Results for: illegal immigrants are bad

The Party of Perverts
Immigrants are America, only better and more inspiring than her native sons and daughters. … It used to be illegal, certainly and indisputably immoral. … How about showing how the Democrats’ actions and arguments over two years are as diabolical as they are demonic.   …
What One GOP Rep Saw at the Border That Made Her 'Want to Cry'…gop-rep-saw-at-the-border-that-made-her-want-to-cry-n2591872
– Townhall's Julio Rosas has been to the border multiple times this year, and one thing that hasn't changed is the flow of illegal border … But many Republican lawmakers are making the effort to see the crisis up close, and it's quite emotional for some.  Rep. … immigrants to walk around.…
Sen. Manchin Would Betray Appalachia if He Supports Amnesty…chin-would-betray-appalachia-if-he-supports-amnesty-n2591596
– Over 172,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended in March alone, the highest total for March in over 20 years. … A continued influx of illegal immigrants would hurt the working-class folks that Senator Manchin claims to fight for. … It means cheaper meals out to eat, since restaurants can staff their kitchens with illegal -- or newly legalized -- immigrants who…
Why Lindsey Graham Wants to Take a Page from Texas Dems' Playbook Over $3.5T Spending Package…a-page-from-dems-playbook-over-35t-spending-package-n2592718
– Lindsey Graham suggested during a Fox News interview on Sunday that it’s not such a bad idea and one Republicans could consider to … And if they put legalizing illegal immigrants in that bill, you’re going to have a complete run on the border, it will be throwing … jet fuel on a fire called illegal immigration, it would lead to an invasion of illegal immigrants if we put amnesty in the $3.5 trillion…
Donald Trump Returns to the CPAC Stage, with Crowds Chanting 'Four More Years'
– This is in reference to but not solely because of illegal immigrants.  … "If the Democrats know their policies on crime are so unpopular, so radical, so crazy they are now trying to pretend they never led … "There's bad things going on in this country, very bad things," the former president lamented, as he also pointed out how in the past…
Report: More Than 205,000 Illegal Immigrants Detained in July…ore-than-210000-illegal-immigrants-detained-in-july-n2593489
– Immigration is no longer a wedge issue that can be used to make a Bad Republican look heartless.   … immigrants captured at the US-Mexico in recent months, no?   … It's bad and getting worse.  …
Bloated Bipartisan $1.1 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Is Neither Reasonable Nor Centrist…rastructure-bill-is-neither-reasonable-nor-centrist-n2594113
– The bipartisan group of senators who just passed a $1.1 trillion federal infrastructure bill are attempting to sell it as a reasonable … While improving broadband may be worthwhile, it’s not public infrastructure the way roads and bridges are. … Moreover, it would give amnesty to illegal immigrants.…
Biden's Worst Week as President Yet
– Polling on the issue indicates Americans are paying attention, and Biden's big government policies are only going to make his handling … That number doesn't include thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border undetected. … As many as 40 percent of illegal immigrants released into small towns in Texas are carrying Wuhan coronavirus and spreading it to local…
Officials: 40 Percent of Illegal Immigrants Bussed to Texas Town Are COVID Positive…immigrants-bussed-to-texas-town-are-covid-positive-n2594033
– Progressives are screaming at Texas for not imposing enough COVID mandates -- though various mitigation and vaccination efforts are … Summer "seasonality" was supposed to slow down the unsustainable, overwhelming influx of illegal immigrants at the southern border. … learned...The sizable numbers are a sign of just how overwhelmed some sectors of the U.S.…
Lies, Lies, Lies
– Plus, Republicans are accused of lying even when they are telling the truth. … of illegal immigrants to cross the southern border, shutting down the Keystone XL pipeline and then pleading with OPEC to produce … Broadcast, print and social media are peppered with articles pointing out Biden's evident lack of capacity; some are calling for his…
Brutal: Experts, Journalists, Fellow Democrats Dismantle Warren's Fantasy Healthcare Math…not-tell-the-truth-about-her-insane-healthcare-plan-n2555806
– @MichaelBennet: "Warren's new numbers are simply not believable, and have been contradicted by experts. … Some prominent 'Never Trumpers' are also aghast at both the substance and politics of Warren's latest gambit: Holistically bad at politics … She's running on a platform of outlawing private insurance, actively eliminating millions of jobs, and furnishing illegal immigrants
No More Sanctuary Cities
Illegal aliens are protected in sanctuary cities against being asked about their lack of citizenship, and, if arrested for a crime, … Arizona state lawmakers are threatening to withhold $130 million annually from Tucson if its voters approve this bill to harbor illegal … Democrats in California, however, see many future voters for their party among the swarms of illegal immigrants flowing over our southern…
Are We Headed Toward a Second Civil War?
