Results for: Republican National Committee

GOP, Just Say No to Ex-Im Bank: The Whole Country Will Notice…t-say-no-to-exim-bank-the-whole-country-will-notice-n1856960
– Valero recently complained to Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chairman of the House Financial Services Committee who opposes Ex-Im … Of course, gigantic business lobbyists like the Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers are working hard … But if the Republican party truly wants to change its image of bailing out big banks and businesses, now is the time.…
GOP: Just Say No to Ex-Im, Stop Corporate Welfare and Crony Capitalism…to-exim-stop-corporate-welfare-and-crony-capitalism-n1856679
– Valero recently complained to Jeb Hensarling, the Republican chairman of the House Financial Services Committee who opposes Ex-Im, … Of course, gigantic business lobbyists like the Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Manufacturers are working hard … But if the Republican party truly wants to change its image of bailing out big banks and businesses, now is the time.…
The Disastrous Tenure of “Obama’s Enforcer”
– He stonewalled, for example, when the Senate Judiciary Committee questioned him about the scandal that erupted when it was revealed … Rosen was a co-conspirator in a national security leak investigation.” … How did Holder explain this gap between his answer and the truth when the committee asked about it? He didn’t.…
Lies, Damned Lies, and the IRS
– …As Georgia Republican Rep. Doug Collins said, the story sounds more and more implausible. … Committee from 1988 to 2008. … According to emails reviewed by the Committee under its Section 6103 authority, …Lois Lerner sought to have Senator Chuck Grassley…
Voter Outreach, Cultural Roots Save Cochran In Mississippi
– Cochran, a former chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee, has delivered. … … Tradition-bound Mississippi, however, isn’t at the forefront of national political trends. … Chris McDaniel refuses to concede, saying he wants "to be certain that the Republican primary was won by Republican voters."…
2016 Republican Convention Will Be In Either Dallas or Cleveland…an-convention-will-be-in-either-dallas-or-cleveland-n1855737
– The Republican National Committee has selected Cleveland and Dallas as finalists to host the 2016 Republican National Convention … committee has chosen Cleveland and Dallas as finalists for the 2016 convention. … This was a tough decision for our committee because all four of these cities made excellent bids.…
Video: MSM Scoffs at White House, IRS Excuses
– gave Monday's developments front page treatment: Mark Halperin admitted on Monday that if a Republican … administration were presiding over the exact same scandal, the press would have turned it into a "national obsession." … No wonder committee Democrats have been falling all over themselves to thank, apologize to, and slobber over this "impartial" witness…
Witness: No, the IRS Didn’t "Follow" the Law
– Ferriero, Archivist of the United States National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), at today’s IRS hearing regarding the … The House Republican asked if the IRS’s refusal to inform Mr. … for his part, also testified that he learned about the "alleged unauthorized disposal [of emails]" in a letter from the Senate Committee
5 Reasons Mississippi Republicans Should Send Thad Cochran Packing Today…republicans-should-send-thad-cochran-packing-today-n1854992
– Do you think the next Republican senator of Mississippi should be determined by pay-offs to Democrat voters to participate in a Republican … The National Republican Senatorial Committee, a group that’s supposed to represent all Republicans, is smearing, attacking, and trying … to destroy a Republican candidate, in a Republican primary, because Chris McDaniel actually cares more about representing the people…
Republicans Won't Pass Immigration Reform
– He hears from the Republican base, which opposes amnesty. … He was true to that base in 2008, when he was chairman for the Republican National Committee platform, which threatened financial penalties…
Wealthy Obama Donor Indicted for Fraud, Conspiracy
– He then in turn used some of the profits he made to…help elect Democrats to high national office. … These revelations have gone mostly underreported, of course, but they’ve nevertheless prompted a strong rebuke from the National Republican … Congressional Committee (NRCC) and its Digital Press Secretary Andrew Clark.…
Steve Scalise, a Rising Conservative Star
– Indeed, Scalise is a former chair of the Republican Study Committee, the conservative caucus in the U.S. House. … He was one of only 15 Republican House members to get a 100-percent voting designation by the American Conservative Union. … And as a representative of the Southern House Republicans and the Republican Study Committee, he is going to steer a conservative course…
