Results for: Barack Obama Website

So Much For The Rule of Law
– Such as Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, who taught Saul Alinksy’s tactics to a whole new generation of “social warriors.” … extremist Supreme Court routinely issues rulings that hurt women, racial minorities, LGBTQ+ and immigrant rights,' the group's website
Queen Risks Life To Mark 70th Anniversary of WWII, Whereas Obama Releases Spotify Playlist…ary-of-wwii-whereas-obama-releases-spotify-playlist-n2039289
– Her attendance at St Martin-In-The-Field church was in sharp contrast to President Barack Obama who did not appear to be commemorating … Instead he chose to release a list of his favorite songs on the music website Spotify. … “It’s as if Obama is embarrassed that America defeated totalitarian tyranny.…
The D.C. Idiocracy: Remember The Really Dumb Kids In School? They're Now In Charge Of Your Life…mb-kids-in-school-theyre-now-in-charge-of-your-life-n2043283
– Turkeys don’t actually drown themselves to death that way – but, can we say the same for Joe Biden, Barack Obama and John McCain? … Barack Obama cut a deal with Iran to supposedly stop it from getting nukes. … Speaking of technical projects, the Obamacare website may have been the single worst website rollout in the history of the Internet…
Superheroes No More
– (The website The Mary Sue first reported the story, from a post on the social media site Imgur.) … Kennedy and every other U.S. president, including Barack Obama. (He solved the problem of Osama bin Laden with SEAL Team 6.)…
Koch Brothers Leading The Charge Against Crony Capitalism
– Socialist hyperbole aside, the Left’s obsession with the Koch brothers was on display just last week in a speech by President BarackObama at the National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas. … Therein lies the key difference between the Kochs and political hacks like Obama, Reid, and Rep.…
Google - the Funding Father of Net Neutrality - Now Plotting to Violate Net Neutrality…neutrality--now-plotting-to-violate-net-neutrality-n2051878
– Being a huge Barack Obama-Democrat donor doesn’t hurt either. … None more thoroughly than now-President Barack Obama - who since his Google-aided elections has in many ways overseen the Google Administration … No website can be treated differently than any other website.…
The Climate Change War
– The Pulitzer-Prize-winning Politifact website sided with Gov. O’Malley, rating his declaration: “Mostly True.” … A group of 20 so-called scientists sent a letter to President Barack Obama, U.S.…
Obamacare Waste Continues to Pile Up
– When President Barack Obama was working to “sell” the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare, one of the primary claims … According to, an official website of the Obamacare administration, the ACA “reduces health care costs,” in part, “by … Medicare and Medicaid Services’ (CMS) management of contracts made with eight companies that helped to build the website
Counter-Trolling The Liberal Lies
– Note that if there was an overreaction in locking him up, it was by other government flunkies – Barack Obama’s chosen people. … But instead of blaming the zero tolerance-loving quasi-fascists who uniformly vote for him and his ilk, Obama could not pass up on … Interestingly, you don’t have to be an Islamic mullah to fool Obama.…
The Comeuppance of Creepy Obama Crony Kevin Johnson
– Reminder: Johnson donated the maximum individual amount to Obama for America, campaigned across the country for Obama in 2008, and … bragged to California media during his mayoral run about his friendship and access to both Barack and Michelle Obama. … Inspector General Walpin, by contrast, was unceremoniously fired and smeared by Team Obama.…
America's $12 Trillion House of Cards
– This gargantuan number helps explains why Americans aren't buying into this "recovery" -- and why they flatly reject Barack Obama's … Obamacare's dysfunctional website? … The question none of the Obama enthusiasts dare answer is what happens if and when interest rates start to drift back upward.…
Matter of Trust
– The most recent number of people who trust our government is 24 percent, with the highest under President Barack Obama at 29 percent … The Cornell University Law School website defines fiduciary duty as "a legal duty to act solely in another party's interests.…
The Rachel Dolezal-ation of the Oregon Killer
– Now President Barack Obama, of course, is regularly described as America's first black president or America's first "African-American … Still, Obama is rarely referred to in the media as multi-racial or biracial. … The BBC said: "Democratic Senator Barack Obama has been elected the first black president of the United States, prompting celebrations…
