Results for: sign up to vote

Will Young People Really Be Pulling the Obamacare Cart?
– Are young people going to sign up and pay double the current rates to become paying contributors into this system? … Most critics point out that young people are not likely to sign up because of increased costs. … As more people come to depend on the generosity of big government, these dependent voters will feel compelled to vote to keep their…
Breaking Down The Results of Tuesday's Elections: The Good, The Bad and Lessons Learned…days-elections-the-good-the-bad-and-lessons-learned-n1742424
– Insurance policy premiums were shooting up to unaffordable levels. … The administration's online sign-up system turned into a bungled, unworkable mess that became the laughing stock of the country. … Christie, a shrewd and cunning operator, showed that government can work when you roll up your sleeves and are willing to step into…
Green Energy: The Rotary Dial Phone of the Future
– She noted: “Solar customers got up-front incentives to pay for their solar panels until they expired in October. … calling for them to allow the PTC to expire as scheduled. … America’s energy paradigm has changed and our energy policies need to keep up and be revised to fit our new reality.…
Nuclear Ambitions Are Clear Sign Dear Leader Obama Losing Grip…itions-are-clear-sign-dear-leader-obama-losing-grip-n1751640
– Let’s put it this way: The earth will begin to warm again before the fallout and toxic effects of Hurricane O are cleaned up. … While Democrats usually pursue a strategy of using dead voters to stuff ballot boxes and suppress the vote, Obama instead turned to … Only rulers of tin-horn dictatorships seek to go nuclear, like this, as an alternative to real, responsive government.…
Personal ObamaCare Info Available for (Democrat) Political Purposes
– Back on October 31, I wrote about suspicions that ObamaCare is designed to serve as a massive get out the vote ("GOTV") operation … It shows the Communications Director of Texas Enroll America -- a 501(c)(3) committed to getting people to sign up for ObamaCare -- … ObamaCare reeks of the stench of corruption from beginning to end. Repeal and replace.…
Obamacare Going Down in Flames
– President Obama and the Democrats woke up Tuesday morning to the stunning headline that his approval ratings have plunged "to … In the past month, Obama's job-disapproval score has shot up to 63 percent among independents, and up to 50 percent among self- described … "Republicans hope the remarkable show of Democratic disunity in the vote is a sign of things to come," writes the Post's political…
The Brazen Lawlessness of ObamaCare's Implementation
– In an effort to deter Democrats from signing on to Republican legislation (modeled after the President's own repeated pledge that Americans … How may the auditor sign off on the accounting statements? … senators) parroted the president's broken promise -- is refusing even to bring it up for a vote.…
David Cameron Gets It On Immigration
– over the issue of migrants who come to the UK without jobs and immediately sign up for government benefits.  … Poland has warned that it will vote against the proposal unless it also applies to British citizens who are unemployed and seeking … Is that too much to ask? …
Lawrence Lessig Attacks The Washington Death Star, Sows Panic…lessig-attacks-the-washington-death-star-sows-panic-n1926011
– His proposal, in essence, is to provide voters with donation vouchers to allow candidates (optionally) to turn to rank-and-file voters … , rather than Insiders, to raise the money to conduct their campaigns. … With a majority of the majority in support, as easily they could be, Lessig’s plan can be brought up for a vote and pass, handily.…
America’s Choice: Emperor Obama or the Constitutional Rule of Law…ice-emperor-obama-or-the-constitutional-rule-of-law-n1924764
– “Emperor” Obama scolded House Republicans for not giving an up-or-down vote on the comprehensive Immigration Bill passed by the Senate … but made no mention of the House-passed border security first bills that the Senate refused to bring to a vote. … He even had the audacity to challenge Congress to pass legislation he could sign that would replace his unconstitutional executive…
DC Protestors Support Acts Of 'Communal Self-Defense' In Ferguson…rs-support-acts-of-communal-selfdefesne-in-ferguson-n1924513
– even dressed up for the occasion in a suit and tie. … One protestor had the racial composition of the Grand Jury on a sign; there were nine white and three black jurors. … The Grand Jury vote is kept secret. In all, Joseph got some great footage of left-wing extremism.     …
'Cromnibus' Advances In The House, But Final Vote Delayed
– the bill, moving one step closer to a vote in order to avoid a government shutdown. … The bill was advanced by a 214-212 vote, setting up a debate on the appropriations.  Sixteeen Republicans–Reps. … Right now, the final vote on the spending package was delayed due to uncertainty if it had enough votes for passage (via Roll Call)…
Rep. Paul Ryan's Hope for a Congress That Works
– Joe Manchins (D-WV) of the world and the people who are coming up (for re-election) in 2016 (will also vote for it). … Ryan predicts the president is likely to sign it, if he thinks his veto might be overridden.  … Ryan says Republicans need to show up in minority neighborhoods and ask what has voting for Democrats gotten them?…
Cultural Winner and Losers, 2014
