Results for: national political news

The State of the Union: Obama is Playing Hardball; Republicans Tiddlywinks…n-obama-is-playing-hardball-republicans-tiddlywinks-n1947348
– But Tuesday's speech was, at one time, mundane, arrogant, petty, political, and devoid of any lines that will survive this news cycle … Unlike the Environmental Protection Act or the National Labor Relations Act, these rights won't be circumscribed in any way; and there…
Walker Watch: Governor Plans To Be In New Hampshire, Nabs Ernst Strategist…plans-to-be-in-new-hampshire-nabs-ernst-strategist-n1947546
– The news was first reported by the Des Moines Register. … Hey, there are risks with any national campaign. We’ll just have to see how this plays out. … He has a political network ready–all we have to do is wait for Walker.…
Surprise: 'Average' Mom Showcased at SOTU was a Democratic Operative…showcased-at-sotu-is-a-former-democratic-operative-n1947417
– The idea was to highlight an average, everyday family for the national audience, and to drive home Obama's "middle class economics" … President Barack Obama in his State of the Union address is a former Democratic campaign staffer and has been used by Obama for political … This also wasn’t the first time the White House used the former Democratic campaign staffer as a political prop.…
A Tale of Two Black Political Prisoners Who Visited the U.S.…of-two-black-political-prisoners-who-visited-the-us-n1947222
– Granted, the scenarios involving these two black political prisoners are hardly identical. … At one time in 1961, some 300,000 Cubans were jailed for political offenses. … Antunez’ resounding rebuff while in the U.S. by the U.S. media and political establishment came one day after the U.S. media and political
Incompetent Banks & Education Systems
– Education Crisis A shocker of news has not gotten the kind of attention it should have received. … However, for me, the news should be the ultimate indictment against policies so focused on destruction of wealth; the ladder of success … While some poor schools get less money than the national average, the average amount spent in America rivals that of other developed…
Ukraine Claims Russians are Fighting Alongside Rebels... Again.…claims-russians-are-fighting-alongside-rebels-again-n1946997
– On 20 January, the Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) published a report about the joint meeting of the government, political parties … The meeting took place at the People's Palace of Culture on Tuesday to carry out the tasks for national reunification set forth by … broad avenue to independent reunification with concerted efforts of the entire nation this year marking the 70th anniversary of national
NY State Assembly Speaker Arrested on Corruption Charges
– Today, it seems Silver’s political sins have caught up to him, as he was promptly arrested in the Empire State. … for national politics. … In the meantime, Silver’s arrest is welcome news, because the last thing we need is another "Boss Tweed."…
Obama Administration Releases Convicted Al Qaeda Operative From Civilian Prison…n-releases-convicted-terrorist-from-civilian-prison-n1945727
– willingness not just to negotiate with terrorists, and not just to flat-out release dangerous jihadists as a means of achieving the political … While appalling, this news was inevitable. … In more positive news, ISIS members were reportedly killed by Canadian troops in a failed raid in Iraq, the first confirmed instance…
Surreal: Obama Demands 'A Better Politics,' Lectures Nation on Demonization
– Rather, they were served up as political grenades to be lobbed at the opposition during an extended infomercial for low-information … Obama struck a triumphal tone on the economy, buttressed by some undeniable, if severely belated, positive news. … Obama's chest-thumping on deficit reduction deservedly induced more eye rolls than earnest applause, while the national debt went curiously…
The "NAACP Bombing" ... or The Barbershop Bang?