Steve Scalise, a Rising Conservative Star
– "Reinvigorating the leadership" is how one senior House staffer described the ascendency of Steve Scalise, the Louisiana Republican … Indeed, Scalise is a former chair of the Republican Study Committee (RSC), the conservative caucus in the U.S. House. … And as a representative of the Southern House Republicans and the Republican Study Committee, he is going to steer a conservative course…
Local Democratic Chairman: Happy Fourth Of July, Conservatives Suck…ic-chairman-happy-fourth-of-july-conservatives-suck-n1860028
– Apparently, he’s waiting for old, white Republican voters to die, insinuated that conservative men have small genitalia, and that they … The National Republican Congressional Campaign Committee (NRCC) has called on Rep. … would weigh in to defend his comments is even more revealing of how desperate national Democrats are this year.”…
BREAKING: 2016 Republican National Convention To Be Held in Cleveland…ublican-national-convention-to-be-held-in-cleveland-n1859998
– The Republican National Committee has selected Cleveland as the host city for the 2016 Republican National Convention … “It’s my honor to announce Cleveland as the Site Selection Committee’s recommendation to host the 2016 Republican National Convention … I’m confident Cleveland is the right pick for our next national convention.…
On Every Big Issue, Obama's Presidency is Found Wanting
– The national news media has done its best to try to bury these issues, play them down or sugar coat them, but the American people know … Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the ranking Republican on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.…
Missisippi Burning UPDATE: McDaniel Offers $15k Reward
– Recently, Eliana Johnson wrote for National Review about “scandal-plagued” Democratic political operative Mitzi Bickers, who helped … Documents filed with the Federal Election Commission show that Mississippi Conservatives, the political-action committee run by former … “Most people will want to sit out,” said Republican lawyer Dan Backer, one of the few Beltway lawyers who represent conservative clients…
– The national news media have done their best to try to bury these issues, play them down or sugarcoat them, but the American people … Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, the ranking Republican on the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee.…
The Bridgegate Investigation to Nowhere
– Michael Patrick Carroll, a Republican member and former Christie rival, said: “I’m glad you’re on the same page as I am, because I … ’ve been trying to figure that out for about six months.” … Carroll told me he initially joined the committee to investigate the Port … But if he aims to test that proposition, he'll have to convince primary voters that would make for an acceptable national nominee,…
Cruz in Charge of the Conservative Movement
– In fact, given recent campaign finance disclosures, it seems clear some Senate Republican leaders helped pay for the attacks on their … Ted Cruz, who, ironically, holds an official position with the National Republican Senatorial Committee. … The Republican Party will not change itself.…
Cleveland Could Be Good for GOP, if ...
– I take it as a good sign that the Republican National Committee has chosen to hold its convention in Cleveland. … local institutions should coax convention planners away from the monotonous diet of country music that has so dominated recent Republican … Beyond music, the Cleveland location opens whole vistas for the Republican Party.…
Happy 30th Birthday, Central American Humanitarian Crisis
– Chris Christie, Wall Street, the Republican National Committee, the Democratic National Committee, farmers, ethnic activists, the entire…
Democrats’ Record of Failure
– Schultz wrote, “Come November, voters will have a choice between a Democratic Party trying to fix our nation’s problems and a Republican … The Republican-led House of Representatives has passed over forty jobs bills. Forty. … He couldn’t find time to visit the border, but he could find time for fundraisers, including one for the Democratic National Committee
Ben Carson PAC Beats Ready For Hillary In 2nd Quarter Fundraising
– Draft Ben Carson for President Committee, a political action committee formed to draft Dr. … Ben Carson into the race for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, announced today that it raised more than $3.3 million in … The committee now has more than 17,000 volunteers nationwide.…
13 Quotes You Need To Read About Illegal Immigration
– 1) “Could legalizing an estimated 11 million illegal aliens tip our precarious national finances into insolvency? Could be. … The findings, obtained by Fox News, are contained in reports by the Republican-controlled House Judiciary Committee and nonpartisan…
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