Results for: House Democrat

Biden's Three Paths to Victory
– We're going to punish you by handing Democrats the presidency, the House and the Senate. … RESULT: Either way, a Democrat wins.…
Labeling the Debate As 'Nonpartisans' vs. the 'Ultra-Right'
– NBC called it "controversial" and noted the Biden White House called it "extreme." … Jesse Helms an "ultra-right conservative," but described his liberal Democrat opponent Harvey Gantt simply as "former Charlotte mayor…
Donald Trump Endorses Bernie Moreno for Ohio Senate Race
– Moreno is running to retire Democrat Sherrod Brown, with Ohio being regarded as one of the top pickup opportunities in 2024, if not … He is the leader America needs most, and job one in 2024 is returning him to the White House. … With a Republican Senate and President Trump back in the White House, we will Make America Great Again!"…
Guess How Long It's Been Since Newsom Launched His '10-Year Plan' to End Homelessness in San Francisco
– Fox News Digital's Houston Keene, California Republican Party Chairwoman Jessica Millan Patterson slammed another decades-long Democrat … nstead of focusing on bashing red states or hitting the late-night talk show circuit while foolishly eyeing a promotion to the White House
Why Dems Are Celebrating What Colorado Just Did to Trump
– just removed Donald Trump from the ballot under the 14th amendment.Even after a lower court judge in Denver who was a longtime Democrat … inflaming his supporters with false claims of election fraud and directing them to the Capitol – preventing him from a second White House
Biden’s War on Christmas and All Things Holy
– In keeping with the Democrat party obsession with eradicating everything good, just, holy, and wholesome, the Bidens have created an … of the White House. … How many infants have been consumed by the titanic gravitation of unfettered selfishness and Democrat sponsored butchery?…
Perverts in the Senate
– Hell, in 1983 there was a scandal involving two Members of the House of Representatives – Republican Dan Crane and Democrat Gerry Studds … – having sex with 17-year-old House Pages. … You see them sitting around the well of the House, waiting for someone to give them orders.…
Democrats Have Gotten Even Worse
– Institutions were only trusted when Democrats controlled them, subpoenas were “Congressional subpoenas” when issued by a Democrat-controlled … House and defiance of them got your home raided and the full weight of the Justice Department dumped on you. … We don’t have a Republican Court and a Democrat Court, we only have one Court.…
Sorry Israel, Elections Are More Important to Biden and Pro-Hamas Democrats…are-more-important-to-biden-and-pro-hamas-democrats-n2632534
– This is the area that sent the most anti-Semitic person to the US House of Representatives, Rep. Rashida Tlaib. … Sadly, America, this Democrat party, does not feel that way.…
These Five Democrats Support Joe Biden's Impeachment
– This week, the House voted to formally approve the impeachment inquiry into President Joe Biden as part of a months-long probe led … Mullin insisted that the Senate covers both Republican and Democrat issues fairly. … If the "House sends us over an airtight case, that it completely easily points to the president breaking the law in treason, misdemeanor…
House Republicans Finally Did It
– After months of investigation, a lot of talk and no action, and the ousting of their speaker, House Republicans banded together and … becoming a Townhall VIP member, you are supporting our conservative reporting and helping us tell the truth that Joe Biden, his Democrat
Alan Dershowitz Makes Curious Point About How Possible Trump Convictions Could Affect the 2024 Election…sible-trump-convictions-could-have-on-2024-election-n2632475
– Attorney and Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz, who also happens to be a Democrat who's voted against Donald Trump multiple times … The segment also discussed how Hunter Biden had been subpoenaed to appear before the House Oversight Committee that same day for a … Dershowitz and Bartiromo also discussed how the attorney believes that the impeachment inquiry that the House voted to go forward with…
Poll: Democratic Party Viewed as More Extreme
– This reveals a big disconnect between how voters rank this issue and how Democrat campaign operatives use the abortion extremism message … The White House has been promoting the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) in particular. … Republicans" has been a favorite of the Biden administration, even as it's gotten them into trouble, as was the case with White House