– Now, which of those characterizations appears more accurate and which are just a personal attack? … “You don’t get to choose the guests, because those freaks are your family,” Maher joked. … Can America survive when its elites are, against the will of a majority of Americans, importing millions of immigrants from cultures…
Separated From My Child—And Nobody Cares
– Rather, they are merely from what President Trump has termed "s--thhole countries." … Like my South-African compatriots, who, every day, are culled like springbok in a hunting safari. … We are not pushy. We do things the right way. And we swallow the pain and indignity. …
Illegal Immigration: A Lawless Frankenstein in the ‘Land of Is’…mmigration-a-lawless-frankenstein-in-the-land-of-is-n2497308
– We simply can’t afford it.” (1993) Bill Clinton: “… we will try to do more to speed the deportation of illegal aliens who are arrested … We are a nation of immigrants. But we are also a nation of laws.” (1995) Back then, illegal meant illegal. … Today, all that good men and women are asking the people they elected to do, when it comes to illegal immigration, is to honor their…
Give Us Your Young, Energetic, Talented Masses
– Not all immigrants are beneficial, and, sure, there are bad apples in the bunch -- just as is true of the population of American citizens … But the benefits of immigration are surprisingly large, mostly because most immigrants are risk takers who come to the United States … Because most immigrants arrive when they are young, and because Americans are getting older (baby boomers are at retirement age), immigration…
The Crying Kids the Media Ignore
– I understand why the national media is so obsessed over the story of children of illegal immigrants being separated from their parents … many of whom are ex-foster kids. … Where are the great churches? Where are the weeping celebrities, politicians and pundits? Where are the angry protestors?…
Putin Is Killing Millions Of Americans
– Putin, I need you to publicly admit your complicity in our illegal alien problem.  … Only if Putin owns up to deploying a vast network of Russian assets to personally direct the movements of millions of illegal aliens … True, liberals have spent decades lobbying for a never-ending flow of illegal aliens. But that shouldn't be a problem.…
Let’s Learn From America’s Immigration Mistakes of the Past…earn-from-americas-immigration-mistakes-of-the-past-n2499821
– No way around the border tragedy: Separating small children from their parents is bad. … The Chinese are thoroughly good workers.” … Through that measure 3 million immigrants moved from illegal to legal status.…
Abolishing ICE Just Might be the Dumbest Democrat Idea Yet
– In particular, they are calling to abolish the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). … Despite what these loony Leftists believe, ICE actually rounds up bad guys. … C'mon, we all know these folks are just doing the jobs that Americans won't do.…
Obama's Words On Identity Politics Better Late Than Never…s-words-on-identity-politics-better-late-than-never-n2501961
– And you can't do it if you insist that those who aren't like you, because they are white or they are male, somehow there is no way … But I also understand why many conservatives are dyspeptic about Obama pushing this message. … Obama, for example, said he couldn't amnesty the children of illegal immigrants because the Constitution prevented him.…
Polls: 40 Percent of GOP Voters Would Favor or Shrug Off Russian Help in 2018, Majority of Dems Support Illegal Immigrants Voting…majority-of-dems-support-illegal-immigrants-voting-n2505840
immigrants. … Because the hard left's reaction to right-wing anti-immigrant sentiment is to treat even illegal immigrants as heroes (i.e. tribalism … ), but also because most illegal immigrants would likely cast ballots for the Democratic Party.  …
If You Aren’t Trying To Change Someone’s Mind On Politics, You Aren’t Doing Your Job…someones-mind-on-politics-you-arent-doing-your-job-n2509198
– weather is bad. … And they aren’t even all that keen on the idea of illegal immigrants, even from their home countries, being allowed to gain the same … Our ideas are good. They’re workable.…
Nancy Pelosi: Voting For Democrats Gives Illegal Aliens More 'Leverage'…voting-for-democrats-gives-illegal-aliens-leverage-n2508143
– We are not going to be able to get it done under the Republican leadership in Congress. … Sanctuary cities are another side issue in this debate. … Democrats care more about illegal aliens than American citizens. They don’t care that these bad illegals are raping children.…
The Home Stretch: Five Big Numbers to Know From The Week in Politics -- August 24, 2018…s-to-know-from-the-week-in-politics--august-24-2018-n2512702
– As usual, Trump's ethics are situational and his arguments are plainly myopic and self-serving.   … I grant lefties' points that evil comes in all shapes and sizes, that many statistics show immigrants are less likely to commit crimes … Also, it's entirely possible to decline to smear all illegal immigrants as violent criminals while also being righteously furious that…
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