– John Lewis, who clearly missed the thousands of local, state, national and international newspaper, magazine, web and cable news stories … And the national president of the NAACP is now headed out here for a visit this weekend. … One key witness who spoke to a local news station described the white pickup as a "new truck."…
Boko Haram Puts Government Forces to the Test
– South Korea-China: South Korean National Defense Minister Han Min Koo met Chinese Minister of Defense General Chang Wanquan on 4 February … In a televised statement on Friday, the Houthi rebels said that they would set up a transitional national council of 551 members to … Once again, news accounts report air attacks contributed to the defeat of Boko Haram.…
Japan Gets Ready For War
– North Korea-US: Today a pro-North Korean news outlet base in Japan published an article about the meaning of the National Defense Commission's … The writer said that the news report about North Korean training to attack a US aircraft carrier is linked to the National Defense … The Houthi political grievances that precipitated the crisis remain unaddressed.…
The Obama Doctrine: Relativism at All Costs
– The truth concerning Islam has been a casualty of political correctness. … Nick Adams is an Australian best-selling author, speaker and political commentator. … He is a regular on Fox News, C-SPAN and nationally-syndicated radio.…
How Conservatives With Alligator Arms Lose Elections
– Recently a panel on FOX News was debating whether we should support Jeb Bush or Mitt Romney. … Yet, despite all of that political prominence and cache, we have been on the defensive on this issue philosophically in the political … Do you have any national political aspirations? SD: I do not know about national.…
President's Advisers Are Leaving Him To Join Clinton
– His fourth nominee to be defense secretary was taking positions that betrayed deep disagreements over national security issues. … They plan to hold a news conference Thursday to urge Obama to abandon his opposition to sending weapons into Eastern Ukraine. … But things are suddenly getting hotter for Obama and his party here at home, too, as Republicans resume their political attacks in…
For Once DNC Chair is Right: Media Left is Biased Against Israel…chair-is-right-media-left-is-biased-against-israel-n1952949
– According to a story by Politico's Dylan Byers, Wasserman Schulz, who is Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, reportedly … Now that's big news because Wasserman Schulz heads a political party whose president and members of the House and Senate have, for … Recent news reports suggest that a new wave of anti-Semitism is growing throughout Europe.…
Crack Up: Some Democrats Threaten Boycott of Netanyahu Speech
– Ever since the White House escalated this latest spat to a 'DEFCON 2' political outrage last week, I've been waiting for a story  … Netanyahu’s political fortunes above the relationship between Israel and the United States.” … While White House officials were threatening Israel, the news broke that Obama’s 2012 national field director, Jeremy Bird, was headed…
Memo To The GOP 2016 Field: Speak Out When The President Won't, Especially On ISIS And Iran…when-the-president-wont-especially-on-isis-and-iran-n1952696
– The president has 23 months left to wreck more havoc on America's national security and it is up to the House and Senate to do everything … Every day the ongoing international crisis with Islamist radicalism is in the news --which is close to every day-- the individuals … or national eclipse, and with eclipse danger.…
Dead on Arrival: GOP Rejects Obama's $4 Trillion Budget
– Let's start with the good news. … According to the House Budget Committee, Obama's FY 2016 budget would add $8.5 trillion to the national debt over the next decade, … Many people use "deficits" and "national debt" as interchangeable shorthand for the same phenomenon.…
Another Day, Another Shoddy Anti-Gun Study From The Left
– report, by the department’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, painted an encouraging picture of long-term trends at a time of divisive political … … Despite national attention to the issue of firearm violence, most Americans are unaware that gun crime is lower today … It’s not news that gang violence is ripping the black community apart.…
No, 2014 Wasn't the "Warmest Year In History"
– Among those seizing on the news to make a political point was President Obama, who used his State of the Union address to voice disdain … But I do know that what NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies and NOAA's National Climatic Data Center actually reported was rather … less categorical than what the news accounts — or the White House — might lead you to believe.…
Welcome To North Korea
News coverage of North Korea tends to center on the threats and provocations of the Kim Jong-un regime and the regime’s development … Between failed economic policies, diversion of international food assistance, and a vast network of political prison camps, Kim Jong-il … Nevertheless, South Korea has its problems too; it's free speech laws have become a subject of concern given their National Security…
The Race Is Already On for Republican Hopefuls
– WASHINGTON -- The grueling political marathon for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination has begun, with three contenders out … A new NBC News/Marist poll in the state shows Bush with 18 percent support among Republican voters, Walker with 15 percent, Paul with … In Iowa, for example, where social issues can dominate the political discussion, former Pennsylvania senator Rick Santorum, a leader…
Barack Obama's Dissonance And Bad Dreams
– Obama’s declamation of good news is especially hollow. … In his new political memoir, he asserts that in 2008, then-candidate Obama lied when he told Rick Warren, in a widely-watched interview … Obama’s scolding, irrelevant, and offensive comments about the Crusades and Jim Crow during last week’s National Prayer Breakfast (…
President Obama's Redistributionomics
– far more attention than its domestic policy counterpart this week, but even though the domestic interview did not break any real news … making sure that while that growth engine is running, it is ensuring that enough of the gains and prosperity is shared so that the political … The federal government didn't even spend significant amounts of money on K-12 education until the National Defense Education Act of…
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