Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Republicans Must Change to Win
Presidential campaigns are supposed to be about America, or at least what voters want—not Donald Trump’s and Ben Carson’s clumsy statements … European-style democratic socialism offers plausible sounding, even if tragically flawed, solutions. … GOP candidates must promise to do whatever it takes to eradicate the $500 billion trade deficit and restore 4 million good paying jobs…
Is It Time For Walker To Say A Painful Goodbye To His 2016 Ambitions?
– just how steep this once shining star in the 2016 field has fallen, almost into irrelevancy:[emphasis mine] Five other candidates … It’s one thing to poll high in August, but whether those candidates can withstand the long campaign is still an open question.” … The publication noted, “the race is still winnable for Walker because other top-tier candidates have yet to ignite.…
My First CA GOP Convention: Victory Through Principled Unity…rst-gop-convention-victory-through-principled-unity-n2054672
– For the first time in decades, Republicans unseat Democratic incumbents up and down the state. … To my dismay, presidential contender Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker canceled his appearance at the Friday headline dinner, but no … A number of Republican US Senate candidates aiming to replace Barbara Boxer showed up. My current favorite?…
Democrats’ Main Concern With Sanders: He’s Unelectable
– They’ve helped self-identified democratic socialist Sen. … Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and her liberal-leaning Democratic Caucus on Capitol Hill. … defeat in the 2000 presidential election.…
Why Don't These Candidates Ever Talk about Money?
– Now, I don't expect presidential candidates to be Fed watchers. … Bernie Sanders, who may be the Democratic frontrunner right now. … There's still time, however, for the GOP presidential contenders.…
How Many Effing Cubans do These People Think There Are In the United States…o-these-people-think-there-are-in-the-united-states-n2053997
– Ann Coulter is under heavy media fire for a very uncouth tweet where she implies that during the debate the Republican candidates … Well, here's a article from the 2008 campaign: “Political pandering, South Florida edition: Every four years, presidential … Another example: During their Convention in 2004, The Democratic party feted Michael Moore as their honored guest, seating him in a…
Why Carly's Night Was Even Bigger Than You Think
– In the days leading up to the first presidential debate of the 2012 general election, both President Obama's and GOP challenger Mitt … Obama campaign press secretary Jen Psaki was downright apologetic, a week before the candidates even touched down in Denver: " … with higher polling for three weeks in July over candidates with measurable momentum in August and September."…
The Gipper and the Iron Lady
– Last night at the President Ronald Reagan Library and Museum in Simi Valley, California, America was treated to a Republican presidential … While several of the candidates on the stage helped themselves, there were a few who clearly did very well. … Again, unlike the likely Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton who only possesses chutzpah.…
Rethinking a Run for Joe Biden
– While everyone's watching the Republican candidates stretch the gamut from serious drama to outrageous farce, Joe Biden's confrontation … It's just possible he could defeat the "inevitable" Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, and even make it difficult … If the main issue for Democratic voters becomes character, Joe Biden may be the man on the white horse to ride to their rescue.…
Hillary Land Reportedly Struggling To Find Meaning On Campaign Trail…rtedly-struggling-to-find-meaning-on-campaign-trail-n2062578
– Hillary land is saddled with a problem: finding meaning to her 2016 presidential run. Why is she running? … As of now, it looks as if the prohibitive Democratic nominee for 2016 can’t compete there. … To make matters worse, Hillary has lost a huge chunk of Democratic women (with leaners) since July.…
The Establishment Looks for a New Plan B
– The Republican establishment designed the process to deliver the 2016 presidential nomination to a business-friendly moderate who avoids … candidates to consider doing the same." … Walker insisted that candidates should have a "positive" message and that only "candidates who can offer a positive conservative alternative…
Raul Castro Meets with Bill Clinton in New York (To Thank Him?)…ro-meets-with-bill-clinton-in-new-york-to-thank-him-n2060259
– trustworthy hatchet-men during the Great Terror (Nikita Khrushchev) felt for the blood-lust displayed by a man (Fidel Castro) who two Democraticpresidential candidates (George Mc Govern, Jimmy Carter) have affectionately called “a good friend.”…
Cruz, Rubio and Clarity in the GOP Race
– Despite the oversized field and non-traditional candidates, the battle for the Republican presidential nomination is starting to shape … Ted Cruz as the last candidates standing. … Among establishment candidates, Rubio almost certainly has enough charisma and eloquence to overcome Jeb Bush's claim of inevitability…
People Make the Difference
– Take, for instance, last week's resignation by Speaker Boehner, the ongoing political reality show of the Republican presidential nomination … Hillary Clinton's never-ending email question and CNN's announcement that it would include Vice President Joe Biden for the first Democraticpresidential candidates' debate, though he has not even announced.…
Trump Tax Plan Stumps GOP Establishment Again
– After two debates Trump remains the dark-horse leader for the GOP presidential nomination. … In recent presidential cycles, it has been in vogue for many candidates to advocate a version of the "Fair Tax," a particularly well-thought-out … Block in an uproar, but once properly advertised in a general election, this proposal could win over a large section of usually Democratic-voting…
Importing a New Electorate by the Millions
– Since 1980, the Hispanic vote differential for Democratic presidential candidates has never been less than 18 percent (Democrat John…
Should Republicans Appear On Colbert?
