Results for: they are all going to jail

Why is Obama Trying to Deport This Family?
– “They are trying to send a family back to Germany where they would certainly lose custody of their children,” Farris told Fox News. … “Eleven million people are going to be allowed to stay freely -- but this one family is going to be shipped back to Germany to be persecuted … "If we get deported, we will certainly face fines and if we don't pay we might have to go to jail -- or worst of all -- they might…
Human Trafficking: Your Child Might Be a Target
– Her family and trained professionals are trying desperately to draw her back out. … But for the perpetrators, unfortunately, the case makes all too much sense. Mind games are part of their business. … “These families are doing great. They’re doing everything they’re supposed to do.…
Stand Your Ground, Shooters!
– Is the armed citizen expected to abandon their loved ones to an attacker and flee when they possess the means to save lives? … shoot anyone they feel like shooting, and are then entitled after-the-fact to a “Get out of Jail Free Card.” … The police are still obliged to arrest the party they believe committed the homicide, and then subsequently the due process of the…
An American "Trial"
– Because the law is objective and written down, all Americans are subject to it equally, regardless of their economic or social … to carry on their lives and businesses without violating some obscure law and quite possibly going to jail for their “crime.” … There are: · The father-and-son arrowhead collectors who are now federal criminals because they unknowingly violated the…
Apology to Barney, Barack and Bernanke: I Forgot You’re Exempt From Our Laws…ck-and-bernanke-i-forgot-youre-exempt-from-our-laws-n1663800
– Turns out that giving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac $188 billion wasn’t going to entail any risk at all to the government, its employees … But they have an unfair advantage: They don't have to follow our laws. … Of course if GM did that, someone might go to jail. Yeah, it’s GM so a jail term is unlikely.…
Jack Lew’s “Extraordinary Measures” on Debt Just “Cooking the Books”…traordinary-measures-on-debt-just-cooking-the-books-n1667607
– It never ceases to amaze me how creatively corrupt these people are. … It is a blatant lie to the American people about how much trouble we are in.  … They can play these games for awhile, but sooner or later this whole thing is going to implode.…
Sex Ed Forced on Kindergartners?
– Children are being robbed today of their chance to be children. … Unbelievably, in Chicago they are now starting to mandate that kindergartners must go through sex ed classes---300 minutes’ worth. … He said, “Well, my understanding is that the school system wants to make condoms available in the schools, and they are not going to
7 Examples of Discrimination Against Christians in America…les-of-discrimination-against-christians-in-america-n1701966
– "Vengeance" may be the Lord's to dish out, but that doesn't mean Christians have to support the people who are attacking us or meekly … But all that changed when they said a state government worker showed up to negotiate a new contract. ... … You can pretend to do both, but you're giving up your Christian beliefs to be more palatable to people who are hostile to Christianity…
Recalling Arrogance in Colorado
They didn’t get a chance to pretend again just before an election that they were more conservative than they actually were. … Meanwhile, the Democrats tried to fuzz up the stakes, going so far as to inject the abortion issue into it. … They need to deliver policies aimed at restoring constitutional government and fiscal sanity and sending government thugs to jail.…
Forgotten Heroes of 9/11
All sides might not agree on some of the specific details, but this seems to be agreed to by all: Four Americans died on the attack … Although the White House seems to acknowledge now that it was a terrorist attack (trying to claim that they did from the beginning) … , initially they tried to shift the blame on an anti-Mohammed Internet video.…
Washington Booms, Lays Waste
– "All people in w/IRA's are going to be taxed some point or another" LIAR Are you now going to champion the causes openly AGAIN of all … mmaxson sr. wrote: People with these mental illnesses are using cannabis to self medicate, just as they use alcohol to self medicate … They are also changing their brain chemistry, which is a particularly disturbing thing to do when one has an illness related to one…
Veteran Arrested for 'Rudely Displaying' Gun
– At one point in the video Grisham asked the officers why they failed to ask to see his carry and conceal permit. … “For the first time in my life, I had to sit in jail,” he said. “I’ve never been in jail -- never been accused of a crime. … He said he explained to his son that they did nothing wrong on that day.…
Pravda Means Never Having to Tell the Truth
