Results for: cable ratings

How Cable News Fuels Polarization
– Yes, there are a few hard news broadcasts on cable that at least try to play it straight. … The key to understanding how it all works is to grasp one simple concept: Cable TV is not broadcasting, which needs to appeal to a … objectivity, but she hit CNN's Brian Stelter right between the eyes recently with an objective truth: "Just say we're doing better in the ratings
If He's Lost Fox Viewers...
– That may not be evident in the ratings, but it is in the polls. … Or are the same trends that led to Trump's historically abysmal approval ratings now reaching even the Fox faithful? … s ratings, but ratings aren't votes.…
Are You Kidding Me? Liberal Rag Says Hallmark Channel Is A Bastion For Trumpian White Nationalism
– In 2016, Hallmark was the only top-15 entertainment channel with double-digit ratings growth, and viewership has jumped another 16 … before Halloween, generates more than 30 percent of its annual ad revenue and has helped Hallmark become the season’s highest-rated cable
Conservative Christians Miscount
– Did they care more about ratings and revenues than doing what was right? … And it's not something a cable network or a family is ever entitled to cover up.…
No Exaggeration: Brian Williams Will Return ... To MSNBC
– The once most-watched evening news program has been reportedly holding steady in the ratings with substitute Lester Holt after a brief … Williams is expected to move to a new role primarily at the cable news network MSNBC, probably in a breaking-news capacity in the beginning…
Lying Brian Williams A Perfect Fit for MSNBC
– brilliant decision by removing him from the anchor chair at the “NBC Nightly News” and demoting him to MSNBC, their embarrassment of a cable … Williams will join other chronic liars, such as the Reverend Al Sharpton, on the cable news network that has turned into a ratings
The Future Is So Screwed
– Daily Show" draws fewer viewers than reruns of "The Family Guy" on the Cartoon Network, but you’d think he was the biggest name on cable … gushing TV profiles and praise from newspapers about his influence all ignore the fact that Jon Stewart’s show is beaten in the ratings … In fact, although the show was hilarious (I loved it), it was a ratings flop, rarely making the top 100 shows on television.…
Net Neutrality: A 21st Century Trojan Horse
– With some of the worst consumer satisfaction ratings nationwide, cable companies and ISPs seems to have gone out of their way to reinforce … Net Neutrality is not some sort of trophy representing triumph over greedy cable and Internet companies. … Cable companies like Cox, Comcast, and others enjoy similar monopolies in local markets.…
Wow: Four Networks to Pass on Obama's Historic Amnesty Address
Cable news networks are expected to carry the address, as is the Spanish-language networks Univision and Telemundo. Why? … networks told The Hill that the White House did not officially request prime-time coverage on the networks Thursday, a big night for ratingsRatings will be much higher carrying “popular shows” than another groan-inducing and "prime time" presidential address.…
A Tale of Two Trumps
– Or will he continue to rely primarily on cable news talking heads as his source of information and Twitter as his command post for … He enters office with the lowest approval ratings of any president-elect in modern history.…
The Media Honestly Doesn’t Get It
– They did it for ratings. The tone of coverage changed dramatically around the conventions. … Cable news is partly to blame for this. You don’t get booked if you aren’t entertaining and opinionated.…
The “MARCH FOR LIFE” Litmus Test
– Times and others blew their credibility to bits in the 2016 election: first by ignoring Donald Trump, then exploiting him for TV ratings … growing numbers” of mostly-backbencher members of Congress who would boycott the Inauguration of our 45th President, CNN one-upped cable
Al Jazeera America Shutting Down
– The channel was bogged by low ratings and an "exodus" of top executives. … Morale improved in the following months but ratings remained low. … Al Jazeera America came into existence after the network purchased Al Gore's failed cable channel, Current TV.…
After Years of False Alarms, the 'Conservative Crackup' Has Arrived…f-false-alarms-the-conservative-crackup-has-arrived-n2110199
– Meanwhile, many in the so-called establishment and intelligentsia have similar complaints about Limbaugh and his imitators on radio and cable … who've told me that talk-radio hosts spend their time criticizing fellow conservatives because that's what brings in the highest ratings
Ratings Gold: GOP's NH Debate Crushes Dems, Draws 13.2 Million Viewers
– Although these numbers are substantially down from the sky-high ratings of the first few Republican debates -- which ranged from 18 … Some statistics: In this election season, debates on cable news channels have generally out-rated debates on broadcast networks. … Here's another interesting ratings tidbit: ABC also benefited from enviable timing, three days before the New Hampshire primaries…
Iowa Reminds: Have Faith in the Voters
Cable news channels have been obsessed with Trump's ability to draw crowds and ratings.…
The 2016 GOP Debate Debacle
– After 2012, when liberal journalists routinely hijacked the party's 20 televised debates while cashing in on ratings and advertising … There would be no more cable TV anchors belligerently taking President Obama's side while arguing with the GOP nominee (as Candy Crowley…
Happy Thanksgiving: ESPN Lost Two Million Subscribers This Year…sgiving-espn-lost-two-million-subscribers-this-year-n2536405
– the rate of subscriber decline seems to have slowed this year, but the negative is that since 2011 ESPN has now lost 15 million cable … ESPN’s albatross of an NBA deal, for instance, which is presently facing a substantial ratings decline in the wake of LeBron James’ … It’s because they so wildly overpaid for the NBA television rights that they are desperately trying to keep ratings as high as they…
Will Democratic Rebels Dethrone Nancy?
– for bipartisan legislation on Capitol Hill -- except perhaps on infrastructure, and that would take a long time to enact -- the cable … news channels will look elsewhere for the type of action that causes ratings to soar. … While some candidates will be granted airtime because they are famous, the lesser-known will follow the single sure path to the cable
Escaping the Politics of Anger
– Social media and cable networks overflow 24/7 with hate, not calls for political compromise. … They thrive on ratings and clicks and anger - not civility and compromise - to generates their profits. … I tweeted the other day that people should turn off the news and the cable channels for a night and watch the annual country music…
Hating The President Is Not a Strategy, As Bill Kristol Just Learned…dent-is-not-a-strategy-as-bill-kristol-just-learned-n2537512
– On cable TV, one network in particular has abandoned decades of journalistic tradition and ethics, devoting its resources to a relentless … Its ratings, predictably, are in the tank — in October, CNN fell behind both the Hallmark Channel and Home and Garden Television.…
The Biggest Threat to America Comes From Within
– “While CNN doesn’t do great in the United States based on ratings, outside of the U.S. they have very little competition,” he observed … Cable news anchors routinely take President Trump’s words out of context, and misrepresent the facts about national security threats…
Politico Writer: ENOUGH With the Tucker Boycotts
– Dozens of advertisers dropped her show too, but she survived the boycott and her ratings remain high. … "Why would I expect it to vet my cable news content for me?"…
A Look Back at the Demise of the Mainstream News Media in 2018…at-the-demise-of-the-mainstream-news-media-in-2018-n2538275
– People dropped their subscriptions to biased newspapers and cable TV. … Conservative Fox News was the most-watched channel on basic cable for the 29th consecutive month. … In November’s ratings, CNN failed to place even one show in the top 20 for cable news shows.…
WATCH: McConnell Slams Mainstream Media Outlets For Their 'Modern-Day McCarthyism' Tactics…dia-outlets-for-their-modernday-mccarthyism-tactics-n2550834
– In Dana Milbank’s column in The Washington Post and on a major cable channel run by NBC. ... … Good news may not sell newspapers, boost ratings, or help with Democrat fundraising. But the facts are the facts.…
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