Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

House Republicans Can Stop Obama's Amnesty Agenda
immigrants through executive order, which is supposed to be announced this week. … This plan would prevent illegal immigrants who came to America as children - along with their children born in America - from ever … immigrants.…
The Curious Case Of America’s Waning Whites
– America welcomes well over 1 million, mostly non-white, immigrants a year. … In hating on whites, civil society’s institutions are as culpable. … Young, Third-World immigrants are essential to shore-up the welfare state.…
How Marijuana Could Be Trump’s Political-Vice.
– As such, we are funding the primary source of the destabilization in Mexico and Central America that is driving our illegal immigration … These illegal immigrants are attempting to escape the oppression created by the government corruption caused by the drug-gangs. … There are hundreds-of-thousands of people with marijuana convictions who are labeled the same as someone who committed armed-robbery…
Human Rights Group: Rise of Trump Makes US One of Biggest Threats…group-rise-of-trump-makes-us-one-of-biggest-threats-n2271215
– The report cites his campaign promises to deport millions of illegal immigrants, temporarily ban Muslims from entering the U.S., and … Casting the U.S. as a bad actor complicates matters for HRW, given that its work focuses in part on pressuring the U.S. to use its … “Our recommendations are not so much to governments as to people,” Roth told the Times.…
‘Go On Now Go,’ Barack Obama, ‘Walk Out The Door …’
– against in bad old America—it follows that all immigrants to his newly transformed America should never-ever be doubted or rejected … BJ's crushingly bad warbling took me back to 2009. … immigrants"—than Obama went ahead and mentioned ... the ignominy of slavery and the glory of migrants and refugees.…
Leftists’ Heads Explode in Response To Keeping America Safe…s-heads-explode-in-response-to-keeping-america-safe-n2278443
– If they lock their doors at night to keep bad people out, they are hypocrites to suggest it is not okay for Trump to protect Americans … America experienced an unprecedented number of domestic terrorist attacks committed by Muslim immigrants or children of immigrants … Sanctuary cities are illegal and in a civil society, those who break the law are punished.…
Answering 20 Questions Liberals Wanted to Ask a Conservative…20-questions-liberals-wanted-to-ask-a-conservative-n2278438
– Good, bad, socialism? … Whichever way you go, there are issues. … Immigrants who come here and take advantage of our welfare system? No. Illegal immigrants? No.…
Can I Be The Poster Child Against Obamacare?
– People are a lot less interested in buying hotel rooms, restaurant meals and pipes than they are in buying health insurance. … So apparently, no matter how awful you make it, this is a product Americans are desperate to buy! … The first category of people was dealt a bad hand.…
Coequal in Tyranny: The Ninth Circuit’s Rules for Radicals
– In the nooks-and-crannies of our command-and-control judiciary, Bush had squirreled away a jurist as bad as John G. … Robart, like Bush, would wrestle a crocodile for an illegal immigrant, or for potential immigrants, preferably from Iran, Iraq, Syria … It’s “ordinarily used by states to protect children and those who are incapacitated.”…
Immigration Is About Us - Not Them
– Not only is a cessation of immigration not on the table - but, on the table is a discussion of allowing some illegal immigrants to … There are millions of people here illegally from many different places where they were free - just not as happy as they are by being … The generational effect of 14th Amendment baby citizens totals in the millions, and is not even counted among the illegal immigrants
Indiana Should Avoid Arizona’s Immigration Mistakes
– Delph’s law would scare away some entrepreneurs but not many illegal immigrants. … As a result, E-Verify falsely identifies some Americans as illegal immigrants who are never invited for interviews yet don’t know why … States are rightly frustrated with illegal immigration.…
Too Big to Fail: The Sequel?
– By Cal Thomas, Tribune Content Agency Cal Thomas Movie sequels are rarely as good as the original films on which they're based. … The 2008 housing market collapse was bad enough, but it appears now that we're on the verge of experiencing it all again. … Is this another cynical attempt by Democrats, along with protecting illegal immigrants, to win Hispanic votes without regard to the…
President or Divider in Chief?
