Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

There’s More to Being President Than Deal-Making
– Yet the prescription offered by these three candidates is very different. The Donald constantly trumpets that he is a deal maker. … In the presidential race he rarely offers policy prescriptions beyond generalities and platitudes. … So the next time a presidential candidate, any presidential candidate, starts talking about making deals, the right question is: what…
Middle Class Is Ready for Third Party
– It’s happening within both the Republican and Democratic parties. We’ve knocked on doors. … “I’m going to defend President Obama," Hillary Clinton cooed during this month’s Democratic presidential debate. … We must urge each other to carefully research all the candidates.…
A Tale of Two Cities: Lessons from Michigan
– What is new in the modern era is that Democratic politicians and candidates themselves are overtly doing what in the past they would … At its base Democratic politics tend to be very unprincipled politics. … Fearful of how bad things might get, voters in some Democratic cities vote for Republicans anyway.…
Political Pawns for the Democrats
– the Obama administration's unilateral executive actions on immigration, which will keep the issue on the front burner for the presidential … A majority usually supports the Democratic nominee in presidential elections, but GOP candidates have won from a third to more than … non-Cuban Hispanics now outnumber the more Republican-leaning Cuban-American population) and even Virginia, which has grown more Democratic
It's an Era of Angry Populism and No One Is Immune
– As many conservatives grapple with the growing prospect of a Donald Trump presidential nomination, I've started to hear them asking … competent and charismatic socialist were running instead of Sanders, who is now ahead of Clinton by 27 percentage points among Democratic … Or imagine if there were four or five other competent and well-funded candidates running in the Democrat primaries splitting the votes…
Financial Crisis Calls for Saudi Slowdown
– Up until now the presidential contest on the Republican side has been dominated by issues related to terrorism and immigration. … The Democratic candidates have spent their time fighting over who can redistribute wealth the fastest and to the greatest extent. … And as the presidential-year economic meltdown of 2008 helped put Republicans on the defensive, such an event this year could spell…
Feeling the Bern, Hillary Clinton Wraps Herself in Obama
– She'd cut a TV spot for the South Carolina Democratic primary, her face framed by soothing suds, announcing the Obama bath oil beads … When Republican candidates appeal to their base, it's usually characterized by the liberal media as "pandering to irrational anger. … Obama's aide Reggie Love wrote about it in his book, "Power Forward: My Presidential Education."…
Report: Hillary's Wall Street Speech Transcripts Would 'Bury Her'…rys-goldman-sachs-speech-transcripts-would-bury-her-n2116991
– In my piece this morning examining the floundering and mildly desperate state of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, I asked … Such a revelation would further undermine her credibility among the Democratic base's rabidly anti-Wall Street base, buttress one of … contents of her remarks, she's careened from unresponsive cackling, to signaling an openness to doing so, to demanding that other candidates
Fear Not, My Secular Friends
– Jacoby is particularly annoyed that despite the supposed cultural shift away from Christianity, presidential candidates still campaign … In the first place, let's not forget that the Democratic Party booed God at its last convention. … And though its presidential candidates may be unwilling to overtly appeal to secularists, they clearly pay homage to goddess Gaia in…
Bernie and Hillary's America
– Watching last Thursday's debate between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Sen. … During this and in previous Democratic debates, we heard nothing about what you can do to make your life better. … Success stories aren't in the Democratic playbook.…
MARCOBOT: We Don’t Need Another ‘Siri’ for President!
