Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Do Close National Polls Mean Trump Could Win The General?
– a way to combat the electability argument that I and others routinely make when comparing Trump with DeSantis and even other candidates … Now, a Republican has to thread a narrow needle to pull out a presidential victory, and there is almost zero room for error. … Arizona has two Democratic senators and a Democratic governor and went blue in 2020. I know, I know … “much fraud.”…
Trump Mocks GOP Rivals As 'Second-Class Acts'
– These aren't presidential people. These aren't presidential talents," Trump said. … He then criticized the answers of candidates who participated in Fox News's first 2024 GOP presidential debate, saying that their responses … Still, it is not enough to keep him from securing the GOP presidential nominee. …
Will Pelosi's Denigrating Comments Help Trump Just Like Hillary's 'Basket of Deplorables' Did?
– We all remember when then-Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton referred to Trump supporters as a "basket of deplorables … According to RealClearPolitics (RCP), Trump currently leads the Republican presidential primary with a spread of +40.1, with 53.6 percent … Ron DeSantis' 13.5 percent support, while no other candidates have double-digit support. …
Haley Has the Right Idea
– It may not be possible in the context of a presidential election, but it needs to happen. The U.S. … The current (Democratic) governor has decided to kill the funding for mothers who don't want to choose abortion due to a Supreme Court … It's not really a federal issue, but candidates for president should talk about foster care and start a national conversation about…
Tudor Dixon Claims Trump Advised Her to Change Her Messaging on Abortion…ims-trump-told-her-to-change-her-abortion-messaging-n2627820
– Trump had endorsed Dixon in the race against Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. … This month, Townhall covered how Republican 2024 presidential candidates butted heads on the issue of abortion during the first GOP…
New York's Migrant Situation Is So Out of Control, Biden Wants to Send People to New Jersey…of-control-biden-wants-to-send-people-to-new-jersey-n2627838
– Nk84sGiHOT — Senator Michael Testa (@senatortesta) August 31, 2023 The Republican State Leadership Committee (RSLC) is calling on Democratic … legislative candidates to be asked "are you willing to house illegal immigrants and let your constituents pick up the tab for New … The saga has exposed a messy rift among some of the country’s most high-profile Democrats leading up to the 2024 presidential election…
Trump Sure Has Picked an Interesting Time to Tout His Lead
– A week after the first RNC presidential primary debate, former and potentially future President Donald Trump remains the frontrunner … you will about that decison, but his current lead in the polls does back him up when he speaks to not wanting to debate other candidates … In all three Senate runoff elections, the Democratic candidate won every time, including Sen.…
First GOP Debate Goes to DeSantis and Haley - Surprises for 3rd and 4th Place
– Republican candidates for president, tell us your plan for America's future. … Leave out the drama, and it is a strong argument.The octogenarian Biden has no serious challenger in the Democratic Party because he … God has to be loving this man-made dilemma.So, GOP candidates, your mission is to show you are the one who can beat Biden and deny…
Republicans Running Against Trump Must Issue a Letter Defending Him Against Dems' Political Hit Job
– him at the top of their lungs against a widely orchestrated attempt to manipulate the 2024 election in favor of the eventual Democratic … Not only is such an action anti-democratic and anti-American, but it begs the obvious question:  Where do such totalitarian dictates … Party "violently claimed the last three Republican presidential wins were stolen, rigged, and illegitimate."…
The AP's Vile Blame Game on the Racist Murders in Jacksonville…le-blame-game-on-the-racist-murders-in-jacksonville-n2627722
– The state's conservative governor stepped away from the presidential campaign trail to deal with the aftermath of the horror (as well … In that vein, are GOP candidates of color like Nikki Haley and Tim Scott wrong to "downplay" racism by rejecting the notion that we … Nothing about a "shadow" being cast over Democratic politics, or "uncomfortable questions" being asked of Democrats.  …
Trump's Enemies Come Up With New Scheme to Take Him Out
– But a significant number of Trump's adversaries don't have enough faith in our democratic process to make that happen. … So they hope that at least one of the four prosecutions targeting Trump will put an end to Trump's presidential chances. … "If abused, this is profoundly anti-democratic."…
Will the IRS Probe Prohibited Political Activity at Third Way?…rs-probe-prohibited-political-activity-at-third-way-n2627637
– They don’t endorse, they don’t attack candidates, they remain focused solely on ideas and policies. … Just one month ago, Politico reported that officials from Third Way marched up to Capitol Hill to meet with Senate Democratic chiefs … of staff to undermine the group No Labels, which is working to secure ballot access and announce a bipartisan presidential ticket…
‘Pro-Life’ Candidates Running from Abortion Isn’t Just Cowardice, It’s Bad Politics…from-abortion-isnt-just-cowardice-its-bad-politics-n2627634
– On Wednesday evening, ostensibly pro-life presidential candidates danced around the question of whether they would support basic federal … Take Minnesota’s 2022 gubernatorial race as an example, where Democratic Gov. Tim Walz handily beat GOP challenger Scott Jensen. … We know the base can deliver victories for Republican candidates.…
Is Newsom's Answer on Abortion a Warning to the GOP?