– Recently the new play-it-straight Colbert had Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz as a guest. … With Cruz, a good deal of the interview consisted of Colbert throwing out a tired set of Democratic talking points about Ronald Reagan … Whatever the case, GOP candidates are ready to go along.…
CNN Really Wants Biden to Enter the Race
– It seems as though CNN really wants Joe Biden to enter the 2016 presidential race. … Biden Jr. has an open invitation to participate in the first Democratic presidential debate next month. … candidates.…
How the Republican Party Should Fight Planned Parenthood…he-republican-party-should-fight-planned-parenthood-n2058087
– Public anger should be directed only to Obama and his pro-abortion minions in the Democratic Party. … The RNC should produce a pledge that all presidential candidates would sign to do all that is possible to defund Planned Parenthood … The Republican candidates should promise to intensify this effort if they win the presidency.…
Bye Bye Boehner! (And Take McCarthy With You)
– There is a long list of credible candidates for the job. … the unique precedent of two Californians as House leaders, with the wicked witch of Haight-Ashbury representing the dwindled Democratic … He has former Colorado Congressman, presidential and gubernatorial candidate Tom Tancredo’s consistency (particularly on immigration…
A Crown And Fig Leaf For Hillary
– Cooper posed a battery of questions, which elicited answers from the Democrat presidential candidates both tedious and obtuse. … At every turn, the candidates proffered the Democrat panacea, free stuff all around. Sanders bellowed about free college tuition. … Her natural disdain and penchant for all things steeped in the regal and aristocratic strain beneath the confines of democratic process…
When it Comes to Public Education, What's Normal is Criminal
– While most of the country is paying attention to the 2016 presidential election, some local communities will have to make a few consequential … As the most powerful constituency for the Democratic Party, the teachers unions never hesitate to punish any candidate who dare to … outcomes for our children is by showing up at the voting booth, rejecting the teachers’ unions and their allies, and supporting candidates
Bernie Sanders Right at Home in Democratic Party
presidential nomination, but I trust it's now obvious how wrong they were. … The open secret is that Sanders is more of a Democratic insider than the liberal media admit. … If there was any doubt the Democratic Party has moved far left, its presidential debate removed it.…
Jim Webb, American Hero
– When Democratic Party presidential hopefuls were asked by CNN's Anderson Cooper to list the enemies they have made during their careers … Webb might have been a formidable Democratic presidential candidate 15 years ago. … What it means for Jim Webb and candidates like him, serious people who deserve to be heard, is obscurity.…
Dodging, Ducking Her Way Through the Democratic Debates, Hillary-Style…her-way-through-the-democratic-debates-hillarystyle-n2066447
– WASHINGTON - The national news media has declared former secretary of State Hillary Clinton the clear winner in Tuesday night's Democraticpresidential debate. … This was a night when there were only two dominant candidates on the stage, Clinton and Vermont Sen.…
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