– In the lead up for their presidential runs, Sen. Rubio and Sen. Obama missed hundreds of Senate roll calls and votes. … Leading up to their presidential run, both had almost no private sector experience. During the debate, Gov. … Marco Rubio may seem to be the most electable of the Republican candidates against Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders.…
November Surprise: Obamacare Rate Hikes to Hit Just Before Election…se-obamacare-rate-hikes-to-hit-just-before-election-n2115446
– This means that for the months, weeks, and days leading up to the election, the Democratic presidential nominee and all of the party's … Congressional candidates are going to have to contend with news of sky-rocking rates coming from Obamacare as insurers struggle to…
A Marco Rubio Presidency Keeps Hope Alive
– For the GOP faithful, there are many candidates remaining worthy of support, but it’s Marco Rubio who’s positioned himself to ride … It is 11:13 PM EST, when both Fox News and NBC have given the presidential race to Marco Rubio. … We’ll work together with our Democratic colleagues where we can.…
Who of the Candidates Has Fairest Tax Plan of All?…his-week-the-following-is-a-column-by-stephen-moore-n2115627
– With the first real votes being cast in the presidential race Monday, this is an opportune moment to do some last-minute comparison … shopping on the candidates' tax reform plans. … All of this contrasts sharply with the two Democratic candidate plans.…
George and Barbara Not Enough to Save Jeb’s Campaign
– On the Democratic side, Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders are virtually tied, giving both campaigns some momentum going into New Hampshire … While the national polls continue to show Bush in the middle of the pack, the in-fighting among the top three candidates, Trump, Cruz … Other presidential candidates blasted Obama’s visit, but Bush refused to utter a negative word.  …
A (Much) Better Year
– All of the Republican presidential candidates are pro-Israel. To be sure, some are more pro-Israel than others. Sen. … But all of the Republicans candidates are significantly more supportive of Israel than the Democratic candidates. … Today Democratic candidates will gain nothing and may lose significant support if they support Israel.…
Have You Been “Trumped”?
candidates numbers. … The Democratic side the picture reveals similar patterns. … These numbers are viable for victory in a presidential election.…
You Want Socialism? Look at the 10 Percent Jobless Rate in Europe…alism-look-at-the-10-percent-jobless-rate-in-europe-n2114920
– But it doesn't exactly promote investment confidence in our nation's business sector to know that the Democratic presidential contenders … Still, it's disturbing to see that the GOP candidates are so bitterly wrapped up in their own internecine battles, that none of them…
Probing for Clues in the Iowa Caucus Numbers
– Iowa Democratic officials say that 171,000 votes were cast in the Democratic caucuses (where the official results are scored in state … In 2004 Democratic turnout was 124,000. … Other candidates and other factors may be drawing them in too.…
Retirement Home Rumble: Sanders Proves Why He Shouldn't Be Commander-in-Chief, Clinton Hits Him For Suggesting She Could Be Bought
– Vermont Democratic Sen. … So, this is the state of the Democratic race. … Welcome to the Democratic Party, a race that features a possible crook and a left-wing kook. …
Thoughts on Iowa
– However, one would be sorely mistaken to think—as many of his critics in both the Republican and Democratic parties are wishfully thinking—that … Iowa is a notoriously bad measure by which to predict GOP presidential nominees. It has a 50 percent success rate on this score. … In politics, there ain’t nothing over ‘till it’s over, until candidates explicitly announce that they are hanging it up.…
The Race Is On
– This week's much anticipated Iowa Caucus marked the start of the presidential nomination process for both the Democratic and Republican … (The Iowa Democratic Party does not release votes, just delegate equivalents). Both Clinton and Sanders declared victory. … candidates.…
The Clinton Curse Returns
– If she eventually gets the Democratic nomination, the FBI will be faced with the dilemma of recommending the indictment of the Democratic … Party's convention-certified presidential nominee. … Has America ever sat through a presidential nomination in which one of the candidates was under indictment?…
Hillary's Queen Cersei Moment
– Bernie Sanders, who gave us the single most important nationally televised moment of Clinton's presidential campaign so far. … Clinton to the Democratic primaries of New Hampshire and South Carolina, because it explains her great problem. … She's a creature of the Democratic establishment, yes. And she's a survivor. But she cannot be trusted.…
Bernie Sanders Threatens to Skip Thursday's Debate Unless Hillary Clinton Agrees To Do More…ays-debate-unless-hillary-clinton-agrees-to-do-more-n2113863
– Democrat presidential candidate Sen. … Clinton and Sanders are the only two remaining Democratic candidates after former Maryland Gov. … Despite DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schulz's claim that the schedule was meant to maximize exposure to the candidates, ratings…
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