– aren’t taxes, but more like a savings account we pay into and to which we are all entitled. … "All people in w/IRA's are going to be taxed some point or another" LIAR Are you now going to champion the causes openly AGAIN of allThey are also changing their brain chemistry, which is a particularly disturbing thing to do when one has an illness related to one…
Chevy Volt: Car for the Gullible Green Driver
– I’m tired of both sides trying to pretend that they are blameless. … When is someone from the government going to jail for that? … Betty wrote: People that agree with the Koch Brothers are liers and thieves that want to sit on a thrown like the devils they are and…
Why the Benghazi Cover-Up is Not the Next Watergate
They are more likely to buy into White House Spokesman Jay Carney’s “That was a long time ago” narrative, or Hillary’s “What difference … They’re wondering who is going to pay their medical bills, and how they can get their hands on one of those great Section 8 housing … Both ingredients are in short supply. It’s going to be a great show, to be sure. But in the end it adds up to nothing.…
It's Time to Come Clean Mr. President, These Are Your Scandals…to-come-clean-mr-president-these-are-your-scandals-n1598725
– It turned into something a great deal more sinister when the administration's talking points went to great lengths to downplay, or … The big question of who is to blame and how far up the chain of command does it go remains to be answered. … It's time to come clean, Mr. President.…
Court Rules Against German Homeschool Family Seeking Asylum…les-against-german-homeschool-family-seeking-asylum-n1594988
– “They are trying to send a family back to Germany where they would certainly lose custody of their children,” Farris told Fox News. … “Eleven million people are going to be allowed to stay freely – but this one family is going to be shipped back to Germany to be persecuted … "If we get deported, we will certainly face fines and if we don't pay we might have to go to jail -- or worst of all -- they might…
Obama on the Ropes
– I don't have to write a sweet column again until Back to School on Labor day, so as Bette Davis (as Margo Channing) said in "All About … Eve" in 1950: "Fasten your seatbelts, it's going to be a bumpy night" The IRS is going to be the death of the Obama Administration … NOBODY LIKES THE IRS I'm not saying all IRS employees are bad people, but neither are all meter maids bad people - we just don't…
As Usual, GOP Caves on Principles
– If you are a conservative and someone who believes in the foundation of traditional values, then it’s time to face a sad truth -- … the Republican Party of 2013 is all but useless to you. … But chances are, they are going to be more than happy to let the Obama White House and the Obama media slow walk these scandals until…
Kirk Cameron is UNSTOPPABLE
– If you go into a bookstore or someplace where you are going to see Noah and the Ark, you are going to see puzzles, board games, rainbow … They come out and they will want to be a part of it. … They want to be part of something that they believe is going to send a message.…
Residents Return to Love Canal: ‘How Dare They Say This Area is Safe!’…n-to-love-canal-how-dare-they-say-this-area-is-safe-n1730803
– Now, after officials began allowing people to move back to the area which they believed to be harmless, residents and environmental … From, Boos moved to the area 15 years ago to raise a family and thought all the stories of the Love … Protection Agency, not only should be ashamed of what they did, but they should be put in jail," she said.…
Does the First Amendment Stop at 35 Feet?
– "If liberty means anything at all," George Orwell wrote, "it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." … Many Americans may find such messages alarming, outrageous, or upsetting, especially when they are directed at girls or women going … It applies only to abortion clinics — not to all medical facilities — so the only kind of speech it effectively restricts is speech…
7 Lessons To Be Learned From The Trayvon Martin And Michael Brown Cases…ned-from-the-trayvon-martin-and-michael-brown-cases-n1925106
– Percentage-wise, black Americans are much more likely to commit crimes and so, it’s not a surprise that they’re more likely to end … Encouraging black Americans to be hostile to police officers, which is sadly all too common, only exacerbates the problem by making … It was as if Zimmerman and Wilson had to go to jail not because they did anything wrong, but because to proclaim them innocent was…
The Man Hating Media
They said Rolling Stone never reached out to them. … What is going unsaid, however, is how quickly the press was willing to believe all these things about young white men who were portrayed … These stories are going to keep happening because the left's mythology outweighs facts and evidence.…
Great (and Not so Great) Moments in Tax Avoidance
– -based Times, which reports that English shoppers will travel all the way to Belgium to buy cigarettes. … New York’s cigarette taxes are partly to blame for Eric Garner’s death. … Because there are consequences to all laws — however minor — it is incumbent upon us to ask if those laws are worth the risks that…
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