Results for: "poll" "college" "voters"

NPR Poll Puts Another Nail in Dems' Midterm Coffin
– Notably, the poll found 52 percent of latino voters would vote for a Republican compared to 39 percent who would choose a Democrat. … More registered Democrat voters said they'd vote for a Republican in the midterms (7 percent) than Republican voters who would vote … When it comes to education level, non-college educated voters were more likely to vote Republican (51 percent) than Democrat (37 percent…
New Poll Reveals Whether Voters Have the Same Concerns About Trump's Age As They Do Biden's…ells-us-its-not-just-bidens-age-that-is-the-problem-n2629214
– As a poll from Monmouth University showed, though, voters are not as concerned that Trump is "too old" for office, while they very … , 49 percent of Hispanic/Black/Asian/Other voters, 57 percent of voters with no college degree, 51 percent of voters with a college … degree, 61 percent of white voters with no degree, 53 percent of white voters with a college degree, 51 percent of voters with an…
Poll: Hillary Unfavorable Rating Hits 60 Percent, Majority of Voters Wanted Indictment
– This poll also marks the second set of national numbers released this week showing that a clear majority of voters believe she should … with college degrees, a demographic captured by every GOP presidential nominee since 1956: Clinton beats Trump among college-educated … Has Trump surged ahead in the swing state of Iowa in one poll, while sliding nationally?…
Trump Could Oversee the Electoral College Slaughter of Joe Biden Tonight…he-electoral-college-slaughter-of-joe-biden-tonight-n2579306
– You have college-educated voters being oversampled, along with Democrats and Trump-hating suburban Republicans. … ” Trump voters. … NEW POLL??Michigan ??…
Poll Shows Bad News for Sherrod Brown as Vulnerable Democratic Incumbent's Lead Shrinks
– But, a recently released poll from Emerson College showed that Brown's lead is shrinking. Currently, Brown leads state Sen. … “Conversely, LaRose performs better among younger Republican voters, earning 26% support from GOP voters under 30.” … The poll was conducted January 23-25, with 1,844 registered voters and a margin of error of plus or minus 2.3 percentage points.…
A New National Poll With Key Data on the Trump Trial Just Dropped
–  In the national poll of U.S. voters, 53 percent said a guilty verdict would not impact their vote. …  “Voters under 30 break for Biden by 15 points, with a quarter undecided. … “Trump’s support has grown since 2020 among voters in their 50s according to this poll, leading Biden by 19 points, 57% to 38%."…
New Emerson College Survey Shows Where Biden, Trump Stand in Hypothetical Matchup
– Former President Donald Trump’s support in the GOP primary is growing, a new Emerson College survey of U.S. voters found. … A majority of voters said the president’s age would make it too hard to keep up with the demands of the presidency. … The poll also found Trump and President Biden tied in a hypothetical matchup, with each receiving 45 percent support.  …
Survey: Voters Still Believe American Dream Is 'Alive and Well'
– “As the smallest college to graduate a President of the United States and as a college that provides opportunities for all our students … “Will this translate into political disillusionment for younger voters or perhaps motivate them to turnout? … You can take a sample version of the poll here and see how your answers stack up to the other respondents. …
Trump Continues to Dominate in the Polls
– among voters. …  According to a recent Emerson College Polling/ The Hill poll,  Trump being politically convicted had no impact on how … voters view him.…
New Poll Doesn't Just Carry with It Bad News for Biden, But Good News for Trump for 2024…bad-news-for-biden-but-good-news-for-trump-for-2024-n2598680
– On Friday, Emerson College Polling released their latest poll, and it shows more bad news for President Joe Biden. … among Black/African-American voters, moving from 72% approval in February to 52% approval in November. … The poll was conducted November 3-4 with 1,000 registered voters and a margin of error of plus or minus 3 percentage points. …
It's Official: This Race Is A Dead Heat, With Trump Surging With Working Class Whites
– In the latest Morning Consult poll of 1,712 likely voters, Trump leads Clinton by one point. … November: In a nationwide poll of 1,712 likely voters taken Sept. 22 through Sept. 24, 39 percent of respondents chose Trump … […] The poll also asked voters whether their support for Clinton or Trump stemmed more from that candidate's qualities or from…
New Poll: Trump Is Still Up in Key Swing States
– On Thursday, Emerson College Polling/The Hill released their June poll on seven key swing states, with even Minnesota included in that … states for that poll. …  "Independent voters break for Trump in all seven states – however, there has been some movement among these voters since April…
Rick Perry: Frontrunner
– According to figures provided to National Journal by Gallup, Perry leads Romney not only among Republican voters without a college … with at least a four year college degree. … In 2008, the GOP primary electorate split almost exactly in half between voters with and without a college degree.…
