Results for: sign up to vote

Ridiculous: Reid Calls on Trump to "Heal Wounds" After Election…s-reid-calls-on-trump-to-heal-wounds-after-election-n2247218
– Trump to take responsibility for his rhetoric and his actions to work to heal the wounds that he created," the outgoing Minority Leader … "Our president-elect has chosen to do none of the things to this point… There's only one person who can bring a stop to that quickly … Also, Trump’s visit to the White House with President Obama earned strong marks from viewers as a sign of good faith from both men.…
Vox: No, The Electoral College Won’t Give Clinton The Presidency (And It’s Not Going Away Either)…linton-the-presidency-and-its-not-going-away-either-n2246425
– Moreover, and most importantly, are GOP electors going to vote en masse to deny Trump the presidency? No. … end up with 306 electors to Clinton’s 232. … Bush all refused to go so far, saying instead they’d vote for no one or write in somebody else. 4) Any large-scale defections…
It’s Time to Call out the Left’s Hypocrisy
– those who could not vote for him, urging them instead not to vote for Hillary. … been and to see why they can’t fathom how a God-fearing Christian could vote for him. … Bush to Hitler.”…
How Trump Can Make California Great Again
– California’s Secretary of State Alex Padilla (who denies the existence of voter fraud) allows people to register to vote online. … (Trump should also sign the National Right-To-Work, sponsored by US Senator Rand Paul!) 3. … Ricardo Lara’s SB 1146 woke up Christians even in Sodom-and-Gomorrah California. Conservatives need to tap into this momentum.…
The GOP Is Looking To Repeal And Replace Obamacare Under A Three-Year Timetable…for-repeal-and-replace-of-obamacare-is-three-years-n2253332
– With buy-in from Donald Trump’s transition team, GOP leaders on both sides of the Capitol are coalescing around a plan to vote to repeal … “We’re talking about a three-year transition now that we actually have a president who’s likely to sign the repeal into the law. … time of the repeal vote, adding to the mash up of GOP directions certain members want to go when dealing with Obamacare.…
Pelosi Has Four-Fifths Of The Support Needed To Be Re-elected House Leader
– They know the rural vote will go Republican, the point is to not allow the GOP to run up the score in these areas the way they did … the Democratic Caucus for the 115th Congress are present to vote Wednesday. … Pelosi being re-elected to her leadership position in the House will be a sign these folks aren’t serious.…
LOL: House Democratic Leader Directly Contradicts Himself in the Span of 20 Seconds…rectly-contradict-himself-in-the-span-of-15-seconds-n2437005
– our work" (to cheers), then immediately makes a adjourn the chamber.   … The amnesty fanatics in my base refuse to let us sign on to any funding deal that doesn’t include DREAM. … it, let’s temporarily change the rules so that they don’t have to vote for the bill at all.…
Roaring Economy: GOP Polling Rebounds as Jobless Claims Drop to Lowest Levels Since...…nomy-jobless-claims-drop-to-lowest-level-since-1973-n2436910
– We've been covering the drumbeat of upbeat economic news -- from low unemployment, to widespread optimism, to strong growth, to a booming … The total number of people receiving unemployment benefits, which are available for up to 26 weeks in most states, stayed below 2 million … @realDonaldTrump job approval up to >40% -- highest since mid-May. — Micah Cohen…
No Deal: Trump White House Rejects Preliminary Immigration Framework…ite-house-rejects-preliminary-immigration-framework-n2433341
– “It will be a full decade before any Dreamer gets citizenship and the right to vote. … The raw politics is they won’t be able to vote against Trump in 2020. … The visas would be used to speed up nuclear family visas, so the total level of immigration would remain the same.…
President Trump, Please Stay the Course
– American boots on foreign ground to getting better trade deals to providing corporate and individual tax relief to growing the economy … He will never get liberals to vote for him, no matter how many concessions he makes, and in the process, he will lose the intensity … those who brought him to the dance, to keep honoring his promises and to continue governing as a conservative.…
DACA: 'A Bill Of Love' Or A Bill Of Goods?