How Rep. Eric Swalwell Is Now Also Involved in the Hunter Biden Drama…is-now-also-involved-in-hunter-biden-subpoena-drama-n2632368
– As Katie and Spencer have been covering, Hunter Biden refused to show for his closed-door testimony before the House Oversight Committee … earlier on Wednesday, with Committee Chairman James Comer (R-KY) and House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) indicating … Why did Hunter Biden bring disgraced Democrat Rep. Eric Swalwell (left) with him to his press conference?…
The Meat-Headed Nanny-ism of the Biden Administration
– One case at hand pits the EEOC, currently chaired by Democrat Charlotte Burrows, against a California moving company. … House of Representatives from 1995 to 2003.…
You Can Tell the Bidens Have Nothing to Hide by How They’re Hiding So Many Things…nothing-to-hide-by-how-theyre-hiding-so-many-things-n2632381
– Of course, only a Democrat would have their defiance of a Congressional subpoena turned into a headline with the words, “Hunter Biden … The media is so dumb they think subpoenas issued when Republicans control the House are “Republican subpoenas,” but when Democrats … The next GOP administration, no matter who it is or when it occurs, needs to clean house at the Justice Department.…
Democrat Resorts to Name-Calling Over Biden Impeachment Inquiry
– Jasmine Crockett (D-Texas) dubbed some of her Republican colleagues “idiots” and “assholes” alongside criticism of the House Oversight … Democrat Rep.…
Jack Smith's Desperate Gamble at SCOTUS
– The Deep State Dems thought the surprise raid of Mar-a-Lago would knock Trump out of contention for the White House. … Failing all that, liberals misusing prosecutorial power thought the indictments by a Democrat county prosecutor in Atlanta would be…
The White House Sure Is Appreciative of Mitt Romney
– "As you know, House Republicans have signaled that they may vote as early as this week on an impeachment inquiry into President Biden … Kelly Armstrong (R-ND) filed a resolution last week to formalize the inquiry and authorize the House Oversight Committee, House Judiciary … Committee, and House Ways and Means Committee to continue with their investigations.…
The Woke Attempt to Remove the Reconciliation Monument Cannot Prevail Against the People…iliation-monument-cannot-prevail-against-the-people-n2632314
– Confederacy, but rather to honor and celebrate the spirit of reunification and reconciliation of the North and the South,   the Democrat-dominated … In addition, there has been an enormous grassroots movement lobbying members of Congress, resulting in the House of Representatives…
Here’s How the VA Democrat Who Livestreamed Sex Acts Responded to Losing Her Election…rat-says-shes-the-victim-in-sex-live-stream-scandal-n2632259
– Susanna Gibson, the Virginia democrat who filmed live video streams of her and her husband having sex online for “tips,” said in an … To recap, Gibson, 40, ran for Virginia’s House of Delegates and lost after the videos surfaced and were shared with the public.…
The Problematic Ousting of Rep. George Santos From Congress…blematic-ousting-of-rep-george-santos-from-congress-n2632235
– George Santos was removed from office by the House of Representatives on December 1, dividing Republicans. … Republicans need to start playing hardball with the Democrats and stop deserting our own, especially since the GOP controls the House … The House of Representatives voted 311-114 to expel him, well over the two-thirds required.…
Democrat Makes Damning Admission On the 'Legally Justified' Hunter Biden Indictments…mits-new-hunter-biden-charges-are-legally-justified-n2632229
– polls indicate Hunter Biden's illegal activities will indeed impact his father's chances of securing another four years in the White House … Interrupting, host Kristen Welker reminded the Democrat that she asked about the Biden's, not the Trump family. …
'Diversity Hires' and Progressive Hatred Highlight Everything Wrong With Democrats…ve-hatred-highlight-everything-wrong-with-democrats-n2632231
– It’s a big part of why I’m not a Democrat – I judge people as individuals and am disgusted by those who don’t do the same. … The idea of Harvard firing Gay for her incompetence or bigotry is less likely than Hunter leaving a whore house with cash in his pocket…
North Carolina Democrat Will Not Seek Reelection
Democrat North Carolina Rep. Kathy Manning announced on Thursday that she will not seek reelection in 2024.  … “Another House Democrat is racing toward the exit – and for good reason. … Tricia Cotham represents a Democrat-leaning district near Charlotte.…
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