Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Inauthentic & Dislikeable, But a Dream Ticket?
– Last week the Democratic Party’s presumptive presidential nominee, Hillary Clinton, campaigned in Cincinnati with fellow Democrat, … presidential candidate believe that they have found the perfect complement to their candidate in another liberal Ivy Leaguer, who … 9, two days after the California Democratic primary finished the Bernie Sanders campaign.  …
Associated Press Hides Democrats’ Hatred of African Americans…d-press-hides-democrats-hatred-of-african-americans-n2186271
– The history of the Ku Klux Klan and its inherent racism are inexorably linked to the Democratic Party. … By the 1924 presidential election, the Klan was so institutionalized within the Democratic Party it rallied enough convention delegates … Small wonder that GOP presidential candidates hover in the high single digits when it comes to winning the black vote.…
Celebrating America on July Fourth
– Coming this year in the middle of one of the nastiest presidential campaigns in recent memory, it would certainly be refreshing to … hear from candidates on American exceptionalism, but somehow I doubt that either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump is up to the task. … Nonetheless, Stephen Douglas, the incumbent Democratic senator, and Republican Abraham Lincoln, a former one-term representative from…
Trump Ignites White Working-Class Revolution
– The idea of revolution, of course, does not apply to Hillary Clinton, the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee, because she's … The Republican party has perfected the circular firing squad, this year with 17 candidates banging away at one other, leaving the loudest … These voters especially resent the chic Democratic "bi-coastals" to whom the farms and small towns of flyover country are "culturally…
Rubio Up 64 Points Over Senate Challenger In Latest Poll
– Undecided voters come in at 18 percent, with the remaining four percent split up by little-known candidates Ernie Rivera, an entrepreneur … With 71-21 percent favorable-unfavorable ratings, he is doing better than presidential candidate Donald Trump, who clocks in at 62- … Rubio immediately dropped out of the presidential race following his embarrassing loss in his home state.…
Wow: Democratic FEC Bureaucrats Sought to Punish Fox News for Debate Coverage…sought-to-investigate-fox-news-over-debate-coverage-n2186023
– But as the date got close and the nearly two dozen GOP presidential candidates were close in the polls, Fox added a second debate that … included seven other candidates. … in an unusually deep and large presidential field?…
Message to Trump: Say What You Mean, and Mean What You Say…ge-to-trump-say-what-you-mean-and-mean-what-you-say-n2185075
– America's political system is in turmoil, with Republicans deeply divided over their presumed presidential nominee amid a looming plot … America is in a steep economic downturn in the midst of one of the most tumultuous presidential elections in our history, after seven … We want our presidential candidates to say what they mean, and mean what they say, not to make preposterous promises they know will…
Vetoing Bipartisan Energy, Job and Economic Growth
– * Use vetoes and Democratic obstinacy to underscore the need for more pro-growth and environmental-balance candidates in 2016 … congressional and presidential elections – by showing leadership and responsible alternatives to eight years of Reid, Pelosi and Obama…
Scalise and Duke, Democrats and Castro. Let’s Compare
– I almost forgot another very prominent Democratic Presidential candidate, who among many other Democratic accolades was honored with … yelled the Democratic presidential candidate (twice) Jesse Jackson while arm and arm with the jailer and torturer of the most and longest-suffering … They were outright Democratic presidential candidates and Democratic occupiers of the White house.…
Election 2016: Walker v. Everyone Else
– Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is a rising 2016 GOP Presidential nominee. … The bill died in the House, and may have killed Rubio’s Presidential bid. … Presidential candidates must transition from firing up the base to winning over quizzical independents and intrigue disaffected Democrats…
The Three Amigos of GOP Defeat in 2016
– This has led the presidential campaign to start earlier than ever. … The Republican presidential nominees, U.S. … Instead, GOP party bosses are overtly supporting the upcoming presidential candidacies of the three major moderate candidates: former…
2016 Rumblings: Walker Gently Suggests Romney Is a Candidate 'From the Past'…r-gently-suggests-romney-is-something-from-the-past-n1943698
– advantage against Hillary Clinton, the likely Democratic candidate: making the case for change. … In fairness, Romney’s views aren’t all that different from other candidates presumed to be entering the race. … Of course, all the ambitious candidates weighing presidential runs have a vested interest in seeing Romney sidelined.…
Is There A Romney-Bush War Looming?
