Results for: abortion pregnancy

Hillary's Debate Answer on SCOTUS: Why She Must Be Opposed
– , a reputation confirmed in a number of Wikileaks revelations, but one area where she is totally and fanatically consistent is abortion … Wade -- the overturning of which would not lead to the blanket illegality of abortion, but would merely restore the difficult issue … Clinton opposes any and all restrictions on abortion, believing it should be legal throughout all nine months of pregnancy, on demand…
What Hillary Clinton's Support of Partial Birth Abortion and Donations from Qatar Have in Common…th-abortion-and-donations-from-qatar-have-in-common-n2236188
– Let's be clear about what partial birth abortion is: a full term baby is partially delivered up-side-down, feet first. … In the rare instances where a woman's life is in danger in the final months of her pregnancy, it is much safer for doctors to perform … Given the medical realities, it must be said that the only reason to perform a partial birth abortion is to kill the baby.…
What a Shame: Election Overshadows 100th Anniversary of Planned Parenthood…celebrates-100th-anniversary-of-planned-parenthood-n2233088
– were pro-lifers who were trolling the campaign, using it as an opportunity to remind people about Planned Parenthood's radical abortion … At Wednesday night's Vegas debate, the Democratic nominee defended her support of partial-birth abortion, although most Americans are …  against the procedure at such a late state in a woman's pregnancy.…
The 2016 Presidential Debates are Now Over. Here Are Key Takeaways.
– Pence then went on to discuss how his faith has dictated his views on abortion:  “The state of Indiana has also sought to make … sure that we expand alternatives in health care counseling for women, non-abortion alternatives. … Kaine said in the past that he, personally, is against abortion. However, he now stands by Hillary’s pro-choice platform.…
Clinton Defends Her Extreme Abortion Views During Third Presidential Debate…eme-abortion-views-during-third-presidential-debate-n2234912
– Hillary Clinton’s extreme views about abortion were on full display during the third presidential debate Wednesday night. … Wade, she defended her belief in late term, partial birth abortion. … to carry to term or that something terrible has happened or been discovered about the pregnancy.…
If You Don’t Like Either Candidate, Then Vote for Trump’s Policies…like-either-candidate-then-vote-for-trumps-policies-n2234187
Abortion On abortion, a liberal court would probably find the ban on partial-birth abortion to be unconstitutional (it was upheld … Abortion Such a court would likely overturn Roe v. … Wade and return abortion laws and the regulation of abortion to the states.…
If You Think Electing Anti-Abortion Candidates to Office Achieves Nothing, Consider the Results of Electing Pro-Choicers…othing-consider-the-results-of-electing-prochoicers-n2241695
– Wade and abortion is still legal.” … It comes down to this – pro-abortion presidents always appoint pro-abortion judges and justices.  … Elect pro-abortion candidates and see what happens. …
Save The Children, Vote Pro-Life: There's No Middle Ground!
– – that’s because a majority of Americans oppose their tax dollars going toward abortion. … This fabricated statistic is used constantly to downplay their abortion numbers because they don’t want the public to know that abortion … So an abortion, which can cost from hundreds to thousands of dollars, would be weighted the same as a pregnancy test, which costs about…
Are We Deceiving Ourselves About the Importance of the Supreme Court?…ourselves-about-the-importance-of-the-supreme-court-n2239476
– Corey rightly observes that “it was a majority Republican appointed SCOTUS that legalized abortion in the first place,” noting that … Wade, was a Nixon appointee who was expected to hold a conservative position on abortion. … Instead, he became a passionate supporter of a woman’s “right” to have an abortion.…
HRC & BHO: An Unholy Pact?
