Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Here's Where Voters Stand With Kamala Harris' Potential VP Picks
–  Rumor has it that the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee is banking on being the next president and has even picked …  Harris reportedly reduced the number of possible candidates to eight, including Arizona Gov. … lousy polling numbers and defeat GOP presidential nominee former President Donald Trump.…
Trump Attended the National Association of Black Journalists Conference and Hoo Boy…ation-of-black-journalists-got-off-to-a-rocky-start-n2642797
candidates to its annual conference, but Trump's participation is causing a rift between members. …  […] NABJ President Ken Lemon told Axios the organization put out the call months ago to "both candidates and one candidate … session with Trump by citing his past comments spreading the birther conspiracy about former President Obama, his call for certain Democratic
Coup Upon Coup Upon Coup
– In March 2020, all the major Democratic primary candidates abruptly, mysteriously, and in near unison withdrew from the presidential … No other alternative Democrat candidates were even considered.Biden was dethroned; Harris was coronated -- without much public input … Harris also never captured a single delegate in her first and only presidential run back in 2020.…
Why Does Chuck Schumer Want Trump to Replace JD Vance So Badly?…uck-schumer-want-trump-to-replace-jd-vance-so-badly-n2642739
– JD Vance (R-OH) as his running mate earlier this month, Democrats have gone after the vice presidential pick. … episode of CBS News' "Face the Nation" if senators in battleground states should ask Vice President Kamala Harris, likely the Democratic … that "the Biden-Harris record is just incredible," he also even claimed "it's a great, great record, and it's helping our Senate candidates
Facing the Consequences of Presidents Choosing Their Successors…onsequences-of-presidents-choosing-their-successors-n2642535
– nominee's choice of a vice presidential candidate. … choice, Kamala Harris.Obama's continued role in designating Democratic presidential nominees echoes, perhaps faintly, the records … Polk, who four weeks later became the first "dark horse" presidential nominee.With enormous consequences.…
This Campaign Memo on Kamala Harris' Chances Sure Is Laughable
– With third-party candidates on the ballot, Trump leads Harris by 45-41 percent, with Robert F. … presidential candidates typically win Hispanics by 40 points.— Giancarlo Sopo (@GiancarloSopo) July 22, … Joe Lombardo managed to unseat former Democratic and incumbent Gov.…
Here's What Trump Has to Say About Multiple Debates With Kamala Harris…ple-debates-between-trump-and-harris-trump-hopes-so-n2642419
– but multiple ones.During the call, Fox News' Bill Melugin asked Trump about a commitment to debate Harris, if she is indeed the Democratic … reporters, former President Trump tells me he is willing to commit to “more than one” debate with Kamala Harris if she is the Democratic … Trump also spoke on how it's "important for a presidential race" that candidates from the two major parties participate in debates,…
We Might Know Why Obama Has Been Silent About Kamala Harris
– It did not endorse Kamala Harris, who is taking over the top spot on the 2024 Democratic Party ticket. … The party is saddled with two loser candidates, though one—Harris—appears to have solved the Democrats’ fundraising problems for now … know why: he also thinks she can’t beat Trump (via NY Post): Former president Barack Obama hasn’t endorsed Kamala Harris’ presidential
The Post-Assassination Goodwill Is Over: Back to Basics
– Would Biden, and now Democratic presumptive nominee Harris, still push the "the election-denying Trump is an existential threat to … About Republican politicians who hedge on whether they will accept the 2024 presidential results, The New York Times wrote: "The evasive … Were The New York Times and Democratic politicians upset at Biden's "hedging" months before the 2022 midterms?…
Here's How Trump Is Doing With Young Voters Against Kamala Harris…mp-is-doing-with-young-voters-against-kamala-harris-n2642403
– When the 2024 presidential race was between former and potentially future President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, there was … Harris matchup, and how the candidates fare with young voters.The latest Quinnipiac poll has prompted considerable chatter. … With third-party candidates on the ballot, Trump leads Harris by 45-41 percent, with Robert F.…
Kamala Harris a 'Bigger Threat' to Down-Ballot Dems Than Biden: NRSC Memo…is-an-even-worse-candidate-than-joe-biden-nrsc-memo-n2642346
–  Referring to the VP-turned-presidential candidate as a "San Francisco radical," the NRSC — chaired by Sen. … Steve Daines of Montana — notes how "Democrats subverted the democratic process to anoint Kamala Harris with no input from their voters … Indeed, Harris looks likely to be the coronated presidential nominee without ever winning a primary contest decided by her party's…
There's More to That Kamala Harris Campaign Memo
– The presidential campaign for Vice President Kamala Harris released a memo on Wednesday claiming she has a good path to victory. … Democratic strategist James Carville, when President Joe Biden was the nominee, warned that the Biden-Harris ticket for 2024 was at … This is also why the short-list of potential Harris vice presidential picks is centering on Democrats like Pennsylvania Gov.…
Here We Go: Gavin Newsom Supporters Circulating Anti-Kamala Polling Memo…avin-newsom-supporters-circulating-anti-kamala-memo-n2642286
