Results for: Barack Obama Website

Allegation: State Department Officer Traded Visas for Sexual Favors
– experiencing an epidemic of sexual exploitation in a culture of irresponsibility despite claiming to fight sex trafficking on its website … " – President Barack Obama And as a reminder, the Department of Justice has been ignoring the sex trafficking of minors for…
The Royal Presidency
– —of office now almost taken for granted and also in the substantive acts of the Obama presidency. … Like Louis, President Obama likes to spend money. … A presidential website said, “When Congress refuses to act, he will.”…
So Much Fail: McConnell Challenger Announces Senate Bid...Sort of…il-mcconnell-challenger-announces-senate-bidsort-of-n1632497
– There was no website. No literature. No stickers. No signs. No social media presence. No momentum.  … This from the candidate who proudly nominated Barack Obama for President at last year’s Democratic National Convention – despite residing … As of mid-afternoon the day after her announcement, here is what Grimes' campaign website looks like: That's it. …
Arab Summer: Egypt
– Two years ago as Arab Spring was roiling across North Africa, a Cornell University website reminds us: Inspired by the events … President Barack Obama is also in Africa, but he's as far away -- Pretoria, South Africa -- as you can be on the same continent. … State Department is concerned enough to "pull non-essential staff out of Egypt," and, given the continuing questions over the Obama
Ouch: Obamacare Slapped With Another MSM Fact-Check, WH Revises Key Promise…d-with-another-msm-factcheck-wh-revises-key-promise-n1644770
– Now McClatchy's getting in on the act with the unsparing headline, "Obama boasts of health care savings, but costs likely to rise for … Yup: President Barack Obama assailed Republicans on Thursday for trying to dismantle his signature health care law, saying … Here's a screenshot from HHS' new website on Obamacare.  …
Do You Know What They're Teaching In Your Child's School?…you-know-what-theyre-teaching-in-your-childs-school-n1641274
– The name of the game is “college and career ready”—a phrase that Barack Obama and Secretary of Education Arne Duncan repeat so often … AP Central website.…
Park Ranger: “We’ve been told to make life as difficult for people as we can."…told-to-make-life-as-difficult-for-people-as-we-can-n1717297
– Just as we saw during the sequestration scare-fest, Team Obama is actively and deliberately trying to inflict as much pain on ordinary … They're soliciting sob stories on the White House website -- paid for by taxpayers, by the way -- meaning that "essential" executive … Wall Street should be petrified of such an occurrence and is taking the looming crisis too lightly, President Barack Obama told CNBC…
Video: CNN Reporter's Attempt to Enroll in Obamacare Doesn't Go Well…rters-attempt-to-enroll-in-obamacare-doesnt-go-well-n1715328
– Incredible: President Barack Obama was right when he said there would be a few glitches when signups for the Affordable … But the Obama administration would like you to know that lots of people visited the program's website, even as they keep one especially … petersuderman) October 2, 2013 What if there was a law that fined (taxed) you if you didn't buy a product from a website
On Obamacare (and Guns), We Won't Comply
– More and more law-abiding Americans say that they have constitutional objections to the healthcare and liberty land grab by the Obama … Maybe they can start with the website. … Technical glitches and heavy internet traffic slowed Tuesday's launch of new online insurance exchanges at the heart of President Barack
Obamacare: Sticker Shock Hits Obama's Home Town
– administration only entertained one contract to build the now-infamous federal exchange website. … Barack Obama pledged to reform the government procurement process; like many Obama promises, it has gone unfulfilled. … But even he wasn’t prepared for the pocketbook hit he’ll face next year under President Barack Obama’s health care overhaul.…
6 Things Every American Should Know About Obamacare
– They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama. … One of Barack Obama's most famous promises about Obamacare was, "First of all, if you've got health insurance, you like your doctor … Facebook took six years to spend 500 million dollars, while the Obamacare website has already managed that same trick.…
Reality Check: Obamacare Supporters Shocked by Own Premium Increases
– There remains a sizable (albeit shrinking) portion of the populace that still strongly approves of the job President Obama … These people trust Obama and Pelosi -- which presumably explains why they uncritically swallowed promises like these: … They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.…