– Her election furthers abortion on demand through the end of pregnancy and partial birth abortions without limitation.…
Hillary Clinton Insults Intelligent, Thoughtful Women
– Consider: In the last debate, Secretary Clinton boldly praised China for ending their policy of "forced abortion", a policy which has … Let's be clear about what partial birth abortion is: a full term baby is partially delivered up-side-down, feet first. … Given the medical realities, it must be said that the only reason to perform a partial birth abortion is to kill the baby.…
A Catholic’s Response to Father Marcel Guarnizo
– is by voting for her opponent who, whatever else Father Guarnizo says about him, has no past of enacting policies to strengthen abortion … is, it is wrong for Christians to lend any aid and comfort to those who plan upon using the power of the state to ensure that abortion … at any stage during the pregnancy until partial-birth remains legal.…
Trump Is Not the Lesser of Two Evils
– He has supported partial birth abortion. … We know historically where the exception excuses lead: abortion on demand.    … during a pregnancy.…
French Gov’t Passes Bill That Bans Pro-Life Websites
– government is one step closer to criminalizing websites that “exert psychological or moral pressure” on pregnant women to not have an abortion … in order to stop her terminating a pregnancy. … This law was initially aimed at anti-abortion protesters in the 1980s who tried to physically obstruct women from accessing clinics…
Members of Congress Explain Need for New HHS Conscience and Religious Freedom Division…r-new-hhs-conscience-and-religious-freedom-division-n2436320
– He also mentioned the current case facing the Supreme Court of pregnancy centers “forced against their deepest beliefs to advertise … for an abortion industry bankrolled by the state.” … McCarthy said he has “high hopes that violations of the Weldon amendment and the arrogance of the California abortion mandate AB775…
22 States File Supreme Court Brief on Behalf of Pregnancy Centers Forced to Promote Abortion…alf-of-pregnancy-centers-forced-to-promote-abortion-n2435972
– The free speech case, taken up in November by the Supreme Court, will address a 2015 California law that requires pro-life pregnancy … centers to “disseminate to clients” a message promoting public programs with “free or low-cost access” to abortion and contraceptive … Three pregnancy centers, the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, Pregnancy Care Center, and Fallbrook Pregnancy Resource…
Planned Parenthood Sends Mixed Signals with Tweet Praising Successful Surgery on Unborn Baby…hood-affiliate-tweets-praise-of-surgery-in-the-womb-n2435731
– provider, Planned Parenthood of New York, offers late-term abortions up to 24 weeks of pregnancy, just two days before unborn "Baby … Planned Parenthood is, at best, sending some mixed messages with this tweet, given that one of their blogs featuring abortion stories … cited a story of a woman deciding to have a late-term abortion at 22 weeks due to a diagnosis of spina bifida.…
Pro-Life Nation: New Poll Shows Heavy Majorities in Favor of Substantial Abortion Restrictions
– Fewer than one-in-four respondents say abortion should be widely legal either throughout pregnancy, or at least through the first two … counseling centers to offer abortion referrals. … In total, 78 percent of American women favor significant new restrictions on abortion.  …
Illegal Immigrant Teen Seeking Abortion Released from Federal Custody to Obtain One…bortion-released-from-federal-custody-to-obtain-one-n2434744
– , Sunday from a federally funded shelter to a sponsor where she will be free to obtain an abortion with her own funding. … In the court papers, Moe says she is in the second trimester of pregnancy and had been asking for an abortion for two weeks prior to … Court of Appeals decision allowing Doe to obtain the abortion and that the D.C.…
Sofia Vergara, Frozen Embryos and Forced Procreation
– If abortion is a woman's constitutional right -- what rights do fathers have? … If a mother can independently decide to terminate a pregnancy, does she also have a constitutional right to initiate a pregnancy, or…
ACLU Sues HHS on Behalf of Yet Another Unaccompanied Minor Seeking an Abortion…yet-another-unaccompanied-minor-seeking-an-abortion-n2433140
– at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) over their refusal to facilitate an abortion … In the court declaration, Moe says she has been asking for an abortion for two weeks and wants one as soon as possible. … “The ACLU is pushing its larger agenda of making the United States a sanctuary nation for abortion," she said.…
Disgrace: Red State Democrat High Fives Shutdown Chuck After Blocking 20-Week Abortion Ban Bill…shutdown-chuck-after-voting-to-block-20-week-aborti-n2441561
– after 20 weeks of pregnancy. … During the 2016 election, Trump said he would sign a 20-week abortion ban if it made it to his desk — one of several key reasons anti-abortion … I’m sorry; giving each other high-fives after killing an abortion bill that would have banned late-term abortion is appalling.…
California Senate Passes Bill Requiring Public Universities to Provide Abortion Pills…iring-public-universities-to-provide-abortion-pills-n2441732
– them to access medication abortions during the first ten weeks of pregnancy. … “Many women do not find out they are pregnant until several weeks into their pregnancy so on-campus access to medication abortion services … before they reach ten weeks of pregnancy is vital,” Senator Leyva said.…
How Can It Be Right to Kill 20-Week-Old Babies in the Womb?…an-it-be-right-to-kill-20weekold-babies-in-the-womb-n2441690
Abortion is evil enough even in the early stages of a pregnancy. … It called for making abortion ‘less necessary’ and ‘more rare.’” … sidewalk counselors, and affirms abortion as ‘core’ to people’s ‘health and well-being.’”…
Hatch 'Shocked' His Democratic Colleagues Opposed Common Sense Anti-Abortion Bill…c-colleagues-opposed-common-sense-antiabortion-bill-n2441422
– Sadly, Democrats still in the grip of the powerful abortion lobby refuse to let America take this important step forward." … Faith & Freedom Coalition sent an email to supporters with the subject line, "Senate Democrats choose abortion on demand." … The majority of Americans want limits on abortion after the first three months of pregnancy.…
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