Results for: is the us at war with iran

America, Israel, and Home
– Such a regime only responds to the toughest of legal measures short of war, sadly if at all. … The same is true for America. … The Prime Minister warned us about the threat of Iran and he also reminded us of something greater; a Churchillian message regarding…
Netanyahu's Bible Lesson From Queen Esther
– Benjamin Netanyahu leavened his powerful account of what's really at stake in the nuclear negotiations with Iran with a little history … The war against the terrorists in the Middle East is a war against evil men peddling a violent perversion of a religion. … The prime minister echoed the tragic refrain, "Never Again," with reference to the murdered Jews in World War II, observing that the
Netanyahu's Impossible Dream
– His alternative to the imperfect deal the U.S. may strike with Iran? A perfect deal. … A treaty that shackles Iran for 10 years is unacceptable, Netanyahu argues, because that is a "blink in the eye of the life of a nation … Not to mention that we would then be at war with Iran, which might not be a cakewalk.…
Bibi for President!
– Keep in mind Bibi is the leader of a tiny nation with the population of some anonymous, obscure African nation. … Iran is the enemy of ISIS, so Bibi had to make a very interesting point. Iran and ISIS are the same people. … And the bonus is…we all got a 2 for the price of 1. Bibi’s speech destroyed both Iran and Obama.…
Bibi's Speech Is the Dems' Box Canyon
– This may be looked at as the moment the Obama White House walked Democrats to the cliff. … opposing the war in Iraq. … Iran has an 84 percent unfavorable rating with the American people.…
Random Thoughts
The worst they have come up with is that he didn't finish college. Neither did Bill Gates or Michael Dell. … Both processes can be going on at the same time. … Throwing Israel to the wolves and signing agreements with Iran will not buy "peace in our time" and allow us to further shrink the
It's Here! Clinton To Announce Presidential Bid Next Month
– As Friedersdorf noted, the Russia reset is almost laughable at this point–and the Libya intervention, that occurred during her tenure … Let’s see how she does once April is upon us. At the same time, I don't think "hawkishness" in itself is a disqualifying factor. … A self-awareness about the shortfalls in the occupation after the Iraq War is probably in order since, despite the revelation that…
The Ongoing Collapse of Obama-Hillary 'Smart Power' Foreign Policy…ry-smart-power-foreign-policy-collapsing-everywhere-n1973794
– Kerry is at present leading a much higher-stakes negotiations with Iran. … The void is being filled by the monsters of ISIS and the monsters of Iran.  Here's Gen. … Iran is on the march, yet our president is walking on eggshells with the regime, desperate to forge a weak nuclear deal, and eager…
What Would Ike Do?
– Drop the petulance, call and congratulate Bibi on his election and tell him we are proceeding with the Iran deal -- if we conclude … A Russia smaller than it has been in centuries, with half the population the USSR had at the end of the Cold War, is primarily their … The State Department backed off. But who are the Saudis to be telling us to whom we may talk when coping with the Islamic State?…
Will the GOP Kick It Away?
The letter's purpose was the same as Bibi's purpose -- to scuttle, sabotage and sink any U.S. nuclear deal with Iran. … But if there is no deal and Iran returns to enriching uranium to 20 percent, we are on the road to war. … Yet undeniably, inside the GOP, the day of the hawk is again at hand. Sen.…
Iran Fighting ISIS - Is it Really a Problem?
