Results for: Republican National Committee

Conservative Groups Looking to Keep the Senate in GOP Hands…tive-groups-looking-to-keep-the-senate-in-gop-hands-n2207398
– Rob Portman has enjoyed the best polling performance of any Republican running in an Obama-won state. … The Koch network will not be committing any money or ground game to help the Republican presidential nominee. … While highly unlikely, the Republican National Committee has been urged to drop support for Trump and completely focus on down-ballot…
Letting Trump Be Trump May Not Lead to Victory
– That shed new light on the Trump campaign's role at the GOP convention, when the party's platform committee weakened language that … He also picked Kellyanne Conway, a longtime Republican pollster, to be his campaign manager. … But there's a sea of difference between the number of voters who turn out in the Republican primaries and the 211 million eligible…
Speaker Ryan Crisscrossing the Country for GOP House Candidates…crisscrossing-the-country-for-gop-house-candidates-n2207032
– His Safe Republican district is expected to stay in his hands after November. … Ryan’s goals are twofold: raise money for the National Republican Congressional Committee and give face-time to voters. … Over half of congressional districts are rated by Roll Call as “Safe Republican,” this is not even counting the “Favored,” “Leans,”…
Where's The Letter From Democratic Security Officials Opposing Hillary?…from-democratic-security-officials-opposing-hillary-n2206532
– A group of 50 conservative foreign policy elites and veteran national security officials of prior Republican administrations recently … wrote an open letter denouncing Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. … "After ranking members of the Democratic National Committee were found to have been massaging the primary race for Ms.…
What?! Tim Kaine Says Clinton Foundation No Longer Taking Corporate/Foreign Money…dation-no-longer-taking-corporateforeign-donor-cash-n2214641
– The folks in the Republican National Committee war room found this glaring inaccuracy during Kaine’s exchange with a reporter who asked…
Israel Doesn't Need American Foreign Aid
– do — particularly Americans with Republican or conservative leanings. … If only out of national self-respect, Israel should want to wean itself off the US dole — and America shouldn't want its friendship … The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) characterizes US military aid to Israel as "the most tangible manifestation of…
Election 2016: Who Will Win the U.S. Senate?
– Nothing can top Election Day 1980, which produced a Republican majority with 12 Senate wins. … I knew that the battleground was going to be wider for Democratic gains, and harder for Republican holds. … Just south of Johnson, fellow Republican Mark Kirk of Illinois is in a world of hurt.…
Donald Trump Ends Up Where He Started
– This callousness has already prompted some of Trump's National Hispanic Advisory Council to quit, most notably Alfonso Aguilar, former … "The 'National Hispanic Advisory Council' seems to be simply for optics and I do not have the time or energy for a scam," Politico … reports Pena as writing to campaign and Republican National Committee officials.…
Trumpists: 0-3
– known - or at least known of - McCain since he was a freshman Member of Congress in 1983 and I was doing my first turn at the NationalRepublican Congressional Committee which is the political arm of Republicans in the House. … When the actual votes were counted, McCain won by 60,761 votes - 51.6 percent to 39.2 percent (two other Republican candidates made…
The House Will Stand
– The National Republican Congressional Committee is implementing their Young Guns program to head this effort. … Democrats will undoubtedly blame gerrymandering by Republican state legislatures, but this isn’t entirely why the House is so safe…
Report: Clinton Continued To Email Classified Information After Leaving State Department…assified-information-after-leaving-state-department-n2212498
– Halper added that the emails were obtained by the Republican National Committee through a FOIA request and were heavily redacted since…
Watch: Hillary Clinton's Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Week…ry-clintons-terrible-horrible-no-good-very-bad-week-n2211215
– Yes, it’s a video from the Republican National Committee, but it doesn’t negate the fact that Hillary Clinton had a disaster of a…
Hillary's 'Deplorables'? What About Hillary's 'Generalistic'?