Voters Reveal What They Are Most Concerned About Heading Into the Debate…ey-are-most-concerned-about-heading-into-the-debate-n2641066
– Swing state voters voiced their top concerns about the presidential candidates ahead of the first 2024 debate. …  A  New York Times/ Siena College poll found that 68 percent of respondents say Biden is too old to serve another term. … Meanwhile, only 39 percent of voters said the same about Trump.…
WaPo Admits Voters Aren't Worried About 'the Threat to Democracy'…voters-arent-worried-about-the-threat-to-democracy-n2614777
– A New York Times/Siena College poll shows that 45 percent of Americans regard Trump as a “major” threat to democracy, while just 28 … The poll shows that 71 percent of Trump 2020 voters regard Democrats as a major threat to democracy. … But just 52 percent of Biden voters say the same about the GOP.…
To The Surprise Of Nobody, Dems Internal Polling Shows Swing Voters Don't Like Progressives…l-polling-shows-swing-voters-dont-like-progressives-n2550028
– known as "The Squad" — included 1,003 likely general-election voters who are white and have two years or less of college education … The results of the poll showed that "Rep. Ocasio-Cortez was recognized by 74% of voters in the poll; 22% had a favorable view." … Plus, "Socialism was viewed favorably by 18% of the voters and unfavorably by 69%."…
Pew: Trump Trails Hillary by Nine Points, Underperforming Romney Across Almost All Groups…nts-underperforming-romney-across-almost-all-groups-n2190021
– What's most distressing about this new poll from Trump's perspective is not its top line result (Hillary +9), but its internals … degree, he’s underperforming among white voters with a college degree. … In fact, he is on a track to lose white college graduates.…
A Poll Asked College Democrats If They'd Room With a Trump Supporter. Here's What They Said.…mocrats-would-refuse-to-room-with-a-trump-supporter-n2612032
– Nearly every U.S. college has gone woke in one aspect or another, and the students who attend are no less different politically.  … In a new NBC News/Generation Labs poll, almost two-thirds, or 62 percent, of Democrat college students say that they would "probably … However, the poll found that Republicans sang a different tune when it came to people of different political views. …
VA Governor’s Race: Conflicting Polls, McDonnell Weathering Scandal?…race-conflicting-polls-mcdonnell-weathering-scandal-n1643567
College Poll. … The Roanoke College Poll interviewed 525 registered voters in Virginia between July 8 and July 14 and has a margin of error of +4.3 … And the “bad” news (via PPP): PPP’s most recent poll of Virginia voters shows a tight race for the governorship brewing in…
Two New Polls Show Blackburn Leading Bredesen in TN Senate Race…s-show-blackburn-leading-bredesen-in-tn-senate-race-n2533570
– One is an NBC/Marist poll, which has Blackburn with 51 percent support of likely voters while Bredesen has 46 percent support. … This poll of 417 likely voters was conducted between Oct. 23-27 and has a margin of error of 5.7 percentage points. … gave her an eight-point lead, and a NY Times/Siena college poll ending October 11 gave her a fourteen-point lead.”…
Great: Obama on Taxpayer-Funded Campaign Swing to Court College Voters
– privilege of financing his dates:   President Barack Obama will take a two-day, three-state trip this week to visit college … In his (official) weekly address on Saturday, the president said he will be talking to students about making college more affordable … Another poll of youth voters pegs the president's lead at a paltry seven points. …
Update: Polls Show Brown With Modest Lead Over Warren
– The poll of 456 voters, conducted by Opinion Dynamics of Cambridge, shows Brown leading Warren 52 percent to 42 percent in a theoretical … Another 1 percent of voters said they were leaning toward Warren. … Both candidates are well known to Massachusetts voters.…
Majority of Voters Do Not Think Biden Is Fit to Serve Another 4-Year Term: Poll
– A new Siena College poll released Tuesday found that 62 percent of voters believe that Biden is unfit for another four-year term as … 47%, of Latino voters.” … The poll was conducted Sept. 10 through 13 among 804 registered voters and has a margin of error of plus or minus 4.3 percentage points…
Leftists Are Melting Down Over the Latest NYT Survey, But There's Even More Bad Polling News for Biden
– Sarah posted earlier about the latest New York Times/Siena College poll, which is sending another round of shockwaves through Democratic … A majority of voters think the economy is in poor condition. And the share of voters who strongly disapprove of Mr. … effectively, according to a new poll by The New York Times and Siena College.…
Even the New Jersey Gubernatorial Race is Tightening
– from likely voters, compared to Ciattarelli's 44 percent. … As a write-up from Emerson notes: Seven percent (7%) of voters are still undecided; among the undecided voters, 59% are leaning towards … The poll was conducted October 15-18 with 600 likely New Jersey voters and a margin of error of plus or minus 3.9 percentage points…
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