Back on October 31, I wrote about suspicions that ObamaCare is designed to serve as a massive get out the vote ("GOTV") operation for Democrats:
It would certainly explain why ACORN, United Labor Unions, Planned Parenthood, National Urban League, and Virginia Poverty Law Center Inc. have signed on as Navigators. And can it be a coincidence that a Soros-funded outfit has produced a blueprint for how ObamaCare can be used to register voters?
A new film from Project Veritas makes it pretty clear that these suspicions are well-founded. It shows the Communications Director of Texas Enroll America -- a 501(c)(3) committed to getting people to sign up for ObamaCare -- conspiring to obtain confidential data of potential ObamaCare enrollees for (lefty) partisan and/or political use. (Note that Enroll America was the group for which HHS Secretary Sebelius was fundraising.)
ObamaCare reeks of the stench of corruption from beginning to end. Repeal and replace.
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