Results for: Barack Obama Website

President Obama: “Fundamentally Transforming” America?
Obama, so that our struggle with regard to poverty intensifies. … Henceforth, we Americans must look to Barack Obama for his help in each of these vital areas of our lives. … To President Obama, American Exceptionalism is exactly the problem.…
Courage: Democrats Dodge Obamacare Votes as WH Announces Another Delay
– Its website has yet to get off the ground. … President Obama repeatedly promised that a centerpiece of his healthcare overhaul would be "choice and competition. … Mark Pryor in a new poll and is out with a TV spot criticizing the Democratic incumbent for "toeing the line" for Obama 90 percent…
New Social Justice “Talking Points”
– kingpin Bill O’Reilly sounds a repetitive theme, going back several years, in his nightly “Talking Points” memo when addressing Barack … He contends that instead Obama is driven more by “social justice” type concerns. … O’Reilly is likely more right about the driving forces behind Barack Obama’s economic policy choices than even he realizes.…
By the Way, Al Qaeda is Taking Over Entire Iraqi Provinces
– prove equal to the task, and when they buckle, the United States finds itself having unwittingly armed its enemies — a problem the Obama … Just one problem: That status of forces agreement doesn't exist because the Obama administration recklessly and indefensibly let it … Obama said about Iraq in '08. — Brian Faughnan (@BrianFaughnan) June 10…
Nasty Playing Cards and Apologies
– "Cards Against Humanity is a party game for horrible people," reads the game's website. … The white cards offer answers, including famous people: George Bush, Dick Cheney, Sarah Palin, Barack Obama and then more colorful…
Poor, Lonely Wendy Davis…
– Davis talked for over 11 hours promoting late-term abortion and was idolized by pro-abortion women’s groups and even President BarackObama, who tweeted in support of her. … the organization says on its website.…
A Lame Duck Country?
– But those reasons do not apply to Barack Obama. … But Barack Obama knows that he is not going to be impeached. … Barack Obama can, as he said before taking office, fundamentally "change the United States of America."…
When Kids Show Up at Our Borders
– Fox News fed the fears with a lurid story on its website quoting unnamed sources who said children housed at a Texas Air Force base … Republicans blame it on President Barack Obama.…
I'm A Conservative And They Lied When They Said I Hate You…onservative-and-they-lied-when-they-said-i-hate-you-n1859060
– I run a website called Right Wing News. … I don’t even hate Barack Obama, Chris Matthews, or Harry Reid. … Conservatives like Clarence Thomas just as much as liberals like Obama. Is it racist for liberals to dislike Clarence Thomas?…
A New Evangelizing Foreign Policy
– But what happened when the Obama administration came in and imposed its own gospel, the good news of "LGBT inclusion"? … Around the world, the Obama administration has been thrilled to hold gay pride events at U.S. … The developing world isn't developing fast enough for President Barack Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton and now John Kerry.…
Obama is the "Worst President Since WWII," Q-poll Finds
– Kennedy and 8 percent for Obama, the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN-uh-pe-ack) University poll finds. … Obama finds himself with President George W. … Whether President Obama is already a lame-duck president, meanwhile, is already being vigorously debated and discussed.…
HHS Watchdog: Millions of Obamacare Application Data Flaws Still Unresolved
– What happens when the back end of a critical federal website isn't built on time (and still isn't complete), so the … roughly 330,000 of those cases, but only about 10,000 cases were actually closed during the period covered by the report...President BarackObama celebrated 8 million sign-ups as proof that technical problems which initially kept many consumers from enrolling had finally…
Larry Grathwohl: Remembering an American Hero a Year Later
– Ayers’s “pal” Barack Obama is in the White House and “bringing down America”--not with actual bombs but with a radical transformation … We are celebrating the life of Larry Grathwohl, true American hero, at the website for his book and story.…
Look Who's Arriving on the NAFTA Train
– Rick Perry was forced to abandon his NAFTA superhighway, and President Barack Obama quietly removed Bush's Security and Prosperity … Partnership of North America from the White House website. … Obama, predictably, is demanding that American taxpayers foot the monstrous bill. A mere billion dollars or two won't be enough.…
Stop the Presses! New York Times Bureau Chief Suggests That Obama is Incompetent
– Brent Bozell III and Tim Graham on their website. … But it wasn't only the media that was criticizing Obama. … Obama economy has "made enormous strides."…
Are the Hamptons the Next Sanctuary City?
– Looks like President Obama snuck 760 illegal immigrants into the State of Tennessee. Gov. … Unless, you are a high dollar donor who gave to one of the 75 fundraiser’s Obama has attended. … President Barack Obama from Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam; July 25, 2014: The Honorable Barack Obama?The White House?…
Fire Reid Already
– Thanks to the ensuing banking panic caused by skyrocketing oil prices and their subsequent crash, Barack Obama was elected president … Or create a functioning website. And that’s really the point, isn’t it? … I predict Obama will become the first former president to be worth a billion dollars.…
Column in Which I'm an Exact Genetic Copy of Both Evil Koch Brothers…im-an-exact-genetic-copy-of-both-evil-koch-brothers-n1868437
– Thanks GM/Obama. … Both were Democrats, and both would disavow Barack Obama. … Gmallest wrote: Want to really understand Barack Obama? "Google" Narcissistic Personality Disorder.…
Beau Bergdahl’s Duty—And Ours
– This is the war, candidate Barack Obama told us, that President Bush had failed to prosecute with all seriousness. … How can President Obama ever again say: America expects everyone will do his duty? … With Benghazi, with now this shameful release of dangerous terrorists from Gitmo, Barack Obama has most flagrantly failed to do his…
Vulnerable Senator: Obamacare Cancellation Stories Are Just 'Anecdotal,' You Know
– Mark Pryor, the Arkansas Democrat who votes with Obama 90 percent of the time: At least he didn't go the full Reid by calling millions … Both Barack Obama and his eponymous healthcare law are deeply unpopular in Arkansas. … bill he shouldn't have owed: Meanwhile, a legally-mandated and transparency-minded Obamacare database website
Rand Paul: Less Government, More Sharing Economy
Obama does not have the authority to order a drone strike against a U.S. citizen on American soil without a trial. … In June, the senator refused to blame Obama for the inroads Islamist separatists have made in Iraq. … "I am 100 percent pro-life," Paul, 51, boasts on his Senate website.…
As It Gets Uglier Than Now
– Thanks to the ensuing banking panic caused by skyrocketing oil prices and their subsequent crash, Barack Obama was elected president … Or create a functioning website. And that’s really the point, isn’t it? … I predict Obama will become the first former president to be worth a billion dollars.…
The Week In Stupid
– Well, since Barack Obama doesn’t need your vote anymore, he now cares for you about as much as OJ Simpson thinks of what his ex-mother-in-law … The payroll tax is back to where it was before President Obama needed your vote, and a lot of his supporters are confused. … One took to the “progressive” website Democratic Underground to ask what happened to his paycheck.…
Did the Left Create Chris Dorner?
– praising liberal policies on gun control, media personages including Piers Morgan and Chris Matthews and politicians including BarackObama and Hillary Clinton. … They attributed his shooting to a political map from Sarah Palin's website. They blamed the Tea Party.…
Richard Milhous Obama
– The administration of Barack Obama is being compared to the administration of…Richard Nixon. No. No. … Richard Nixon and Barack Obama. … Richard Milhous Obama.…
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