Results for: agenda 47

Biden's Speech Was a Scattered, Unmemorable Retread That Won't Reverse His Unpopularity
– Without saying the words "build back better" in that exact order, Biden harped on his bloated BBB agenda – seemingly in the context … The non-partisan "unity agenda" items he laid out were fine, but perhaps he'd have been best-served leaving that whole section in his … 69%Inflation 47%Violent crime 46%Biden’s handling of ????…
Has Biden's Presidency Been Transformed?
– Biden's domestic agenda, and are already redefining the arc of his presidency." … And finally, on handling COVID -- which used to be Biden's strength -- the numbers were 47% approve, 51% disapprove. … sort of "reboot" for the president's term, starting with his State of the Union address, to spur action on Biden's legislative agenda
Compassion Rather Than Contempt
– They went on, "In his State of the Union address, Biden attempted to refashion his economic agenda in light of the Build Back Better … When asked whom they trust more to manage the economy, 41% said they trust Democrats, while 47% said they trust Republicans.…
Without the Rule of Law, Our Rights Are Threatened
– Rather than enforce laws that protect property and business owners, California passed Proposition 47, which allows thieves to steal … For years, Republicans have claimed "success" by blocking Democrats' legislative agenda but have done far less in the way of affirmatively…
Republicans Notch Huge Wins in Tuesday's Elections…ans-sweep-tuesday-elections-as-2022-red-wave-builds-n2605613
– Incumbent Breea Clark loses to Republican Larry Heikkla in the Norman Oklahoma mayoral raceLarry Heikkila (R): 53% (+6)Breea Clark (D): 47% … ieShpLAoOz — InteractivePolls (@IAPolls2022) April 6, 2022 "Voters across the country cast their ballots for Republicans and our proven agenda … , rejecting Biden and Democrats’ collapsing agenda," RNC Spokesperson Emma Vaughn told Townhall of Tuesday's results.…
The Constitution Creates a Republic, Not a Democracy
– created and expanded an administrative state of combined legislative, executive, and judicial powers (what Madison in Federalist Number 47 … Their cabal for pure democracy is an act of legerdemain, a ploy to achieve an authoritarian agenda by duping the electorate.…
Latest Fundraising Numbers Reveal We May Be Even Closer to a Red Wave…numbers-reveal-we-may-be-even-closer-to-a-red-wave-n2606149
– This makes for a total of $47 million during the January-March first quarter of fundraising. … "To put it bluntly: if we fail to use the months remaining before the elections to deliver on more of our agenda, Democrats are headed … Instead, Democrats need to deliver more of the president’s agenda — or else we will not be in the majority much longer," Sen.…
Dem Strategists: Let's Face It, We're Facing a 'Biblical Disaster' in November…face-it-were-facing-a-biblical-disaster-in-november-n2605888
– Amid soaring inflation, 47% of the public say the economy is “poor,” the highest number in that category since 2012. … .- 57% disapprove of Biden’s job performance.Thanks for reminding voters that you were indispensable in making the failed Biden agenda
Trump Continues to Dominate the GOP Playing Field…50000-people-in-small-town-with-population-of-3400-n2625352
– He continued to say that Biden has a China-first agenda, while Trump promised never to abandon America.  … According to a CNN poll, 47 percent of Republicans say Trump is their first choice for the GOP nomination, while DeSantis sits at 26…
Will Joe Manchin's New Hampshire Trip Leave Dems 'Shivering'?…ll-manchins-new-hampshire-trip-leave-dems-shivering-n2625842
– national Democrats fear that Manchin, who has often bucked his party and scaled back parts of his Democratic colleagues’ legislative agenda … Democrats worry that a growing third-party vote in 2024 would serve to lower the threshold Trump needs to win again — as in 2016, when 47%…
The Political Economics of Dependency
– deter this Biden administration from overreaching its expressed constitutional powers when it comes to enacting its ideological agenda … In this case, the agenda is all about the political economics of dependency. … This place we call home, the United States of America, is now 247 years old, and according to Tytler, we are 47 years past the expiration…
What Should We Make of This Monmouth Poll on Trump-Biden Rematch?
