Results for: they are all going to jail

The Man Who Stopped The Texas Gunman Is an NRA Member…gunman-is-a-nra-member-and-was-a-certified-instruct-n2405744
– Yet, there was one person who wasn’t going to stand idle as Kelley shot up a church. … On the way, they called 911 to give a description of the gunman's vehicle and where they were. … In the span of the day, you stepped on all the rakes in this debate. Welcome to America.…
Remember, They’re Wrong About Everything, Especially On Firearms…heyre-wrong-about-everything-especially-on-firearms-n2405294
– We’re not going to listen to you about guns until:1. You learn about guns2. … It’s going to be a helluva week. … The same folks who chastised President Trump for politicizing the NYC attack are going to start politicizing this shooting because…
Trump to UCLA Players: You Can Thank Me Now…after-he-helped-free-them-from-prison-time-in-china-n2409860
– “I would also like to thank President Trump and the United States government for the help that they provided," LiAngelo Ball stated … They were headed for 10 years in jail! — Donald J. … They do not play games." "Hopefully everything is going to work out,” Trump added, calling it "a very rough situation."…
Boston Globe: It's Time To Consider Gun Confiscation
– The rancor lasted a few weeks, but as in every case, we return to reality: guns are here to stay. … Guns are part of American culture. And no new gun control laws are going to get passed. Period. Why? There’s no need. … They hate people who own them, but they haven’t figured out a way to exploit gun tragedies that can yield political dividends.…
Chris Cuomo Tries to Get LaVar Ball to Say Thank You to President Trump…ies-to-get-ball-to-say-thank-you-to-president-trump-n2412422
– If he was going to thank anyone, he would "probably" thank Jinping. … Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 19, 2017Shoplifting is a very big deal in China, as it should be (5-10 years in jail), but not to … Should have gotten his son out during my next trip to China instead. China told them why they were released. Very ungrateful!…
Returning Jihadists Need Prison, not Couches
Are we supposed to believe that they're going to parlay their real-world experience making violent propaganda videos into careers with … "We are going to monitor them," Trudeau said of the returnees. … "When they return to France, adults are subjected to French justice, are incarcerated, will be judged," he said.…
The 25 Most Obnoxious Quotes of 2017 (14th Annual)
– These angry declarations that they have some absolute right to not want to be with trans women are just misplaced and inappropriate … are going to be the minority, and I’m not sad to say I can’t wait for that day to happen. … I hope I live long enough to see it because it will be a better country." -- Michael Moore 9) "I think there are lots of questions…
Why Are These (Any) Dems Running?
– What a wonderful turn from 2012, where the strongest contender (Romney) was a weak frontrunner, all the way to April. … All old and white, bereft of ideas and wit, they have legacies of folly and failure. … Instead of picking on why certain Republicans are running, a better to question to ask: Why are any Democrats running at all?…
7 Questions You’ve Always Wanted To Ask A White Conservative…ons-youve-always-wanted-to-ask-a-white-conservative-n2006798
They all posted messages on their Facebook pages requesting questions and I’m going to be honestly answering some of them in a respectful … It's like they are stuck on the 19th century." … Well, I shouldn’t say that because they are all over the t-shirt shops, where I assume the tourists buy them and take them home to
One Dangerous Doctor?
– And yet later that night they found her guilty on all counts. All twelve felony counts. … that she avoids jail time all together.” … “I am going to miss being a doctor," she texted to reporters. “I really love being a doctor.”…
Father's Day: Being Raised Without a Father Is Not a Death Sentence…ing-raised-without-a-father-is-not-a-death-sentence-n2013928
– One is more likely to drop out, be unemployed or end up in jail. But it's not a death sentence. … So Dad took two jobs as a janitor and cooked for a family on the weekends -- while going to night school to get a GED. … He turned to me, held up his hand and proudly said, "I've never spent one minute in jail."…
The Left Disbars Another Conservative Prosecutor
– Prosecutors are scared to bring charges on politically charged issues, especially if they go against the left’s agenda. … Now they are going to pile on him, as there is speculation that lawsuits will be filed against him and maybe even criminal charges. … going to find themselves wishing they never run afoul of the law.…
All Eyes On The Supreme Court As Decisions on Marriage, Obamacare Loom…preme-court-as-decisions-on-marriage-obamacare-loom-n2017247
– We want to help people, but we are not going to be forced by the government and society or the politically correct to say we are going … "If they said, 'Listen pastor, we are going to put you in jail if you don't honor this.' … I am going to say, 'Then put me in jail.' " Decisions are released at 10 a.m. et.…
Goodbye First Amendment: Federal Government Subpoenaed for...Hyperbolic Commenters…nment-subpoenas-reasoncom-for-hyperbolic-commenters-n2016229
– But as White points out, they were not true threats: The "threats" do not specify who is going to use violence, or when. … Nobody in the thread reacts to them as if they are serious. … They are not directed to the judge by email or on a forum she is known to frequent.…
A Coming Era of Civil Disobedience?
