Results for: they are all going to jail

How We Got Here
– But they've learned to do more with less. And so they don't hire. … For that matter, not many men have accumulated a record comparable to Clinton's without going to jail. … The Russians wanted to meddle in our elections, we are told.…
How Out of Control DOJ Prosecutors Took Down Republican Congressman Steve Stockman…ors-took-down-republican-congressman-steve-stockman-n2513308
– That’s a charge prosecutors turn to when they are having no luck showing the validity of the main charges.  … Crimes involving campaign contribution fraud are also common for prosecutors to bring when they want to get someone. … But when the two associates realized they were going to be prosecuted too, they turned on Stockman and took plea agreements.  …
TRIGGERED Podcast: Uh, We Just Let The New Mexico Terrorists Go…Is That What Happened?…t-the-new-mexico-terrorists-gois-that-what-happened-n2514527
– That is not going to work. That's not going to be good for Florida.”  San Francisco is officially the poop capital of America. … Police are now stepping up patrols at LAX because cab drivers are just crapping all over the roads there. … Are you nuts?! Everyone needs to toughen the hell up. Period. There is no debate.…
The Rule of Law Is a Sick Joke
– That’s why Democrats are so eager to repeal Citizens United and pass all sorts of new laws restricting election campaigning. … The rule of law is not just words on the page; it is how those words are applied, and if they are not applied equally to everyone then … When establishment hacks talk about the “rule of law,” they mean that they should be able to use the law to rule you while they get…
Flipping Benefits Prosecutors, Not the Public
– If Cohen had continued to maintain his innocence, prosecutors were going to pile on the charges so that he faced 65 years behind bars … defendants with draconian sentences if they dare plead innocent and go to trial. … what they want to hear.…
Nike Pays Kaepernick to Peddle False, Harmful Narrative of Police Brutality…peddle-false-harmful-narrative-of-police-brutality-n2518351
– His contract was not likely going to be renewed, even without the controversy that now surrounds him. … to recommend to me ... people that they think were unfairly treated by the justice system ... and I'm gonna take a look at those applications … If whites were to spend as much time thinking about how to oppress blacks as Kaepernick thinks they do, they would never have enough…
Kenneth Starr Still Getting Hardballs
– But we at the same time had to get to the bottom of things." … Will you apologize to her?" Starr said, "No, I won't, because, unfortunately, the facts are the facts." … Inskeep argued "history" would ignore all of the non-sex stuff: "ultimately, what history is going to remember is that one charge,…
I Left My Shoes In San Francisco
– You just have to want to stop it, but our liberal overlords don’t want to stop it. They want this. … Look at what they are doing, so to speak. … They are a result of your moral failings, of your selfishness, of your refusal to give even more of your money, freedom, and power…
Dear Barack Obama, Welcome Back
to make your failure look like a success, like the best we could expect going forward. … And they did a good job of it. There are people who couldn’t find work under your administration who are now working. … Obviously, I have an interest in selling you a copy of the book, but they don’t. Yet they’ve all endorsed it.…
Is Great Britain Still a Free Country?
– “Now they are saying that he looks really good but we all know he should be in Italy right now.” … we going to kill this child, we're going to throw you in jail for complaining about it." — Mark Hemingway … When The State alone is the Great Protector (except for people like Alfie Evans, of course), all others are conditioned to think twice…
It’s Fun to Watch The Liberals’ and Never Trumpers’ Coup Dreams Die
going to explode. … It’s got to frustrate liberals and their Never Trump buddies to know that they are never deposing our elected chief executive. … All that makes for a very chatty Andy. He’s an ex-cop and a pretty one at that, so prison’s not going to be much fun.…
A Federal Judge Accuses Mueller of Lying About His Phony Investigation…uses-mueller-of-lying-about-his-phony-investigation-n2477674
– Let’s put it this way: If all foreign payments that went to private interests in Washington were subjected to the same level of scrutiny … There are major gaps, which happens when investigations from 2014 are retrofitted to look like a stolen election in 2016. … The Justice Department is not going to be able to obfuscate and slow walk with a federal district court judge as it has done with the…
'The Grande Latrine' -- Starbucks Announces Anybody Can Now Use Their Restrooms, Sit in Their Stores…can-now-use-starbucks-restrooms-sit-in-their-stores-n2482635
They are not actually calling it "The Grande Latrine." … An open invite for free wifi, free bathrooms, and free rest areas is going to welcome all sorts of characters. … If the word gets out that Starbucks can’t stop anyone from hanging out there, some of the stores are going to turn into impromptu homeless…