– A clearly frustrated George Clooney announced there was no one in that industry willing to sign a letter condemning Sony's capitulation … Feminists tried to sell killing a "fetus" as the basis for a touching romantic comedy, starring a childlike stand-up female comedian … Simpson case: No one wants to believe it's true, but it's getting harder to deny. Winner: Washington Redskins.…
March Court Date Means GOP Has Till June To Replace Obamacare
– The justices who agree with King wouldn’t vote to grant. … They would instead want to signal to their colleagues that, in their view, the IRS rule ought to be upheld. … Republicans in Congress will have until midsummer to come up with a solution to this problem.…
The Strange Source of Our Cuba Policy
– After the 2012 election, Nate Silver of The New York Times figured out that "Mitt Romney may have had to win the national popular vote … Cuban-Americans are concentrated in Florida, where they make up more than 6 percent of the population -- enough to decide an election … The plan, known as the National Popular Vote, would not kick in until enough states sign on to deliver the 270 votes that constitute…
2015: The Year In Preview
– There’s nowhere to go but up when you expect the worst from a year. … Barack Obama’s policies that they didn’t bother to vote can exercise the right they forsook because of disillusionment. … She escapes unharmed as the car was wrapped in reporters desperate to get close to her and protect her from any potential harm.…
Another One?! Delaware House Passes Bill Allocating Electoral College Votes To National Popular Vote Winner…asses-bill-altering-electoral-college-participation-n2543338
– It looks like the national popular vote chorus got larger this week when it comes to presidential elections. … that want to combine all their Electoral College votes and pledge them to presidential candidates who win the national popular vote … And if you’re a Republican voter what is your motivation to vote?…
Sore Losers? It’s Now Law. Colorado Will Allocate Their Electoral College Delegates Based On National Popular Vote Winner…ill-that-alters-its-electoral-college-participation-n2543247
– A state’s electoral college votes are allocated to whoever wins the national popular vote. Period. … It would spur GOP voters in California and New York to actually show up and vote because they know their ballots weigh a little more—and … “It is important to understand that the National Popular Vote bill significantly amplifies Colorado's voice in choosing the president…
Wait, Why is Pelosi Vowing to Block Mike Lee's Bill to Limit Presidential 'Emergency' Powers?…ke-lees-bill-limiting-presidential-emergency-powers-n2543086
– Congress can vote to block an emergency declaration, but the two-thirds majorities required to overcome presidential vetoes make it … But if Trump won't sign Lee's bill no matter what (presidents are loath to give up power), Mitch McConnell would probably be inclined … smartest chess move be to...immediately take up the very bill she rejected yesterday?  …
Pathetic: Divided House Dems Won't Even Try to Pass a Budget, Demand Across-the-Board Spending Increases…dget-this-year-but-we-want-major-spending-increases-n2544217
– any Democrats sign onto a GOP-led discharge petition to force an anti-infanticide vote?) … Eager to steer clear of another public intraparty battle, House Democrats are expected to avoid a vote on a budget this year, multiple … Privately, however, lawmakers and aides say that a budget is unlikely to come for a final vote.…
House Republicans Introduce Petition to Bypass Dems, Hold Vote on Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act…live-abortion-survivors-protection-act-to-the-floor-n2544151
– petition to the floor in order to get a vote on Rep. … Republicans held a press conference Tuesday in support of their effort to get a vote on the measure. … I'm leading House Republicans to the floor to file a discharge petition to demand a vote to #EndInfanticide.…
Democrats Remain Dumb, Deaf, and Blind On Ralph Northam's Infanticide Comments…af-and-blind-on-ralph-northams-infanticide-comments-n2545521
– "[Democrats] are aggressively pushing extreme late-term abortion, allowing children to be ripped from their mother's womb right up … Democrats in the Senate already voted such legislation down and Democrats in the House won't even bring it up for a vote. … All Democrats have to do to prove that they do not support infanticide is pass this bill for President Trump to sign.…
Trump Is Right. Babies Born Alive in Failed Abortions Are Executed.
– Thanks to Northam’s unguarded comments and President Trump’s persistence, Americans are waking up to this awful reality. … In Montana, Governor Steve Bullock has not committed to sign legislation that would protect abortion survivors. … If 218 members sign the discharge petition, it will force a vote by the full House.…
'Fight for 15' Fail: Employer Survey Confirms Minimum Wage Hikes Harm Workers and Consumers
– Though it was served up as a progressive plan to hike wages, Initiative 77 would have actually cost many workers money.  … But workers that I (and other reporters) talked to before the vote told me that they often make far more than $15 a hour, thanks to … wage increases cause employers to adjust, passing down costs to consumers, and hampering employees' opportunities to make money.…
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