Results for: abortion pregnancy

Pro-Life Victory: Texas Gov Outlaws Brutal Abortion Procedure
– One of the more brutal forms of abortion is the dilation and evacuation (D&E) procedure. … Texas Governor Greg Abbott recently outlawed this abortion method statewide. … The procedure is performed in the first 24 weeks of the pregnancy.…
Lawsuit Filed in New York against Pro-Life Protestors
– commit violence and have a responsibility to communicate the opposite message through how they offer help to women considering abortion … Chairwoman of the New York State Right to Life, Barbara Meara, said, “They’re just offering choices to women to let them know there are pregnancy
UN Pushes for Legalization of Self-Induced and Late-Term Abortions in New York…n-of-selfinduced-and-lateterm-abortions-in-new-york-n2344629
– and abortions past the 24th week of pregnancy legal. … “Criminalization of abortion and the failure to provide adequate access to services for the termination of an unwanted pregnancy constitute … criminal misdemeanor,” they explain, “and a woman who ends her own pregnancy or has an abortion performed after 24 weeks’ gestation…
10 Reasons To Keep Abortion Giant Planned Parenthood Out Of Your Local School…n-giant-planned-parenthood-out-of-your-local-school-n2347624
– Abstinence is the only 100 percent effective way to avoid STDs, HIV, HPV and unintended pregnancy. … Less than one percent (or $10,000) went to two pro-abortion Republicans. … believing that people don’t know that abortion is killing.…
Missouri Lawmakers Seeking to Overturn Ordinance that Will Turn State Into 'Abortion Sanctuary City'…lieves-will-turn-state-into-abortion-sanctuary-city-n2347217
– Louis into an "abortion sanctuary city." … In other words, in order to protect "reproductive rights," institutions may be forced to hire abortion activists and rent to pro-abortion … The ordinance also aims to do harm to the state's crisis pregnancy centers.…
The Bigger News
– studies -- unborn babies moving their lips to sounds they hear, and choosing to watch lights that look like faces -- should doom abortion … Bumper stickers rightly proclaim that abortion stops a beating heart, and we increasingly understand that it also stops a processing … Responsiveness increases late in pregnancy, but researchers have found arm and leg movements beginning as soon as the ninth week after…
Calling a Foul on Seattle Storm's Partnership with Planned Parenthood
– (LGBTQ activists and organizations have declared their solidarity with “abortion rights” and Planned Parenthood.) … In 2009, taxpayers shelled out $362.2 million to fund the abortion chain. … Eighty percent of Planned Parenthood’s health services revenue comes from the violence of abortion.…
The Courageous Pro-life Women Who Fight for Real Equality…ourageous-prolife-women-who-fight-for-real-equality-n2358116
abortion industry. … Thank you all for exposing violence of abortion.  “All abortion is violence.” … Thank you all for freeing women from abortion.…
Congresswoman Behind Amendment Supporting Charlie Gard Had Her Baby Saved By An Experimental Treatment…gard-had-a-baby-saved-by-an-experimental-treatment-n2357654
– Rejecting the advice of doctors to get an abortion, Beutler received the experimental treatment of saline injections during her pregnancy
NYT Columnist Says Abortion Should Be Democratic Party Litmus Test: 'Abortion Is Liberty'…hould-be-democratic-litmus-test-abortion-is-liberty-n2363527
Abortion is not a fringe issue. Abortion is liberty.” … Interestingly enough, those on the other side of the abortion issue would agree with West’s assertion that abortion “puts people’s … Wade and concludes that abortion is “not particularly controversial.”…
Here's How The Left Reacted When Democrats Said They Wouldn't Cut Support From Pro-Life Candidates…hen-democrats-said-they-wouldnt-cut-support-from-pr-n2363016
– You can’t be a pro-abortion, anti-gun hippie in these areas. … @SenWarren to @jaketapper on anti abortion Dems: "not everybody who is a Democrat agrees with me. … part, they support, like Europe, a ban on abortion after 20 weeks into a pregnancy.…
Democratic Party Leader Claims Cuba 'Has Better Healthcare Outcomes Than the US'…ims-cuba-has-better-healthcare-outcomes-than-the-us-n2361426
– Cuba's "impressive" infant mortality rate is kept artificially low by Communist chicanery with statistics and by a truly appalling abortion … Any Cuban pregnancy that even hints at trouble gets "terminated." A few years ago, Dr.…
Illinois Court Rules Protect Christian Doctors from Supporting Abortion
– The amendment was challenged by a lawsuit issued by the ADF and attorneys, who represent pregnancy care centers and network, as well … SB 1564 requires that doctors, as well as medical and pregnancy facilities to offer women a list of abortion information and resources … medical clinics to become abortion referral agencies.”…