– value in the 2014 midterms, when Romney became one of the Republican Party’s most sought-after surrogates, stumping for winning candidates … noted: The Journal closed by observing that Romney does not bring anything to the table that the many other prospective candidates … The family that once said “no” to a 2012 presidential run (Mitt voted no) has seemingly warmed up to the idea of another Romney run…
Media’s Choice for California Senate: Billionaire Hypocrite Tom Steyer…california-senate-billionaire-hypocrite-tom-steyer-n1943167
– “Steyer-backed Democratic candidates lost Senate races in Colorado and Iowa, and governor's races in Florida and Maine. … Tom is so much more presidential. It’s a marketer’s dream – or construct. Steyer isn’t new to politics.…
Fate and the End of an Era
– Everyone remembers 1994 as the Gingrich Revolution, the Contract with America, and the end of over four decades of Democratic rule … We are awash in consultants whose only goal is to play matchmaker between rich donors and ego-driven, clownish non-candidates. … These candidates serve as the conduit between the rich donor money and its intended destination, the consultant’s bank account.…
The GOP's 20 Car Pile-up
– And for the same reason: They have experience in the most grueling of political arenas --the American presidential race. … No, more than a few of the candidates will have more than enough money. … Every single one of the GOP candidates has at least one major flaw.…
Romney Leads Nascent Iowa Field With 21%, Bush at 14%, Walker 10%
– Romney has never left the hearts and minds of Republican voters and he will hold the dominant position in the race for the 2016 presidential … nomination until the other candidates spin up their own campaigns, said Doug Kaplan, the managing partner of Gravis Marketing, a Florida-based … Walker, the governor of Iowa's northeast border, signaled his intention to run with the New Year announcements of his presidential
Can Jeb Bush -- or Anyone -- Come up With a Platform for Primaries, General and Presidency?…ith-a-platform-for-primaries-general-and-presidency-n1941918
candidates. … But few candidates manage to do that because it's harder to do than to say. … But neither he nor any of the other potential Republican candidates has done so yet. Neither has Hillary Clinton.…
Polls: Is 'Ready for Hillary' Narrative a Mirage?
– Even if she waits until the summer to declare, she'll still run as the obvious nominee for a full year before the Democratic National … Clinton wide leads over several potential Republican opponents, but Democratic firm PPP (which has a spotty reputation) has published … presidential nomination should she enter the race — holds leads over every major GOP candidate tested in the poll, she doesn’t break…
Republicans See Opportunity In Run-Up To 2016 Election
– WASHINGTON -- The crowded race for the Republican 2016 presidential nomination has begun, and it promises to be a massive political … At least 25 potential candidates are considering entering the race. … All of these candidates have strengths in their own right, and weaknesses as well.…
My Mistakes About 2016 Presidential Race
– I don't, but as this January has rolled on, it's become clear I've made many about the 2016 presidential race. … The lesson, I think, is that potential presidential candidates make a calculation. … Congressional Republicans are far from consensus and aren't getting much guidance from the would-be presidential candidates.…
Nigeria's Upcoming Elections Could Turn Into 'Valentine's Day Massacre' for Christians…ld-turn-into-valentines-day-massacre-for-christians-n1949600
– which is divided nearly equally between Muslims and Christians, will head to the polls on Feb. 14 to choose from a number of presidentialcandidates. … If the elections are democratic and peaceful, Kerry promised the U.S. would do more to help in the fight against Boko Haram. …
Blue State Chaos: California Senate Seat Up For Grabs…onsidering-running-for-californias-open-senate-seat-n1947388
– Yet, there are A LOT of potential candidates that have yet to make their intention known. … And the race will take place during a presidential campaign, with expected higher voter turnout among Latino, African American and … Other Democratic contenders are San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo, Rep.…
A Candidate With Appeal to Both Suburban and Countryside Republicans?…appeal-to-both-suburban-and-countryside-republicans-n1953420
– Can a single speech at an Iowa political event change the course of a presidential nomination race? Maybe. … As in just about every poll of potential Republican candidates, multiple candidates are bunched in what is, statistically, a tie. … But they likely guarantee him serious attention in what is currently a crowd of candidates.…
Romney's Choice
– Romney came in third among GOP candidates who carried delegates into the convention just behind Gov. … And the amount of blood, sweat, tears, and money it would take to do that would leave him (or Bush) so weakened that the Democratic … The other announced candidates were probably on the phones all weekend wooing the Romney donors and Romney advisors.…
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