– Biden can’t transfer his delegates to Harris, so the Democratic Party will have an open convention next month. … These vessels are the pipeline for new candidates. … Newsom has presidential ambitions but on his own terms. I doubt he'll want any part of this sinking ship.…
'Our Democracy' and the Sandbagging of Joe Biden
– Now, despite Trump’s merits, politically, he is weaker than most candidates the Republicans could nominate. … Party has many wonderful potential candidates—including my own Vice President, Kamala Harris.” … media puff pieces on those candidates the oligarchy prefers.One last point: Cry no tears for Joe Biden.…
NBC Pollster Hurls Kamala Harris' Candidacy Into a Furnace
– half-dead vessel, much like the man himself, but Democrats appear overjoyed that Vice President Kamala Harris is taking the 2024 Democratic …  The Democratic number on average goes up from 45 to 46. …  So, again, from the Democratic standpoint here, they think Harris being reintroduced as a presidential candidate, getting a different…
A Great Convention -- With One Big Mistake
– I have attended about a half-dozen national conventions, Republican and Democratic, and watched at least a dozen more. … For decades, I have pleaded with Republican office seekers to focus their attacks at least as much on the Democratic Party and the … The destructive, dangerous Democratic Party has to go."…
Donald Trump Is Right About Jewish Voting
– This is on the low side; the percentage of Jews voting Democratic has historically been higher.On paper, Donald Trump should be extremely … His moving the US embassy to Jerusalem fulfilled presidential promises dating back to Bill Clinton. Everyone promised. … the shock of the post-10/7 antisemitic eruption by the American left will cause liberal Jews to join the Orthodox in voting for candidates
Poll: Here's How Biden's Fellow Democrats Feel About Him Dropping Out of the Race…w-democrats-feel-about-him-dropping-out-of-the-race-n2642342
– The warning signs that President Joe Biden should have dropped out of the 2024 presidential race have been there for some time, though … nominee in the 2024 presidential election.Who should Democrats nominate as their new candidate for president? … When asked, "regardless of who you prefer, who do you think would win the 2024 presidential election if these were the candidates,"…
Was Kamala Harris Complicit in Covering Up for Joe Biden? This Poll Is Clear.…it-in-covering-up-for-joe-biden-the-polls-are-clear-n2642571
– President Joe Biden withdrew from the presidential race on Sunday in a letter posted to his X account, and not long after endorsed … for the poll highlights how former and potentially future President Donald Trump leads Harris by two points, with third-party candidates … to defeat Trump, though.Another question also asked, "Would you personally rather have had Joe Biden or Kamala Harris as the Democratic
Dems Play the Age Card Now That Biden's Out
candidates, as it would have been an inopportune time to gripe about geriatrics. … Donald Trump is TOO old to be President," wrote Micah Erfan, who's on the State Democratic Executive Committee (SDEC … WE CANNOT HAVE A PRESIDENT THIS OLD.78 IS WAYYYYY TOO OLD TO BE PRESIDENT.HE’S THE OLDEST PRESIDENTIAL NOMINEE IN HISTORY!!!!…
Biden Becomes a Non-Entity
–  In their push to oust Biden in favor of a yet-to-be-named but equally, if not more, unpopular candidate, Democratic donors have … It’s the rich vs. the poor, and in Democratic Party politics, the rich always win. …  It can matter in the presidential race, the House and Senate control, or even legislative races in your state.”There are two…
Secret Service Director Tries to Cover Up DEI Priorities
– Kimberly Cheatle, stonewalling the congressional committee members, tried to memory-hole her woke ways while testifying about the presidential … I am hiring the best-qualified candidates that put in an application that want to work for our great organization," Cheatle retorted … Biden's second lady detail and Anthony pushed for her," a Democratic insider told The Post.…
New Swing State Poll Spells Catastrophic News for Biden…on-swing-states-spells-catastrophic-news-for-biden-n2642139
– With third-party candidates factored in, Trump enjoys a lead in the following states:Arizona: Trump 46%, Biden 36%, other candidates … 8.2% Georgia: Trump 44%, Biden 39%, other candidates 9.3%Michigan: Trump 43%, Biden 40%, other candidates 8.3%Nevada: Trump 43% … , Biden 40%, other candidates 9.2%North Carolina: Trump 47%, Biden 38%, other candidates 8.7%Pennsylvania: Trump 46%, Biden 40%, other…
The Most Important 42 Miles in American Politics
– women who were used as backdrops for the labor movement until climate change and international deals became more important and Democratic … They want to be seen.For decades, presidential candidates from either party have rarely shown up in places like East Palestine and … This is not a place where presidential candidates go, but it is where presidents can be elected or defeated," said Sracic, who lives…
Iran Threat on the Global Stage: Resistance, Elections, and the Western Dilemma…stage-resistance-elections-and-the-western-dilemma-n2642261
–  Iranians voiced their rejection of Iran’s sham presidential elections, orchestrated by the ruling theocracy, and endorsed the … republic.The presidential election, a continuation of the performative politics that have characterized the Islamic Republic since … The candidates, including the so-called reformist Masoud Pezeshkian, have for long demonstrated unwavering loyalty to Supreme…
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