Republican politicians -- and their supporters -- are racist, sexist and homophobic, and they smell really, really bad. … before Trump arrived on the political scene, then-Al Gore campaign manager Donna Brazile, now interim chair of the Democratic NationalCommittee, said the GOP has "a white-boy attitude."…
Oops: DNC Continued to Email Passwords After They Knew They’d Been Hacked…o-email-passwords-after-they-knew-theyd-been-hacked-n2217948
– The hacker who calls himself Guccifer 2.0 has leaked emails from The Democratic National Committee for the second time this summer … The newest hack includes information into the DNC's finances, proving the committee is guilty of more pay-to-play schemes that awarded … The interim chair also blamed Republican nominee Donald Trump, who in July invited Russia to hack Hillary Clinton's emails.…
Oregon Man Hangs Clinton In Effigy
– I think Colin Kaepernick and every NFL player who protests the national anthem is an idiot. … , so does the incidence of stories about obscure state Republican lawmakers.” … since it dealt with a national security item.…
The 'Deplorables'
– In a statement released by the Republican National Committee in response to Clinton's remarks, Chairman Reince Priebus said, "Insulting…
Heh: GOP Overtly Hyping 'Talented' and 'Adroit' Hillary in Pre-Debate Spin
– In an open memo penned by Republican National Committee Communications Director Sean Spicer, the GOP praises Clinton's "ample experience … "has no excuse not to turn in a near-flawless performance:" Election Day is now less than fifty days away, and with national … He can’t bully and mock Clinton the way he did his Republican rivals. He won’t have a crowd to feed off of.…
Florida Democrat Irritated When GOP Opponent Cites Military Service As Qualification To Serve In Congress…itary-service-as-qualification-to-serve-in-congress-n2221430
– Florida Democrat Randy Perkins has a big problem with his Republican challenger Brian Mast citing his military service in the fight … Perkins then accused Mast of not being a man for standing behind his ads made by the National Republican Congressional Committee, which … I know what’s on the line — our environment, our economy and our national security.…
RNC: Why Yes–We Have A Solid Ground Game Operation–And We Think It's Going To Be...Tremendous…ame-operationand-we-think-its-going-to-betremendous-n2220340
– While the polls have been tightening, with some showing the Republican nominee ahead of Hillary Clinton in the states that he needs … Yet, Townhall spoke with senior officials at the Republican National Committee about the 2016 ground game operation—to show that it … The RNC noted that research shows that a newly registered Republican will vote 70-75 percent of the time.…
John Kasich's Staff Lashes Out at RNC
– John Kasich (R) and the Republican National Committee has apparently carried over from the primaries. … Kasich, like the other former Republican presidential candidates, signed a loyalty pledge during the heat of the campaign to promise … Kasich is traveling the country to support down-ballot Republicans, Weaver said, to help prevent a "national wipeout" for which Priebus…
Should Snowden Pardon President Obama?
– As a former CIA employee and then Booz Allen Hamilton contractor, Snowden took classified material from the National Security Agency … Timed to the new movie’s release, the House Intelligence Committee released a 36-page report entitled, “Review of the Unauthorized … Disclosures of Former National Security Agency Contractor Edward Snowden.”…
Former US Prosecutor: Please Tell Me The FBI's 'Side Deal' With Clinton Aides is a Joke…ase-tell-me-the-fbicheryl-mills-side-deal-is-a-joke-n2228103
– He's raised serious questions about the Bureau and DOJ's handling of the investigation into Hillary Clinton's national security-endangering … The Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter Monday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking why the … The Republican chairman of the House Judiciary Committee fired off a letter Monday to Attorney General Loretta Lynch asking why the…
Sometimes, Strategic Counterterrorism is Counterintuitive
– McCarthy, a former federal terrorism prosecutor and contributing editor of National Review has emphasized, even if that were so, “Foreign … Mac Thornberry, Texas Republican, who chairs the House Armed Services Committee and opposed the veto override.…
The Vice Presidential Debate Kicks Off Tonight. Here's What You Need to Know.…bate-kicks-off-tomorrow-heres-what-you-need-to-know-n2227551
– Even though vice presidential debates haven’t historically had a major impact on national polls, the stakes remain high for Pence and … House of Representatives for over a decade and was the chairman of the House Republican Conference from 2009 to 2011. … Committee from 2009 to 2011.…
RNC Seeking Disciplinary Action Against Cheryl Mills
– The Republican National Committee has sent a letter to Washington, D.C.' … In their attorney complaint, the committee points out that Mills may have violated a D.C.…
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