Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Harvard Campaign Forum Gets Nasty Between 2016 Operatives, Team Hillary Accused Trump Camp Of Channeling Racism To Win…et-into-shouting-match-at-campaign-forum-at-harvard-n2253494
– The two-day meeting is where all the players of the presidential election meet, discuss, and analyze what went right and wrong for … their respective candidates. … Debbie Dingell (D-MI) and local Democratic Party chairpersons in the Rust Belt also gave warning that Trump could do well in the Democratic
Is Partisan Gerrymandering Unconstitutional?
– Illinois is a blue state, voting Democratic in the past seven presidential elections. … But the Democratic Party's control of the state House is not the simple result of its ability to satisfy the citizenry. … In 2012, Democratic House candidates got 52 percent of the votes statewide but captured 60 percent of the seats, report political scientist…
Heh: Dem Senator Suddenly Regrets the 'Reid Rule' on Filibusters…or-suddenly-regretting-the-reid-rule-on-filibusters-n2252795
– Cue the Democratic regret.  Seriously: Thanks, Harry Reid.  … I mean, I don’t get into the weeds, but Democrats made it much easier than a simple majority can push through presidential nominees … I’ll remind you that Secretary Clinton won the popular vote and that Democrat — Senate candidates won more votes.…
MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski On Angry Warren: I’m Tired Of The Act; It’s Getting Exhausting…y-warren-im-tired-of-the-act-its-getting-exhausting-n2252824
– Morning Joe co-host Mike Brzezinski is a liberal, but one that isn’t one to drink up the Democratic Kool-Aid and apparently not hesitant … Senate candidates over Republican ones, and that a majority of Americans voted for a Democrat for president over a Republican. … In fact, any liberal who thinks this is just emblematic of the problems facing the Democratic Party.…
Trump Won With the Lunch Counter Vote
– The Democratic Party and the Republican Establishment have identified with the limited concerns of a few special interests. … estate mogul, then reality TV show host connected better with Americans than the most experienced—and even the most conservative—presidentialcandidates.…
Wisconsin Election Official: We're Preparing To Go Forward With A Recount…official-were-preparing-to-go-forward-with-recount-n2250901
– also filed a recount petition (via WaPo): An election recount will take place soon in Wisconsin, after former Green Party presidential … for the Libertarian Party, “we are compelled to demand a recount of the Ohio presidential vote. … Voting is the heart of the democratic process in which we as a nation put our faith.” The result: Democrat John F.…
NYT's Krugman Goes On The Warpath, Says Trump's Win Is 'Illegitimate'
– . […] Democratic norms have been and continue to be violated, and anyone who refuses to acknowledge this reality is, in … He won the majority of the states; any person familiar with winning presidential elections will tell you that’s how you win the White … The Electoral College forces candidates to wage national campaigns, to work for votes across the country, and to make sure everyone…
Tom Perez Joining Race For DNC Chair
– Labor secretary Tom Perez is entering the race to become the next chair of the Democratic National Committee. … However, not many candidates have chosen to officially enter and Perez is in a remarkably strong position. … He was also a finalist to become Clinton’s presidential running mate – giving him a network inside the Clinton camp.…
Keith Ellison Is No Shoo-In For DNC Chair
– The former supporter of Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign has the backing of progressive heavyweights such as Sen. … In fact, some DNC members are quite livid with Ellison and his adamant support of Sanders during the Democratic presidential primary … Officially, Ellison has two other opponents in the race: New Hampshire Democratic Party Chairman Ray Buckley and South Carolina Democratic
Close Romney Friend: He Texted Me That He’s Running
– Former Massachusetts governor and 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney could be eyeing a comeback in public life. Sen. … Polls show that Romney would handily beat the Democratic candidate Jenny Wilson by huge margins. … Hillary has a super PAC that’s fighting the Trump agenda, and could give donations to 2018 candidates as well.…
Red-State Democrats Gamble
– Months from now, as the pressures of midterm elections bear down on a handful of incumbent Democratic U.S. senators in states President … Importantly, three Democratic officials in states that went heavily for Trump in 2016 -- Indiana Sen. … Michigan Democratic Sen. Debbie Stabenow's statement about the tax cuts in Michigan is the perfect example of that risk.…
Trump: In Immigration Debate, Race Matters