– What the neocons who lied us into the Iraq war don't like to admit is that there was no ISIS problem and no al-Qaeda problem in Iraq … ISIS is an idea, not a country or an army, which is why the U.S. declaring war on ISIS makes no sense. … ISIS is at this time the number one threat to the U.S..…
Unity: Bipartisan Super Majority Preparing to Defy Obama on Iran Deal
– : Iran is on the march across the Middle East. … And President Obama is trying to turn Iran into a partner in peace — promising that if Iran cooperates with the United States, it could … After all, Kerry is now openly stating that the US must negotiate with Syria's Assad, a man he recently likened to Adolf Hitler.  …
Why California? Someone Has to Clean Up the Mess
– In fact, about the only thing that is right with the world is what used to be thought of as the American Way of Life. … bernardini wrote: “But polls do indicate Americans are looking to deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program,” wrote the Post at the … So with that in mind and looking at history I'd say we are going to war with Iran sometime in 2017 or 2018 no matter who is elected…
Israel's Next 22 Months
The notion that the EU initiated an economic war against Israel the day the talks began without coordinating the move with the Obama … During the war with Hamas last summer, acting on direct orders from the White House, the Pentagon instituted a partial – unofficial … Livni accused Netanyahu of destroying Israel’s relations with the US.…
Jeb Bush Isn't the GOP's Ideal 'Change' Candidate
– Let us now make the case for Jeb skepticism. Jeb Bush is a fine man. He's a conservative. … Still, Bush is not doing that great. He may be running nearly neck-and-neck with the front-runner, Wisconsin Gov. … spread of Iran, the destabilization of the broader Middle East, etc., Hillary can shoot back: "At least I didn't launch a disastrous…
The Iranian Threat Continues to Grow Unabated
– Pursuing that ultimate goal Iran has been at war with the United States for over thirty years, a war that we have refused to acknowledge … The bottom line is the Obama Administration doesn’t have the intestinal fortitude to go ‘toe to toe’ with Iran. … And that is exactly what the Islamic Republic of Iran is counting on.…
Being Held Hostage by Obama...and Iran
The generation that came up with the slogan What if we had a war and nobody came? … Lost in all the phone-wielding and pen exercising that Obama has done in the executive office is the fact that treaties with foreign … “But polls do indicate Americans are looking to deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program,” wrote the Post at the beginning of the
The Arab League Steps Up
– forces in Afghanistan) and leading the air war with U.S. warplanes while Iraq's neighbors have largely sat on the sidelines. … is in response to the U.S. and others' race to reach a deal with Iran to restrict its nuclear program in return for lifting of economic … in keeping the Arab League states happy is because of the amount of oil and natural gas that US companies are producing.…
The Bear and the Community Organizer
– And the administration, fixated on pushing through its domestic agenda and a legacy-building nuclear deal with Iran at all costs, ignored … For that reason, the Russian ambassador arrived at the State Department headquarters at Foggy Bottom with a message: Russia was intervening … Unknown to Washington, America was at war. “The Baltic States are lost, Mr.…
The Enemy of My Enemy
– Had the ayatollahs and mullahs wanted it, they could have had a war with the United States at any time in the third of a century since … Why Iran wants to avoid war is obvious. … Let us begin with the Sunni terrorists of al-Qaida who brought down the twin towers, and the Islamic State that is beheading Christians…
The Secret Life of Barack Obama
– There is a unicorn lair in North Korea. We know this because the Dear Leader of North Korea, Kim Jung Un, tells us so. … Iran, in this world, is not an Islamic dictatorship, but a rational actor simply demanding the global respect to which it is entitled … Iran is a regional ally, Yemen is a model of peace and security, and Israel is an incipient enemy.…
Yemen 2015: From Success to Cesspool
– But all of you, including al-Qaida, dig the big lesson in Edwin Starr's Vietnam-era Motown hit record: "War, What Is it Good For?" … "strategy of taking out terrorists who threaten us, while supporting partners on the frontlines, is one that we have successfully pursued … Iran supports the Shia Houthi movement. The Saudis believe Iran would use a Houthi-controlled Yemen to destabilize them.…
Are NGOs Agents of Subversion?
– And among the reasons is that we are seen as constantly carping at governments that do not measure up to our standards of democracy … Is it to protect the vital interests and national security of the Republic? Or do we believe with George W. … If it is the latter, then our mission is utopian -- and unending.…
Stopping Iran: Where are the Wise Diplomats?
– Day upon day, the Secretary of State, President and those who stand in firm opposition to current US diplomacy with Iran, make their … The Middle East, at that point, is wired with a nuclear tripwire – but only if Iran gets the bomb. … At the point where Iran gets the bomb, or is suspected of having it, and Sunni states acquire nuclear counterforce, all bets are off…
In Other News: Princeton Students Cheer Obama, Chant “Four More Years”…rinceton-students-cheer-obama-chant-four-more-years-n1974970
– (Washington Examiner) Another rousing Obama-success story: Yemen is officially collapsing into civil war. … (CNN) Both Iran and Hezbollah are missing from the most recent publication of the US Terrorist Watch List. … According to government officials, this was an oversight due to “a formatting change” with the list.…
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