Results for: abortion pregnancy

God or Abortion? Choose One
– And rightly so, because Christianity has always stood against abortion. … Not according to Nancy Pelosi, who fights for abortion rights through all nine months of pregnancy. … she so pro-abortion, when she knows God opposes it?…
Abortion, The DNC And Christians
– reading King's speech at the conclusion of the 2016 Democratic National Convention, located just two miles away from convicted abortion … Fast-forward to the 2016 DNC, now on record as the most pro-abortion political convention ever, with the party platform calling for … Who is to blame that women are going from church pews to abortion clinics?…
Olympic-Sized Prolife Moments: Adoption, Motherhood and Rejecting Abortion…moments-adoption-motherhood-and-rejecting-abortion-n2204056
– To be so blind about the beauty of adoption isn’t surprising for an institution that pushes the violence of abortion as a form of equality … The TV ad reveals Celeste’s and her husband’s ordeal with a medical emergency during pregnancy in which she was pressured by doctors…
The Truth About Texas’ Maternal Mortality Rates and the Epic Defunding of Planned Parenthood…rates-and-the-epic-defunding-of-planned-parenthood-n2210048
– Pro-abortion activists, hiding behind the (often undeserved) cloak of credibility provided by a peer-reviewed journal, made a concerted … centers and abortion referral shops across the state. … The abortion centers that were closed down were failing women for years.…
Hillary Clinton on Partial Birth Ban
– Her speech -- recorded by CSPAN and transcribed in the Congressional Record -- defended the legality of partial-birth abortion and … And if you were pregnant, you would be monitored to make sure you didn't do anything to that pregnancy." … The move to ban partial-birth abortion, Clinton argued, would move America toward a Romanian or Chinese-style police state.…
Here’s Why the Claim Abortion Accounts for Only 3 Percent of Planned Parenthood Services Is ‘Completely Bogus’…of-planned-parenthood-services-is-completely-bogus-n2218002
– Planned Parenthood and its advocates often like to note that abortion accounts for only 3 percent of its services. … They love that number because they use it to push back at the narrative that Planned Parenthood is an “abortion giant.” … For instance, an abortion, which can cost over $1,000, is considered on the same scale as a pregnancy test, which a young woman can…
Legacy for Life: Alveda King Testimony at Georgetown Universityñoz/2016/09/07/lega…life-alveda-king-testimony-at-georgetown-university-n2215395
– King continued along the timeline to 1973 – the year of her first abortion. … Instead of checking the state of her pregnancy, her doctor decided to abort it – without anesthesia. … another child to abortion.…
Meet the Alt-Left
– Democrats support using taxpayer dollars to fund the murder of a baby during the final months of pregnancy (partial-birth abortion)…
Poland Rejects Abortion Ban
– The Polish parliament has rejected a total ban on abortion following protests and a country-wide strike by women. … In Poland, a woman can only abort a pregnancy if the pregnancy is the product of rape or incest, if there's a severe risk to the mother's … The bill came from an anti-abortion citizens' initiative that gathered some 450,000 signatures.…
The Pro-Life Case for Hillary Clinton (and other Democratic Presidential Nominees) Still Fails to Persuade…ratic-presidential-nominees-still-fails-to-persuade-n2228873
– One of the key talking points that Sapp and others make involve abortion trends. … The U.S. abortion rate has been falling consistently since 1980. … There is a very substantial body of research which shows that public funding limits reduce abortion rates.…
Liberal Evangelicals Contort and Distort to Promote Pro-Abortion Hillary Clinton…and-distort-to-promote-proabortion-hillary-clinton-n2228871
– The abortion rate then declined during Reagan’s term, about 6.5%, ending the annual abortion rate increase during Carter’s presidency … In 2009 the pregnancy rate was the lowest in 12 years, according to the CDC, which could partially explain the sharper abortion rate … want to expand abortion.…
Cecile Richards Says She Doesn't Know When an Unborn Baby Gets Constitutional Rights…doesnt-know-when-a-baby-gets-constitutional-rights-n2228678
– Based on her history of promoting abortion, we can assume she means state laws that have shuttered abortion clinics across the country … Richards also chooses to ignore the thousands of pro-life pregnancy centers available to women every day. … defer to the usual talking point that women should have the option to make their own decisions about their pregnancies, putting abortion