Another One Bites the Dust: Ninth Obamacare Co-Op Implodes
– And the cascading series of failures has also led to skepticism about the Obama administration’s commitment to this venture.  … But consumers have options if they shop around, and an upgraded government website will help them compare...Independent experts are … But hey, at least consumers will be treated to an "upgraded government website," two full years after crashed and burned…
Political Crosswinds
– "has just revolutionized global trade by replacing NAFTA," wrote Christian Whiton in an op-ed published Tuesday on the Fox News website … Bush (2006-2008), and four times under Barack Obama (2010-2011 and 2014-2015)." What does all this mean?…
Judicial Supremacy Runs Amok Against Census
– A stirring rebuke of judicial supremacy is, remarkably, posted on the Department of Justice website.   … An example is in New York City, where a Barack Obama-appointed federal judge named Jesse Furman is hearing a major case against the … In the 2010 census, which Obama supervised, 6 electoral votes were taken from the states of Missouri, Iowa, Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania…
Five Hotly Contested Congressional Races in CA That Might Not Be Decided Tonight…ional-races-in-ca-that-might-not-be-decided-tonight-n2535192
– Other notable endorsements include former President Barack Obama, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, Congressman Ted Lieu, Sens. … Porter received notable endorsements from President Barack Obama, Sens. … Other notable endorsements include President Barack Obama, Sens.…
Don Lemon Said What About White Men?
– What would have happened if Laura Ingraham claimed that Barack Obama “radicalized so many more people than ISIS ever did.” … They are the words of Senator Barack Obama, spoken in 2005. … Even, a left-leaning fact-checking website, verifies this.…
Cringeworthy: Failed 2016 Candidate Says All Black Men Look Alike, Or Something…andidate-says-all-black-men-look-alike-or-something-n2533235
– During a far-ranging interview with Kara Swisher of the technology website Recode (Ms. … Clinton and Barack Obama for that matter are two people who simply cannot go off-script without coming off as inauthentic or incredibly … It still doesn’t make it any less pathetic—and Obama and Clinton remaining on the scene; I can’t think of a better gruesome twosome…
WATCH: Michael Moore Releases Unedited Footage of Alleged Bomb Suspect at a Trump Rally…ed-footage-of-alleged-bomb-suspect-at-a-trump-rally-n2532795
– Moore detailed how he acquired the footage in a blog post on his website. … Yes, we're angry about the direction our country was heading down under President Barack Obama.…
Trump's Clash With CNN Reporter Shows How Polarized America Has Become…cnn-reporter-shows-how-polarized-america-has-become-n2535693
– In 2012, when reporter Neil Munro of the right-leaning Daily Caller, shouted out a question to President Barack Obama as he spoke in … Reporters just didn't treat Obama that way. … On the other hand, Obama generally treated the press with respect, unless they worked for Fox News.…
Governor Perry Still Looks Strong
– followed this logic through in Washington, the Republicans would launch impeachment trials every time they disagreed with President Obama … At a time when the country wants strong executive leadership at home and abroad, and with Barack Obama's approval ratings collapsing … And after nearly six years of Obama business-bashing, with more to come in this midterm election campaign, the red-state Texas message…
Tell Them "NO:" Americans Must Stop State And Local Lawmakers From Damaging The Emergent Small Business Revival…s-from-damaging-the-emergent-small-business-revival-n1879689
– In the era of Barack Obama such policies are "the American way." … basis, products and services to people who want to pay for them, and the seller and buyer are usually brought together through a website … Visit the company's website, download the app, and search for people who are ready right now to shuttle you about.…
America's Selective Libertarianism
– The VA scandal, the clownish rollout of the Obamacare website and the near wholesale inability of Barack Obama to deliver on his economic…
How Hillary Will Fail Liberals
– Of Russian President Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine, she implicitly blamed Barack Obama for not being assertive enough … She pushed Obama to use air power against Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi. … As secretary of state, she favored a bigger surge in Afghanistan than Obama ultimately approved, and she wanted to keep combat troops…
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