Three Ways Liberals Hoist Themselves With Their Own Petards On Immigration
– But sadly, illegal immigrants not only commit crime, they commit it far out of proportion to their numbers. … And liberals, for whatever reason, feel the need to protect these criminals from deportation so they are free to commit their next … think they’re going to compete with for jobs?…
Explaining Why Liberals Are So Desperate To Find Things to Be Offended About…re-so-desperate-to-find-things-to-be-offended-about-n2479684
All these media organizations are in the tank for the Democrats and they don’t want to see Trump do well. … They are so desperate to be offended that a single prominent black man simply disagreeing with them about which political party to … not because they deserve to or because they have guns pointed at your head, but because people are too afraid to speak the truth.…
After Arrest of UK Activist Tommy Robinson, Dutch MP Warns: ‘The Lights of Freedom Are Going Out’…dutch-mp-warns-the-lights-of-freedom-are-going-out-n2485662
– “Freedom of speech is being violated all over Europe and also in Britain. The lights of freedom are going out. … Islam critics are taken to court, jailed or targeted with fatwa’s. The authorities try to silence us. … “The immigrants are actually now in positions of power to actually determine policy, and they are enforcing authoritarian, autocratic…
Dancing with Socialism, Ignoring Reality
– Senator Bernie Sanders, and they are pushing the Democratic Party even further to the Left. … The media enthusiastically adopted the reversed color scheme because they don’t want the masses to wake up and see where all this is … flakes because they want to cease operations.…
Is This the Worst Judge in America?
– Williams took the opportunity away from jail to travel up to Maine where he subsequently killed a police officer. … Or they can be removed through impeachment if they are proven to be incompetent.  … “To just put someone back on the street like that, it’s just a total injustice and we’re never going to stop this epidemic if we don…
Shaun King Fails to Find the Facts Before Sharing Fake Cop Story…ils-to-find-the-facts-before-sharing-fake-cop-story-n2484362
– This is similar to officers who watch a stop sign because people in the neighborhood are complaining about it running all the time. … They wanted body cameras, and they got them. Officers are exonerated faster than ever before. … That was all he needed.  Body cameras are the best thing that happened to law enforcement.…
Can We Hope To Keep Our Republic When One Of The Parties Supports Tyranny?…r-republic-when-one-of-the-parties-supports-tyranny-n2483027
– Offering them is just going through the motions. They are willing to embrace these tactics because they can. … The New Rules, should they become ingrained in our systems, will inevitably go both ways. They are going to hate the New Rules. … Do they really want to go down this road?…
The Entitled 'Comedy' Elites
– Why do they seem to think that comedians like Samantha Bee and Donald Trump impersonators like Alec Baldwin are going to save America … They are the true elites, engorged with self-absorption and disdainful of anyone who misses the point that they are the witty conscience … They have none. They are above them.…
Deep Thoughts: Can a President Actually Pardon Himself?
– Again, it makes no earthly sense for Team Trump to be feeding this story at all, but they're going with the 'kitchen sink' approach … The only exceptions to it are obvious from the Constitution’s Pardon Clause (article II, section 2), which limits pardons to “Offenses … Even if those claims are well-supported, they are unnecessary and can’t help but make people wary.…
The Seven Nuttiest Things Nancy Pelosi Has Said This Year
– “Some of us who are attracted to the political arena, to government and public service” believe that “we are all God’s children” and … So, we’re to believe Nancy doesn’t believe in any parents of minors going to jail or prison, no matter what they do?  … As hapless as some in our own party tend to be, we’re going to need all the help we can get!…
New Jersey To Gun Owners: Hand Over Those Magazines Or We Could Throw You In Jail…over-those-magazines-or-we-could-throw-you-in-jail-n2491153
– Yes, there are legal challenges to the law, but again, this is what happens when you give the anti-gun Left an inch—they take several … In states with GOP governors, like Vermont and Florida, they both passed laws boosting the age to purchase to 21 for all firearms. … These are law-abiding gun owners, folks. Criminals weren’t going to abide by this law. They don’t abide by any gun laws.…
“Suffer the Little Children”---Are Kids Just Pawns in the Immigration Crisis?…ildrenare-kids-just-pawns-in-the-immigration-crisis-n2495183
– So those who come here illegally are themselves to blame for their children being assigned to foster care or to another family member … And they easily could have because the pictures are there---of alien children in fences, at the border. … They are being exploited by illegal immigrants trying to sneak into the country.”…
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