Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

Cruz Sums Up His Views on Immigration in Four Words: ‘Legal, Good. Illegal, Bad.’…on-immigration-in-four-words-legal-good-illegal-bad-n2511695
Illegal, bad,” Cruz said. … And again, if those polls are to be believed, we’re within contention.” … In Texas, there are a whole lot more conservatives than liberals,” Cruz said.…
California's Bad Idea: Gender Quotas for Corporate Boards
– "We are not going to ask anymore," declared state Sen. Hannah-Beth Jackson. "We are tired of being nice. … For starters, quotas are belittling. … Not only is the bill unnecessary, it is likely illegal.…
Teddy Kennedy's Surprise for Grandma
– While we wait for the trial transcript, here are a few more examples of this multicultural trait we are importing for no good reason … Don't say Third World immigrants aren't creating jobs! … I know it looks bad. I am in trouble."…
Laura Ingraham Presses Mexican Ambassador on Caravan: Why Didn't You Stop These People?…bassador-on-caravan-why-didnt-you-stop-these-people-n2477495
– alien caravan are demanding asylum in the United States.  … We are the only Country in the World so naive! WALL — Donald J. … immigrants from coming to the U.S.…
Nationwide, Dems Attack ICE Instead Of Crime
– These are bad guys. … What about families victimized by violent illegal immigrants? … An amazing 27 percent of California's population are immigrants. Immigrants disproportionately favor big government.…
Glenn Beck Dons a Red 'Make America Great Again' Hat
– Of course, it is now obvious that President Trump was not referring to immigrants nor even illegal immigrants as animals, but rather … immigrants generally rather than violent MS-13 gang members. … immigrants, not just MS-13.…
DHS Secretary: Democrats Owe Trump An Apology For Peddling Lies About His Remarks On Immigrants…r-spreading-fake-news-about-criminal-illegal-aliens-n2482168
– You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are.  These aren’t people.  These are animals.   … Numerous media outlets reported Trump referred to all illegal immigrants as "animals," but in actuality, he used the term to specifically … "They are distorting facts in a very dangerous way. The president is trying to protect Americans.…
Suicide By Liberalism
– If you think they won’t come back for another bite at that apple you are crazy. … Legal immigrants are screened to make sure they aren’t carriers of disease, illegals just march across the border. … Then there are the cuts from the culture, those ones might be the most damaging.…
The Irish Aren't Red-Headed Mexicans
– He said that illegal aliens aren't "bad people," but also "not people that would easily assimilate into the United States into our … Let's not sugarcoat what wonderful immigrants the Irish were. All immigrants have been a problem in their own way. … (Imagine a time when our worst immigrants were the Irish!)…
Canada Needs to Seal Illegal Crossings at US Border
– France, America, Canada, Germany and other Western nations are ripe for exploitation of their goodwill. … And Trump has repeatedly expressed frustration with judges who have ruled against his attempts to curb illegal immigration. … It's clear that many illegal immigrants aren't getting the message.…
Kanye and Democrats
– That's why they support illegal immigration and voting rights for noncitizens. … Immigrants from south of the border who are here illegally may be seen as either a replacement for or a guarantee against the disaster … Here are some facts.…
ICYMI: The Left Stepped On A Rake Trying To Bash Trump's Immigration Policy…on-a-rake-trying-to-bash-trumps-immigration-policy-n2485064
– So, when old photos of immigrants in detention centers surfaced, it had to be Trump’s fault right. Nope. … are being held in cages, like dogs, at ICE detention centers, sleeping on the floor. … They thought it was recent pictures in order to make us look bad, but backfires.…
Dems Diss #MeToo, Defend MS-13
– “You wouldn’t believe how bad these people are,” a frustrated Trump replied. “These aren’t people.These are animals.” … ” • “Immigrants are not ‘animals,’” Senator Dianne Feinstein (D – California) announced. … Immigrants are our family and friends, and they make significant contributions to our country.…
Sigh: Immigration Activists, Media Now Blasting Ivanka Trump for Posting Photo With Her Own Child…g-ivanka-trump-for-posting-photo-with-her-own-child-n2485278