Watch: James Franco Confused By Professor's Pro-Abortion Logic
– Michaelson, who teaches philosophy, was tasked with explaining her take on the morality of abortion. … But some early fetuses will die early in pregnancy, either due to abortion or miscarriage, and in my view that’s a very different kind … "So often we do know that if a woman is planning to get an abortion and we know that abortion is available to her, then we know that…
Painful: Watch This Abortion Supporter Struggle to Explain Her Bizarre Position on Life…supporter-struggle-to-explain-her-position-on-life-n2366992
– of my work I defend a liberal position about early abortion. … But some early fetuses will die in early pregnancy due to abortion or miscarriage. … So often, if we know that a woman is planning to get an abortion, and we know that abortion is available to her, then we know that…
Cecile Richards's Confusing Stance on Pro-Life Democrats
– legal abortion. … Women’s health & rights are non-negotiable - incl. access to safe, legal abortion. … A recent Gallup poll found that only 43 percent of Americans consider abortion to be “morally acceptable.”…
Pro-Choicers Should Explain Why They Think Eugenics Is Acceptable…hould-explain-why-they-think-eugenics-is-acceptable-n2370180
– If your circumstance or inconvenience were a justifiable reason to eradicate a pregnancy, why wouldn't a sex-selective abortion be … Does the act of abortion transform into something less moral if we feel differently about it? … What is the ethical difference between a sex-selective abortion and plain-old abortion of a female?…
Texas 2014 Abortion Data Provides Little Evidence of a Public Health Crisis…provides-little-evidence-of-a-public-health-crisis-n2192897
– As such, more Texas women were obtaining abortions later in pregnancy – when they are more expensive and when abortion poses greater … of abortion data.  … As such, many on the left hoped the 2014 abortion data would give them evidence they needed.…
Confirmed: NARAL's 'Comedians Getting Abortions' Video is as Terrible As You Might Think…g-abortions-video-is-as-terrible-as-you-might-think-n2192441
– Let's make some abortion comedy.   … "It shouldn't be this hard to get an abortion," the video concludes.  Here's the thing: It isn't.   … But did Toyota actually sponsor this, well, abortion of an attempt at comedy?  …
The Abortion-ization of the Democratic Party
– Yet on the other side, the Democratic National Committee pushes the pro-abortion position, no holds barred. … Abortion will become unthinkable when both parties are trying to earn the pro-life vote. … If pro-life Democrats want change inside their party, they cannot continue to support pro-abortion Democrats.…
The DNC Is Adopting Abortion Positions Most Americans Disagree With…ing-abortion-positions-most-americans-disagree-with-n2197541
– The Democratic National Committee is about to adopt its most radical pro-abortion platform ever. … ), and would limit it to, at most, the first three months of pregnancy.  … Taxpayer funding for abortion is opposed by 62 percent of Americans. …
Trump Must Pledge to Implement GOP Platform
– consent to medical treatment for their children, including mental health treatment, drug treatment, and treatment involving pregnancy … , contraceptives and abortion. … We oppose the use of public funds to perform or promote abortion or to fund organizations, like Planned Parenthood.”…
An Open Letter to Hillary Clinton About Black Babies
– Yet she didn’t terminate her pregnancy, giving him up for adoption instead. … Since 1973, abortion has wiped out over 25% of the African-American population This is nothing less than black genocide, yet rather … In stark contrast, since 1973, African American deaths by abortion amount to more than 15.5 million. Mrs.…
The Truth About What Happened At StemExpress
– It describes in real time a dismemberment abortion and its aftermath. … How did the Stem Express tech know that woman’s pregnancy was far enough along to satisfy the needs of the inquiring researcher? … We know the media and the abortion-friendly members of the panel are trying to hide the truth about abortion.…
GOP Illinois Governor Threatens Pro-life Medical Professionals' Religious Freedom With New Bill…nois-governor-just-sided-with-proabortion-democrats-n2201515
– the Republican just upended Illinois’ Health Care Right of Conscience Act and forced doctors, nurses, etc. to be complicit in abortion … Rauner for siding with pro-abortion Democrats by signing SB 1564 and expanding abortions in Illinois,” Zender said.  … “This radical bill is a direct assault on the consciences of medical professionals and the missions of community supported pregnancy
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