Sebelius: I Don't Work For 'The People' Calling For My Resignation…dont-work-for-the-people-calling-for-my-resignation-n1731871
– Apparently Sebelius thinks she only works for, and answers to, Barack Obama. … Nearly three dozen Republicans sent a letter to President Obama earlier this week demanding he fire Sebelius. … Democrats have stated that "someone" should lose their job over the Obamacare website roll out.…
The Clock Ticks for Sebelius
– There is a running narrative that she cannot survive the debacle that is the Obamacare website rollout. … That ultimately means Barack Obama himself, who surely knew what might be coming. … The moment he shows Sebelius the door, the pressure momentarily lightens around Obama.…
Obamacare Looks Too Broken to Fix
– When Republicans tried to delay the Obamacare individual mandate during the government shutdown, Democrats and President Barack Obamawebsite on its hands that can’t enroll people in Obama’s legacy legislation. … Of course, the Obama White House is vehemently denying the delay is linked to the website problems and the news media is going right…
Obama. … Sebelius said she had never phoned the White House to tell them the website might not be ready. … Now that they've lost that battle, we can see all the more clearly that Obama is in a slump.…
Rubio: Let's Face It, Obamacare's Individual Mandate Must Be Delayed…ce-it-obamacares-individual-mandate-must-be-delayed-n1730046
– NPR reports on the awful corner Team Obama has backed itself into: They've got a few weeks. … On Monday, President Obama addressed the problems directly for the first time. … Anyway, back to the bigger point: Barack Obama and Democrats in Congress passed a law that requires people to purchase health insurance…
Health Care Law is a Moral Failure
– States federal government is now mandating, under penalty of law, that millions of Americans purchase a product through a broken website … And the website doesn’t work. Millions have tried and failed to create accounts. … That critic was the Barack Obama who beat Hillary Clinton in 2008.…
With ObamaCare, The Buck Never Stops
– When President Barack Obama inked his name on his signature piece of legislation, known officially as the “Patient Protection and Affordable … And what did American taxpayers get in return for a website costing them nearly $400 million? … Obama is not even man enough to accept that degree of rhetorical responsibility.…
Area Man 'Frustrated' by Failures of Healthcare Law He Championed, Signed…a-president-frustrated-by-own-healthcare-laws-snags-n1728255
– President Barack Obama is frustrated by the problems with the rollout of his signature healthcare reform and the administration intends … "I think that there's no one more frustrated than the president at the difficulty in the website," Lew said. He said the U.S. … The Spanish language website has been postponed indefinitely.…
Liberals Feel Crush of Obamacare
– The Obama administration’s incompetent half-billion-dollar rollout of its incompetent multi-trillion-dollar signature achievement is … Though government geeks may be “working day and night” to fix the website, no amount of work will fix Obamacare itself. … Obama first pitched to the nation.…
Demand Fiscal Sanity
Website access has been a disaster. … You better enjoy the "blessing" of Obama's "free" healthcare, because the Obama police are getting ready to come after you if you … As then Senator Barack Obama said in March of 2006: "The fact that we are here today to debate raising America's debt limit is a…
5 Scandalous Obamacare Horror Stories
– people -- and not just the ones who are wasting all day trying and failing to sign up for the dysfunctional 600 million dollar website … They vote independent and are proud to say they helped elect and re-elect President Barack Obama.…
HuffPo: Yep, Obamacare's a Total Nightmare
– The Huffington Post is out with the latest brutal piece about the failed Obamacare launch: A broken website imperils … More than two weeks into the disastrous rollout of, the website created by President Barack Obama's health care reform … "The website that was supposed to do this all in a seamless way has had way more glitches than I think are acceptable," Obama said…
Payback: Obama Nominates Major Campaign Fundraiser to Head Homeland Security
– Secretary Janet Napolitano is on the west coast fulfilling her new duties as the president of the University of California, President ObamaObama win the White House.'" … Johnson's nomination comes just as President Obama wants immigration reform back on the table for debate.…
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