– Inhumane treatment or abuses against illegal immigrants are wrong and should be addressed. … Yes, detaining and processing large numbers of illegal immigrants (especially children, whose parents have sent them to America to … Illegal immigrants, no matter how well-intentioned, are breaking our laws.  …
ICE Chief To Democrat: We're Not Anti-Immigrant, We're Enforcing The Laws *You* Passed…re-not-anti-immigrant-were-enforcing-the-laws-you-p-n2483511
– folks who are coming here to do harm," she added. … We are enforcing laws," said Homan, acting ICE director. … "And no one's up here saying all illegal aliens are criminals.…
Kamala Harris' Two Policy Priorities Will Lead California (Further) Down The Socialist Rabbit Hole…d-california-further-down-the-socialist-rabbit-hole-n2486658
– A Look At Her Past One look at Harris' Twitter feed and it's apparent that pushing gun control and standing up for illegal aliens are … My thoughts are with the families of the victims. … People are waking up to what the Golden State has become and they're done.…
Hey, Liberals, Is Canada Racist? Trudeau's Government Tells Illegal Aliens Don't Come Here…acist-trudeaus-government-tells-illegal-aliens-dont-n2488947
– And this has the Canadian government telling illegal aliens that are looking to venture to the Great White North, "Don’t come here … Many illegal aliens are fearful that they will be deported if they stay in the States, so they exit to Canada through northern border … In the 1990s, President Clinton said, "We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws.…
Children, 'Animals' and Immigrants
– So, does that mean all illegal immigrants are heroes? … Obviously not, no more than the crimes of MS-13 or the murder of Kate Steinle prove that all illegal immigrants are criminals. … illegal immigrants are the most law-abiding of all.…
Immigration Firestorm: Tune Out the Shouting and Read Ted Cruz's Solid Plan on Family Separation…ruzs-good-plan-to-alleviate-child-separation-crisis-n2492229
– There are three explanatory factors in the mix here, I think, and two are obvious.   … new policy is a reaction against a bad old policy. … This magnet not only attracted illegal immigrants generally, but also produced an uptick in human trafficking across our border. …
Oh My: Thousands Of Illegal Aliens Arrested For Violent Crimes Were Granted DACA Protections…liens-arrested-for-violent-crimes-were-granted-daca-n2491688
Immigrants who were approved would also be eligible for work authorization. … There are some bad people who have obtained protections—and it’s not just misdemeanor antics. … Yeah, some illegal aliens arrested for murder were granted protections.…
Why The Left Always Lies About Children
– None of them have opened their homes to any of these children, or illegal immigrants at large for that matter. … and in turn are using them as a supposed child of their own and now you’ve got really bad people—smugglers (truly evil)—mixed with … more minimal law breakers (illegal border crossers)—and all of them are using the child in one way or another to advance their cause…
'Abolish ICE' Zealots Occupy Fantasy Island
– These are abjectly unserious people, operating in bad faith, who pose a serious threat to our nation's well-being. … Across the country, supposedly mainstream Democrats, activist groups and entertainers are pushing to "Abolish ICE." … their visas and are on the loose doing heaven knows what?…
Ask A Liberal How Unlimited Immigration Benefits America, Then Watch Their Head Explode…immigration-benefits-america-then-watch-their-heads-n2494048
– Whether they are educated. Whether they can speak English even or even whether they are violent criminals. … In fact we shouldn’t even try to accurately count how many are coming here or how many live within our borders. … Very few people are asking that question.”…
Why Are Unfit Parents Fit to Become Americans?
– The profits from the immigration industry, material and political, are privatized; the costs are socialized.   … Deportations of illegal immigrants who have committed no other crime, and who were not a priority in the Obama era, nearly tripled. … Parents who put kids is such precarious a predicament are unfit. Why, then, are unfit parents fit to become Americans? …
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