…s-takes-norah-odonnell-to-school-on-florida-schools-n2628459
– O’Donnell tried vainly to bring up students knowing they are gay at a young age, and DeSantis cooly let her know the rationale behind … DeSantis explains how his school policies help attract people to FLCBS: "Most gay people say they knew they were gay since they were … to take, all while they forget how flippant they had been about this process when Donald Trump was impeached over a phone call that…
Dem Candidate Is Livid GOP Discovered Her Chaturbate Channel
– "Oh God, I want to f**king get railroaded by all of you." "I'm married and I think the person I'm married to is amazing. … there's no line they won't cross to silence women when they speak up," Gibson continued. … are trying to silence me because they want to silence you, and I won't let that happen," Gibson further expressed in a press statement…
Former Texas GOP Rep Shares How the Border Is ‘Getting Out of Hand’ Under Biden
They claim that they’re related to the child, but there’s no DNA testing to prove that. … We’re all struggling….but also, securing the border. We have to secure the border to keep children safe. … They think that because they have a ‘D’ after their last name that they’re always going to get reelected,” Flores told Townhall in…
They Are Removing Trump From The Board. What Are You Going To Do About It?
– It’s awful, and they shouldn’t be allowed to do it, much less get away with it. Except they can, and they are. … A win was already going to be an uphill climb, but now it's absolutely impossible, and they know it. … This isn't a game, yet they are playing 4D chess to your checkers. Do you think they are stupid?…
Ted Cruz Reminds Us What We Must Really Be Mindful of With Hunter Biden Indictment
they could investigate, and you see all the things that could tie you to the White House, could tie you to the presidency, could tie … Cruz also reminded listeners of what is important to mindful of in that "the question to ask in each of these instances, is are they … Or are they willing to address Joe, which is the real matter of public concern?"…
Abortions Increased Nationwide After Dobbs, Study Claims…abortions-rose-in-most-states-this-year-post-dobbs-n2628118
– Additionally, not all of the abortion increases in politically liberal states are due to more out-of-state women seeking abortions. … And, can't we all agree that we are not going to put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?” … HALEY: "Can't we all agree that we are not gonna put a woman in jail or give her the death penalty if she gets an abortion?"…
The Democrats Will Never Do That in America!
– I’ve asked why they won’t but never get an answer.  They are Leftists.   … At the very least, I’m going to warn people what the Leftists have done all over the world for the last 100+ years.   … But we are witnessing a Leftist mindset in America, with examples of what they WANT to do.  …
Virginia Democrats Go for New Low Right Before Statewide Elections…on-abortion-issue-months-before-statewide-elections-n2628707
– Another mailer claims that "Riley Shaia is an extremist who is funded and endorsed by extremists," going on to mention that, among … Not only have state Democrats blocked such legislation, it is they who are the extremists on the abortion issue. … Republicans are looking to hold onto their majority in the House of Delegates, which they achieved when Youngkin was elected in 2021…
In Biden's America, a Man Killed a 'Republican' Teen and Got a Slap on the Wrist
– You're going to have to come here and handle him.' I got scared to death. I didn't know what to do." … Continuing, Brandt said, "I just tried to take off, and he wasn't going to let me go. I hit him. I didn't mean to. … Jail confirmed to me that Shannon Brandt, who reportedly confessed to killing a North Dakota teen because the 18yo victim was "part…
Vladimir Putin Makes Us Laugh
– That was the Vladimir Putin we have all come to know, but apparently, there is another side to him, a lighter side, a whimsical side … In fact, they even appear baseless to me. … They are at work in four different courtrooms nationwide that surely are going to disrupt Trump's primary schedule.…
One State Just Did Away With Cash Bail
– Law enforcement will be allowed to take certain individuals into custody if they cannot be properly identified or if they believe the … If they do not, they will be released without being required to post any money. … We can only hope that innocent victims' lives are not the ultimate price we have to pay."…
Society Pays a High Price When Prosecutors Fail to Punish Crime…a-high-price-when-prosecutors-fail-to-punish-crime-n2587245
– If you are not going to enforce the law and you are not going to prosecute, then our laws become totally meaningless. … If people can do whatever they want, whenever they want to whomever they want without punishment, society begins to fall apart. … Similarly, how can we expect people to make smart, conscientious decisions that are good for society if they know they can operate…
Passivity Is a Choice, and We Made It
– But why are we surprised? They are just doing exactly what society has told them to do. It’s not necessarily cowardice. … I’m going to go home in one piece tonight and not be bankrupted or tossed in jail forever, so I can live with it.” … Just stop pretending to be surprised that people are doing what they are told to do – nothing.…
America’s Police, the Last Line of Defense Against Anarchy
– The officer doesn’t have to show you any mercy at all.   … If you’re a felon the police are going to give you the opportunity to comply with the arrest, go to jail, post your bail, and then … If you point a weapon at a police officer they don’t have to wait for you to shoot at them before they shoot at you.  …
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