To Protect Taxpayers, The Hyde Amendment Must Be Permanent…tect-taxpayers-the-hyde-amendment-must-be-permanent-n2225213
– I understand the issue of abortion is still controversial in America. … An abortion decision is an agonizing one for many who find themselves facing the crisis of an unplanned pregnancy. … The No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act does this.…
When the Politics of Abortion Means Mainstream Consensus…the-politics-of-abortion-means-mainstream-consensus-n2224755
– About 78 percent of Americans say they would essentially limit abortion to the first three months of pregnancy. … Lee, its mainstream America that supports abortion clinic requirements. … There’s no legislation mandating abortion on demand or abortion throughout most of a woman’s pregnancy.…
NARAL Colorado Not Fans of Bill That Would Criminalize the Murder of a Fetus…f-bill-that-would-criminalize-the-murder-of-a-fetus-n1987872
– Earlier today, they tweeted this: The bill "Crimes Against Pregnant Women" contains harsh penalties on anyone who ends a pregnancy … This isn't even close to the same thing as a woman going in for an abortion--this was an assault that resulted in the death of a person…
Freeing My Inner Lesbian
– director of the new and improved GTQA-LIMBO Office, I will change its programmatic focus from advocating for homosexuality and abortion … It has long been obsessed with preserving abortion rights for those who have the kind of sex that doesn’t lead to pregnancy.…
Conservative Support for Gay Marriage Is Growing
– And on the second, if we view abortion as the last, worst option for an unwanted pregnancy, shouldn't we support the adoption of a…
Debbie Wasserman Schultz Super Concerned Rand Paul Will "Let Women Die"…chultz-super-concerned-rand-paul-will-let-women-die-n1985309
– and believe it should be banned after three months of pregnancy.  … Eighty-four percent of Americans would limit abortion to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy, with 58 percent of strongly … • 79 percent support a 24-hour waiting period prior to having an abortion.…
ACLU to Catholics: Give Abortions to Immigrant Children
– Services (HHS) to obtain documents that it claims show that Catholic relief agencies are not providing abortions or referrals for abortion … Conference of Catholic Bishops, alleging that its pro-life stance against abortion resulted in negligent care for a Michigan woman … with a troubled pregnancy who eventually lost the child.…
Texas Rep: ‘Level of Misogyny’ in State Legislature Worst I’ve Ever Experienced…lature-level-of-misogyny-worst-ive-ever-experienced-n1992279
– Schaefer's proposal, Amendment 18, would make it illegal to terminate a pregnancy after 20 weeks, even if the unborn baby has a severe … Abortion has been a testy issue in the Texas state capitol in recent years. … The pro-life legislation passed and has since shuttered several abortion clinics throughout the state and saved thousands of young…
Rand Paul Is Right to Demand Reporters Ask Democrats About Late-Term Abortions…nd-reporters-ask-democrats-about-lateterm-abortions-n1989548
– In other words, any abortion before birth is OK. … "Abortion should remain legal, but it needs to be safe and rare," Clinton said on the 2008 campaign trail. … But opinion on abortion has changed little over the years.…
More Proof Loretta Lynch Once Acted to Protect Partial-Birth Abortion…ts-she-once-acted-to-protect-partialbirth-abortions-n1988876
abortion procedure — used from the fifth month of pregnancy and later – involves pulling a living baby feet-first out of the womb, … Bush signed the Partial-Birth Abortion Act in 2003. … Based on the Attorney General nominee’s pro-abortion record, her nomination vote should be delayed indefinitely.…
America Supports Life, Not Death?
– Bad news for the abortion industry in recent years has been the fact that a growing number of Americans oppose abortion altogether … Rather than ask, “Should abortion be legal?” … legal status to the unborn, and restrictions on abortion after a certain point in the pregnancy are being enacted in state after state…
Disturbing Campaign in Chile Demonstrates ‘Accidental Abortions’…campaign-in-chile-demonstrates-accidental-abortions-n1996450
Abortion in Chile is completely illegal – no exception. … What the pro-abortion group did not seem to consider, however, is that their campaign could tragically backfire. … Abortion was banned in Chile back in 1989 under Pinochet’s Rule.…
Is There a Mole at The Washington Post?
– Is this part of the campaign to destigmatize abortion? If so, they've chosen a very odd way to do it. … When she and her husband learned of the pregnancy, they were "so excited." … Not a word about crisis pregnancy centers (I found 10 in Wyoming in a cursory search).…
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