– Only this time, the rebellion is likely to arise from the right. Certainly, Americans are no strangers to lawbreaking. … solid ground to demand that we all respect the Obergefell decision as holy writ? … Priests and pastors are going to refuse to perform same-sex marriages. Churches and chapels will refuse to host them.…
My Body, My Organs: If Planned Parenthood Can Sell Body Parts, Why Can’t I?…f-planned-parenthood-can-sell-body-parts-why-cant-i-n2031480
– Unless organ suppliers are daring enough to venture into the world’s thriving black market for human body parts, they do not receive … The ordinary organ suppliers are capable of providing only one organ while they are alive, or they wait until they die and then have … If they are willing to break the law, they can already buy body parts on the black market.…
Can We Please Dispense With the “Policy Via Wishful Thinking” Approach?…pense-with-the-policy-via-wishful-thinking-approach-n2027842
– That has now significantly changed and the consequences are – and will likely continue to be – massive. … If Iran sticks to the agreement then all will be great. … It seems that we’ve treated them assuming that their intentions are to comply and leave behind their rogue nation status.…
Ebola is Much Less Scary Than Hollywood's 'Contagion.' Or is it?…much-less-scary-than-hollywoods-contagion-or-is-it-n1905082
– She also said, "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs … After all, Obama was going to restore faith in government. The smart and decent people were in charge. … They, like a Paltrow, wish the already-powerful "all of the power" they need.We now have our own version of "Contagion" playing out…
Ebola is Much Less Scary Than Hollywood's 'Contagion.' Or is it?…much-less-scary-than-hollywoods-contagion-or-is-it-n1905085
– She also said, "It would be wonderful if we were able to give this man all of the power that he needs to pass the things that he needs … After all, Obama was going to restore faith in government. The smart and decent people were in charge. … They, like a Paltrow, wish the already-powerful "all of the power" they need.We now have our own version of "Contagion" playing out…
Here’s Another Reason to Hate Title IX
– According to the freshly signed SB 967, all college campuses accepting financial aid in the Golden State must enforce a high standard … of the evidence allows tribunals to punish if they merely think that the accused is more likely guilty than not — a standard of 50.01 … “In the real world, rape and sexual assault are crimes punishable by going to jail — and rightfully so.…
Hillary, the Life-Long Conservative?
– There are about 250 million people available to work. That means about 12 million workers are sidelined. … Perhaps he should change his name to Rocky Ransom :) Do you suppose they actually pay him to do this? … Oh, you know Democrats are in trouble when they try to make Hillary into a long, lost conservative without a cause.…
Diversity Dialogues: Live with the Rainbow Jihad
They were tasty, too. We just want you to know that. … Announcer: "Hi, you're listening to Pride Radio, where it's all Rainbow Jihad all the time. … Yet, the only people who claim they get to have sex with any adult they choose are called rapists.…
Criminalizing Innocent Christian Behavior
– Where are all the atheist freedom lovers we always hear about? It's time for them to start standing up for religious liberty. … According to their complaint, they arguably commit a separate and distinct misdemeanor each day they refuse to perform such ceremonies … Are they seeking the vindication of their rights or trying to force their beliefs on other people to the point of compelling them to
Democrats the Daddy Party
They state they are going to (after the election) create rules that punish anyone trying to lower their tax rates by moving their operations … That means if you have three employees and all three have their own insurance with which they are happy and meets all ACA qualifications … what we want you to do or we are going to fine or punish you until you submit to our will.…
On Behalf of the Patriarchy, Liberal Feminists Can Kiss Off…lf-of-the-patriarchy-liberal-feminists-can-kiss-off-n1919019
To be fair, liberal feminists are seething with hatred for conservative women as well; so it’s not just men that they hate. … In fact, if liberal guys are making gross sexist comments about conservative women, they can usually expect liberal feminists to be … If you’re in a roomful of feminists, not only are the kooks who believe this stupidity probably going to be there, it’s more likely…
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