– We're going to come up with DACA. … step in to save the day. … Whereas Trump, "The Great Negotiator"—Coulter's coinage—pitched up for the meeting declaring in advance he'd sign anything present…
Disgrace: Red State Democrat High Fives Shutdown Chuck After Blocking 20-Week Abortion Ban Bill…shutdown-chuck-after-voting-to-block-20-week-aborti-n2441561
– The procedural vote, designed to put pressure on red-state Democrats who are up for reelection this fall, fell significantly short … During the 2016 election, Trump said he would sign a 20-week abortion ban if it made it to his desk — one of several key reasons anti-abortion … Democrats Joe Manchin, Joe Donnelly and Bob Casey broke with others in their party to vote to advance the bill.…
Ron Johnson and Tammy Baldwin Aren't Feeling the Love
to not "genuflect" to their demands. … Johnson has pushed both candidates to sign a unity pledge. … Look for Johnson to have a lot to say ahead of this race -- something you won't likely see from his other Republican colleagues in…
Extremist Senators: This Proposed Sixth-Month Abortion Ban is Dangerous, Immoral and Anti-Women…nth-abortion-ban-is-dangerous-immoral-and-antiwomen-n2440862
– 51% of Congress, do you think we would still be fighting to protect a woman’s right to choose? … That’s why the #Senate will soon vote to take up commonsense legislation to protect unborn children who can feel pain. — Leader McConnell … Newly-installed Alabama Senator Doug Jones claims to be undecided, but told reporters that he's inclined to vote against the bill.  …
WSJ Columnist: FBI/DOJ Are Trying To Drop A Depth Charge On Trump, House GOP In FISA Memo Fight…depth-charge-on-trump-house-gop-in-fisa-memo-fight-n2440373
– were a sign the agency wanted to launch a pre-emptive attack and leak it to allies in the media. … Trump then has up to five days to object to its release. If he doesn’t object, the memo goes public. … If he does, a majority of the House would have to vote to override him.…
Fire and Fury: Left-Wing Base Torching Schumer and Senate Dems After Shutdown Cave…eftwing-base-rages-at-schumer-over-shutdown-failure-n2438495
– The last thing they need is major elements of their party's core base to refuse to campaign or vote for them -- especially if independents … a promised immigration vote enraged liberals, who accused the lawmakers of betrayal and threatened to mount primaries against some … Liberal groups such as began urging members to sign up on Monday for rallies aimed at pressuring Republicans to protect…
BREAKING: Dems Retreat, Procedural Vote to End 'Schumer Shutdown' Clears Key Senate Hurdle…l-vote-to-end-schumer-shutdown-clears-senate-hurdle-n2437935
– Five members of the minority caucus already broke ranks on Friday to vote in favor of the House-passed spending bill, meaning that … to sign it.   … What are the implications of today's vote?  First, it looks like the federal government is going to reopen in short order.  …
Senate to Vote at Noon on Monday to Reopen Government
– The United States Senate will vote at noon on Monday to try and reach the votes needed to reopen the government reports Reuters. … noon Mon. on CR till Feb. 8-Flake now a “yes” on that-McConnell signals he’s open to an imm. vote-Dems not ready to cut a deal, but … not walking away — Robert Costa (@costareports) January 22, 2018McConnell moves to vote to reopen the government at 10pm.…
The Democratic Playbook
– Last year, liberal college professors called racist everything from math, to the song “Jingle Bells,” to showing up on time. … to sign, and DREAMers a chance, it is clear evidence to me that they’re moving in the right direction,” Durbin said. … Democrats hope to corner the market on the Hispanic vote like they have the black vote (how’s that worked out?)…
Democrats Using Same Strategy Republicans Tried in 2013…crats-using-same-strategy-republicans-tried-in-2013-n2437180
– Top aide Dan Pfeiffer likened the shutdown caucus to terrorists with a "bomb strapped to their chest." Rep. … Senate Republicans, with a slim majority of 51, need Democrats to pass a 60-vote hurdle. … The DNC issued this talking point: "After saying he would sign a deal, Trump rejected a bipartisan agreement and threatened to shut…
The Clown Show
– No Democrats wanted the public to know what their government was up to when it was the GOP telling the story, but zero Republicans … The solution they offer to conservative pearl-clutchers is simple: vote for Democrats. … campaigning against the one man who would happily sign their priorities into law…if Congress would only send them to him.…
The Endgame for Impeachment
– support the prosecution of anyone whom it is difficult to nail to the wall otherwise.   … , I believe it is highly likely that the House Judiciary committee will vote not to pursue it.   … to convict.  …
Study Finds Texans Rank Among Lowest in Civic Participation
– According to the study, only 68 percent of Texans are registered to vote, ranking the state at 44th out of the 50 states and the District … According to the data, for the 2016 general election, only 48% of Texans aged 18 to 24 were registered to vote, a contrast with 78% … Texans who chose not to vote in the 2016 election gave various reasons for not participating, 28 percent of which stating that they…
BREAKING: All Four DACA Proposals Fail in the Senate, With Trump-Backed Option Gaining the Least Support…he-senate-today--heres-a-summary-of-whats-happening-n2449508
– Majority Leader Mitch McConnell kept his word and has opened up the legislative process, allowing lawmakers to basically craft compromise … Provides $2.5 billion up front. Wall expected to cost $25 billion. Big concession by Dems. … , like the ones called for in the Grassley proposal) up front to help allay "amnesty now, security later" concerns among conservatives…
Midterms: Could Trump’s Tax Bill Punch Democrats In The Mouth?
– Under the system, the top two vote-getters move on to the general election, regardless of party affiliation. … Republicans are expert at affixing a “kick me” sign to frustrated Democrats. Democrats need practice at not wearing it. … The special election in PA-18 on March 13 could offer a better glimpse of what's to come. It's considered a toss-up race. …
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