Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

10 Explanations Of How Conservatism Helps The Middle Class
– In that sense, the rich are a tripwire. … rules to stay here and take jobs from middle class Americans who are struggling to take care of their families? … Every illegal alien who's allowed to stay here and work means one more American without a job.…
To House GOP, Illegal Immigration Is Jobs Issue,_illegal_immigration_is_jobs_issue
– with the enforcement of federal laws to prevent the employment of illegal immigrants. … While the administration seems focused almost exclusively on illegal immigrants who have felony records, Smith wants to concentrate … King would also like to look into so-called "sanctuary cities," that is, cities whose officials offer protection to illegal immigrants
The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2010
– Defining quote: Those flowers were picked by illegal immigrants. … He's like the bad guy in half the movies that were made in the last decade. … No wonder the Democrats think Americans are stupid.…
5 High Crimes And Misdemeanors For Which Obama Deserves To Be Impeached…sdemeanors-for-which-obama-deserves-to-be-impeached-n1848801
– It's bad enough that Barack Obama is not qualified or competent to handle a job like the presidency, as his performance has proven … Additionally, we've tended to give Presidents the benefit of the doubt when American lives are at stake. … As Senator Jeff Sessions has noted, “at least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records…
5 High Crimes And Misdemeanors For Which Obama Deserves To Be Impeached…sdemeanors-for-which-obama-deserves-to-be-impeached-n1848789
– It's bad enough that Barack Obama is not qualified or competent to handle a job like the presidency, as his performance has proven … Additionally, we've tended to give Presidents the benefit of the doubt when American lives are at stake. … As Senator Jeff Sessions has noted, “at least 99.92% of illegal immigrants and visa overstays without known crimes on their records…
Administration Calls Influx of Children Illegally Crossing Into US An "Urgent Humanitarian Situation"…thern-border-deemed-urgent-but-obama-offers-no-plan-n1847174
– “These are children, and in many cases they are young children. … 2015 — as a wave of illegal immigrants that should be returned home. … and to transport them to their illegal-immigrant parents elsewhere in the United States.…
Obama's War on the Constitution
– GRANTING AMNESTY TO ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS In 2008, then-Sen. … So on June 15, 2012, Obama announced his Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy for illegal immigrants. … If Congress does not grant illegal immigrants amnesty by legislation before 2016, Obama will do it by administrative fiat.…
This is How You Lose a War
– We are done. We have lost. … Those are not unreasonable stances. … Tolerant of illegal immigrants, tolerant of those seeking to change the definition of marriage, tolerant of any one of a number of…
In Other News: Hillary's New Book Moved to the Fiction Section…news-hillarys-new-book-moved-to-the-fiction-section-n1850428
– (And that’s too bad… It would have boosted their attendance by 50 percent.) … Naturally, unions are furious with the ruling. After all, tenured teachers pay union dues. Kids don’t. … Guess which group the unions care about more… (CNN) The wave of young illegal immigrants coming across the border is getting…
The Most Dangerous Investment Strategy
– good or bad. … Thousands of Undocumented Children Flood the United States “Hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants who came to the … U.S. facilities in Texas are at or near capacity for the immigrants because of a "record increase in underage migrants," which led…
‘Hard’ Choices about America’s Future
– “This is a really bad slippery slope,” she also told interviewer Walter Isaacson, who presumably knows bad slippery slopes from good … Speaking of dependency, what are we to make of tens of thousands of illegal immigrants flooding over the Texas border, followed by … As bad as it has been, we may not have seen the worst.…
Conservative Andrew Thomas Likely to Become Arizona’s Next Governor…drew-thomas-likely-to-become-arizonas-next-governor-n1857291
Illegal immigration also continues to be a problem, as Border Patrol agents report that more illegal immigrants than ever are now coming … immigrants. … Red states like Arizona are getting redder, and blue states are getting bluer.…
Gaza, Ukraine, Border Crises Have Roots In a Weakened America…aine-border-crises-have-roots-in-a-weakened-america-n1863470
– This is what happens when wars are won. … immigrants. … If this were merely bad policy, that would be bad enough. The lying makes it an outrage for the ages.…
The Right Way to Immigrate
– “We are not going to stop sending people, and you guys are not going to be able to stop them from getting in,” a Honduran military … Both parts of that statement are reasonable readings of American policy. … Obama meant for the order to apply to illegal immigrants who’ve been here for years; many of them don’t even speak Spanish and have…
Happy 30th Birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis
– Those guys are putting in for their pensions by now. … So why are Obama, Sen. Harry Reid, Sen. … immigrants -- this never would have happened?…
Illegal Immigration Crisis Has “Made in Mexico” Written All Over It…ation-crisis-has-made-in-mexico-written-all-over-it-n1862475
– Alas, we are not so fortunate. … Dead children literally are washing up on the shores of the Rio Grande -- a result of chasing the dream of amnesty spun by the likes … are sending their kids northward.…
Real and Misguided Compassion
– Although drug smugglers, criminals and perhaps terrorists are taking advantage of the legal anarchy, the vast majority are poor people … But, as with legal precedents, hard cases make bad laws. … immigrants as humanely as possible.…
What's Missing in the Current Immigration 'Crisis' Debate
– Over the past several weeks we have seen a significant increase in illegal immigration, as thousands of unaccompanied minors pour … immigrants. … now opened the door to a flood of immigrants seeking welfare and other assistance.…
5 Obvious Principles of Human Nature That Baffle Liberals…ous-principles-of-human-nature-that-baffle-liberals-n1871247
are the same in any case. … If you welcome illegal immigrants today, more are likely to come tomorrow. … Yes, there are just bad people out there who will murder you for no other crime than being American, Jewish, or even just “not Muslim…
Putin Robbed Blind in Cuba
– So his offense at the “illegal” U.S. embargo of a KGB-founded, terror-sponsoring regime should provoke only chortling and snorting. … They’ll tell you that ten are born every second. … At any rate, too bad Rod Serling isn’t around.…
Pitching Texas in Bookland
– The answers are in: borders, borders, borders, and Perry, Perry, Perry. … Texas is Ground Zero for a showdown as our state’s Democrats try to pave a yellow brick road for thousands of illegal immigrants into … Some charity workers are their wingmen, ladling out the notion that Christianity somehow requires approval of lawbreaking.…
At Last -- Someone Did Something
– in order to deflect the onrush of illegal border-crossers? … What are we supposed to do? Do? A strange concept these days. … admissions are not as they were 125 years ago.…
The Lie Behind DACA's Legal Defense
– Millions of illegal immigrants have lived in the United States for decades, under a semi-official policy that allows them to stay as … So even before DACA, otherwise law abiding illegal immigrants like Andiola faced no threat of deportation thanks to Obama's prosecutorial … Instead of just prioritizing otherwise law biding illegal immigrants, like Andiola, at the bottom of the immigration enforcement list…
What I Saw at the U.S.-Mexico Border
– hands are tied. … DACA is the root cause of why a surge of illegal immigrants are coming into the country expecting amnesty from President Obama. … immigrants through their country and into ours.…
Immigration reform optimism voiced by Baptist policy group & Chamber of Commerce…voiced-by-baptist-policy-group--chamber-of-commerce-n1492617
– "We will stay on top of this until Washington, D.C., and our country finally what is right by the 12 million who are here looking … , immigrants in this country. … is very bad for the country."…
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