– In U.S. presidential elections, persons of color whose roots are in Asia, Africa and Latin America vote 4-1 Democratic, and against … the candidates favored by American's vanishing white majority.…
Trump Still Reflecting on Election: Hillary Had No Clue How to Campaign
– In the current system, third party candidates have little hope of making an impact in a general election. … "Why Third Party Candidates Can't Win," writes The Observer, without subtlety. … Writer Michael Malice gives a history of third party candidates who have garnered the most support, but still came nowhere near the…
Oprah Winfrey: It's Not In My DNA To Run For President
– 25, 2018 Philippe Reines, a former Clinton adviser, spoke at the Washington Center earlier this month, where he said the 2020 Democratic … primary is going to be a “circus,” and that he doubts his own party’s slate of candidates could be effective in fighting Trump on … candidates.…
Democrats' Shutdown Fever Finally Breaks
– This is evidenced by the fact that, in the final analysis, it was only aspiring Democratic presidential candidates who refused to vote … Conservatives can sit back and enjoy the resulting spectacle of a bitter, bruising battle for the Democratic nomination for president…
Resist: New Poll Finds Voters Trust GOP Over Dems on Economy, Jobs, National Security, and Immigration
– Most of the GOP seats are in safely red states, and ten of those Democratic seats are in states Trump carried in 2016.   … Senate even in the event of a Democratic wave in November. … Five of the Democratic seats are in states that Donald Trump won in landslides, and another five are in states he won.…
Gentry Liberals Own the Democratic Party
– It's widespread and strategic enough to be changing the face of the Democratic Party. There's irony in this. … And whom are Democrats eyeing as possible 2020 presidential nominees? … Gentry liberals have the microphone and the money to dominate the Democratic Party.…
Martha McSally is Worse Than Jeff Flake
– Jeff Flake has announced he’s not running for reelection, so several candidates have jumped into the open race to replace him. … McSally did not endorse President Trump in the 2016 presidential election. She supports DACA. … Democratic Rep. Kyrsten Sinema is a relentless campaigner who has positioned herself as a moderate in recent years.…
Trump Year One: The Good and The Bad
– He almost instantaneously soared to frontrunner status in a field of GOP presidential contenders unprecedented both for its size and … the quality of its candidates. … counterparts—as well as tireless efforts on the part of his legions of enemies in the Deep State, the Democratic Party, and even within…
Bill Clinton, the Nobody Nobody Sent
– National Democrats hugged him as recently as the 2016 presidential campaign, when he was Hillary Clinton's surrogate zero. … In Politico, Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee Chairman Rep. Ben Ray Lujan pointedly avoided the Bill issue. … "As we travel around the country ... different candidates are going to be making requests for different surrogates," Lujan was quoted…
Oh Yes: Guess Who's Getting Ready to Hit the Campaign Trail for Democrats This Year?…whos-ready-to-hit-the-campaign-trail-for-democrats-n2448168
– seeking to rile up their base...Most likely, they said, Clinton will attempt to help Democratic candidates who have a history of supporting … could be a hindrance to candidates running in Trump country. … candidates.…
DNC Chair Won't Address Whether There's Room in the Party for Pro-life Democrats
Democratic Party for candidates who opposed abortion. … Perez’s statement received pushback from many Democratic leaders, including Pelosi. Rep. … test for Democratic candidates.”…
Want Foreign Collusion with a US Presidential Candidate, FBI? Here It Is!…sion-with-a-us-presidential-candidate-fbihere-it-is-n2446885
candidates on our very soil is FULLY verified. … Party at election time, partly on the dime of the Democratic Party. … Not a single Democratic President (not even John “Bay of Pigs and Missile Crisis” F. Kennedy is featured.)…
Relative Political Vision
– "(Among Democratic and Democratic-leaning millennial women, that number rises to 60 percent.)" … However, as seen with the 2016 presidential election, in the end - it's really about a binary decision. … Since all humans are flawed and all candidates are human, we will never have perfect candidates.…
Did This San Diego Democrat Call Her Opponent a 'Crusty Old Marine?'…ego-democrat-calls-her-opponent-a-crusty-old-marine-n2452933
– One of Jacobs' Democratic opponents is Doug Applegate, a 64-year-old retired Marine colonel. … "I believe that no candidate for public office should attack our service members,” Air Force veteran and Democratic candidate Christina … The two candidates who get the most votes will proceed to the general election.…
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