– the lowest in poll's historyTrumpFavorable: 36% (-5 from Nov. '20)Unfavorable: 63% (+9)Net: -27%——🇺🇲 2024 GE: Biden leads Trump 47 … — (@townhallcom) July 20, 2023 Another agenda item that the administration has incessantly … NATIONAL POLL: Little credit for @POTUS on #Bidenomics.APPROVE Biden’s handling of:Total (DEM / IND / REP)47% Jobs & unemployment (…
Sneak Peak: NRSC Polling Proves Republicans Have the Winning Message on Abortion
– Not only did a majority of Republicans (51 percent) and a plurality of Independents (47 percent) choose "elected officials," but a … abortion that are not mainstream," but how "Inflation, the border, crime, and energy are top of mind issues for voters," the "Biden agenda … The White House and many key Democrats have refused to condemn the leak, and are instead furthering a pro-abortion agenda, which President…
Train Attack Shows ISIS Continues to be Upgraded
– Yet Americans are awakening to the realization that recent history has demonstrated the utter folly of Obama’s retreat agenda. … Yet he was able to return to France and board a train with an AK-47, a pistol, and nine magazines of ammunition.…
Q-Poll: Hillary Trails Republicans in Three Swing States, Rubio Strongest
– 49, Clinton 38 Trump 43, Clinton 31 Ohio: Rubio 42, Clinton 40Clinton 41, Bush 39Clinton 43, Trump 38 Pennsylvania:Rubio 47 … his forward-looking youth and vigor with Hillary's Clinton's decades within the political system and stale, predictable statist agenda
Censoring the Real Planned Parenthood
– But dig deeper into this shallow pool of 23 minutes, and the networks' agenda gets far more obvious. … Of the 47 percent those who had, 21 percent said they only heard "a little."…
Can California Be Saved?
– Last year, cash-strapped California taxpayers voted for Proposition 47, which so far has let thousands of convicted criminals go free … Or perhaps when the state's growing poor populations connect their exorbitant gas, power and housing costs with an elite agenda of…
Kavanaugh Show Will Help Republicans in November
– This is the highest favorability for Republicans since January 2011, when it stood at 47 percent just after Republicans gained control … around Kavanaugh's confirmation, the Democratic Party has unmasked itself as a party whose only interest is in a left-wing political agenda … Democrats want politics and their agenda, not law.…
Trump Effect? This Is Why The GOP Favorability Numbers Are At Their Highest In Nearly A Decade…ity-numbers-are-at-their-highest-in-nearly-a-decade-n2522144
– We have squishes in our ranks causing agita when it comes to a unified front in pushing policy and keeping this president’s agenda … It is the party's most positive image since it registered 47% in January 2011, shortly after taking control of the House in the 2010…
As Midterms Loom, GOP Hopes Political Storm Dissipates
– Now, in the new New York Times survey, Barr has pulled ever-so-slightly ahead, 47 percent to 46 percent. … plenty of problems of their own, among them a continuing progressive-establishment split and the fact that they have no discernible agenda
Just Focus On This Part Of The NBC/WSJ Poll...Which Is Good News For Trump And The GOP…nbcwsj-polland-its-good-news-for-trump-and-the-gop-n2531101
– Trump’s job-approval rating to 47%, the highest mark of his time in office, with 49% disapproving of his performance. … a marginal change in the race during October, with 50 percent currently supporting the Democratic candidate in their district and 47 … Trump tax cuts move voters into a GOP persuadable category, though the party hasn’t really harped on the benefits of its economic agenda
October Surprise? Trump Is Preparing For A New Round Of Tax Cuts
– The GOP has been a little lackluster in selling the benefits of its economic agenda. … Carrie Dann (@CarrieNBCNews) October 21, 2018New Fox poll (LV):- Trump +7 on the economy- Tax law +8.- In August, Americans split (47 … Trump (48%) to electing Republicans who will pass his agenda more quickly (42%).…
We Have an Identity Problem
– Harvard University and the University of Pennsylvania saw her as making a contribution to their law schools' racial diversity agenda … This new liberal agenda allowing flexibility in determining one's identity was used by Rachel Dolezal to land a job as president of … something for you to consider: For males between the ages of 17 and 21 to pass the Army's fitness test, they must do 35 pushups, do 47
Whatever Happened to the Chevy Volt?
– Only 1 out of 3 jobs that have been created have been created in supply chain and manufacturing even though those jobs account for 47 … comment, Comrade Obama verified Lizza’s story when he said: Building this new energy future should be just one part of a broader agenda … Revenues for 2006 came in $47 billion above the pre-tax cut baseline.…
RNC, NRSC Roll Out Ads In Support Of Tillis, While Slick Willy Drops In For Hagan…port-of-tillis-while-slick-willy-drops-in-for-hagan-n1899858
– Kay Hagan as nothing more than a vote for the Obama agenda. … In other words, she’s just a rubber stamp for the Obama agenda. … The CNN poll found that he has made considerable improvements, with 47 percent of North Carolina voters viewing him favorably and 47
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