– He has promised as one of his first orders of business to round up nearly 11 million illegal immigrants, as well as their American-citizen … children, who are minors. … Will we be a stronger, more united country than we are today?…
Political Pawns for the Democrats
– The administration's actions, therefore, did very little to change the status quo for illegal immigrants beyond giving them a false … Without actual changes to U.S. law, illegal immigrants remain political pawns of whoever happens to be in power. … Pushing a line on illegal immigrants that we should "round 'em up and kick 'em out" will simply shove Hispanics into the Democrats'…
Islamic Refugee Problem Terrifying Europeans, Coming to US Next…ugee-problem-terrifying-europeans-coming-to-us-next-n2116425
– Considering how progressive European countries are, the situation must be really bad for these countries to start building fences like … Americans do to keep illegal immigrants out. … Under Obama, illegal immigrant felons are frequently released right back into the population, or out on bail instead of being deported…
Nino, RBG, And The Friendship That Rose Above The Current Progressive Bloodlust…p-that-rose-above-the-current-progressive-bloodlust-n2120078
– And some very good people have some very bad ideas. And if you can’t separate the two, you got to get another day job. … As to whether illegal immigrants have constitutional protections, he would agree that they do. … So, yes–liberals are rejoicing.…
Cruz, Rubio Start Clawing Trump Less Than Thirty Minutes Into The Debate…wing-trump-less-than-thirty-minutes-into-the-debate-n2124907
– The issue of immigration allowed for both senators to slam Trump for hiring illegal immigrants on construction projects and for reversing … He ran a bad campaign. … Yet, on the claim that Trump hired illegal immigrants for his construction projects, the Donald said that the laws were different back…
Is Donald Trump a Hypocrite on Immigration?
– Trump has stoked his crowds by promising to bring back jobs that have been snatched by illegal immigrants or outsourced by corporations … Critics of the program say that these workers are effectively indentured servants. … If these allegations are true, they look pretty bad for Trump.…
Fox News' Town Hall Event Proceeds Without Trump
– The Lone Star State is a minority majority state, but he added that legal immigrants don’t like illegal immigrants flooding across … I’ll set the tune, but the Democrats are welcome to join and play. Mr. … He claimed that the Democrats are scared to run against him.…
Joy and Bad Law
– Patent trolls are usually lawyers/parasites who don't even come up with working prototypes for inventions they later claim as their … Hollywood may not understand economics or government regulation, but there are things Hollywood often gets right. … The climax of "Sicario" involves underground tunnels used by Mexican cartels to move drugs (and illegal immigrants) across the border…
Trump’s Health Proposal is as Much of an Enigma as Trump’s Popularity…oposal-is-as-much-of-an-enigma-as-trumps-popularity-n2129972
– He asserts that providing health care to illegal immigrants costs $11 billion annually. … Most research suggests it is Medicaid and Medicare beneficiaries that flood emergency rooms -- not illegal immigrants. … Most illegal immigrants are relatively healthy since they come here to work.  …
Random Thoughts
– Random thoughts on the passing scene: The presidential election prospects for the Democrats are so bad this year that only the Republicans … What are the chances that the world's greatest violinist would make a good quarterback? … Does anyone who knows anything about politics seriously believe that "legalization" of illegal immigrants will end that issue, without…
Make Tijuana Great Again...And The White House Too
– It was not President Donald Trump who shouted down the illegal aliens camped there, but Tijuana’s own mayor, along with many of his … The false narrative perpetrated by liberals that only extremists who voted for Donald Trump are against illegal immigration is disproven … Often the immigrants who cross the border illegally from Mexico are not even from Central or South America.  …
Bad News From California
– Now the whole country is watching scenes of tear gas being used against the thousands of illegal immigrants from Central America who … Tear gas is the weapon border patrol agents use when they're trying to stop a rushing mob of illegal immigrants. … also unhappy with the invasion of illegal immigrants.…
Elite Opinion Standing in the Way of Comprehensive Immigration Reform…ding-in-the-way-of-comprehensive-immigration-reform-n2536684
– Eight out of 10 voters nationwide believe that illegal immigration is bad for America. … too harsh on illegal immigrants. … Americans are a generous people who naturally have great empathy for those who are fleeing persecution.…
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