– Where's the Democratic Party?" … Where’s the Democratic Party?" … “extreme” views, and not on President Biden and Democratic control in Washington.…
Here's What the Latest Survey Shows About the State of the Presidential Race in Iowa.
– Trump and President Joe Biden remain the frontrunners of their respective parties a little more than a year away from the 2024 presidential … Support for Biden in the Democratic caucus, meanwhile, dropped from 69 percent in May to 50 percent in early September when the poll … The two candidates running against Biden—Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Marianne Williamson—also lost support.  Sen.…
NYT Analysis: Biden Support Eroding Among These Key Groups
– If he’s unable to revitalize this support by next November, it will continue a decade-long trend of declining Democratic strength among … within his base, but warns, "the possibility that his standing will remain beneath the already depressed levels of the last presidential … is jointly conducted by both a GOP firm -- Fabrizio Lee and a Dem firm, GBAO, and that GBAO has made millions from major Dem candidates
Latest Poll Is the Last Straw for Bumbling Biden
– In 1988, he made an early exit from the presidential race after allegations of plagiarism surfaced. … him and chose Hillary Clinton as their presidential nominee.  … Only one Democratic Party presidential contender offers some diversity of views, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.…
The Left Throws Joe Biden Under the Bus: 'Nightmare Scenario for Democrats'
– The Democratic Party is increasingly beginning to abandon President Joe Biden as rumors ramp up that he may drop out of the 2024 presidentialDemocratic strategist James Carville also expressed worrisome that Biden would become a liability for the Democratic Party, saying … A CNN poll found that two-thirds of Democratic voters want an alternative to the party's candidate.…
Gavin Newsom Will Be at the Second RNC Debate
– Gavin Newsom (D-CA) to next Wednesday's second RNC debate at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California, according … "Newsom’s rising stock in Biden’s orbit is expected to be on full display next month, when the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation … and Institute in Simi Valley, California hosts the second Republican presidential debate," the piece mentioned.…
Democrats Are Deluding Themselves Over Biden's Age
– It can be read as a straightforward report on the divide between Democratic elites and their voters.   … You've got Democratic officials serving up anonymous quotes like this to reporters, for crying out loud: One Democratic lawmaker, … Cooke (@charlescwcooke) September 19, 2023 We have had old candidates before.…
Will RFK Jr. Mount a Third Party Run?
– Although he's still currently running in the Democratic presidential primary, Robert F. … Candidates are not merely granted protection based on how they are performing in the polls, but due to threat assessment as well. … Kennedy Jr. is a Democrat and wants to run as one in the Democratic primaries.…
Here's What Happened When Newsom Was Repeatedly Asked If There Should Be Limits on Abortion
– That’s not what the Democratic Party’s position is. That’s not what my personal position is. … Her statement came during the first GOP presidential debate when the candidates disagreed over abortion.…
Will the Biden Admin Reconsider Its Rejection of Secret Service Detail for RFK Jr. After This Incident?
– Marshal badge on a lanyard and beltclip federal ID," the Democratic presidential candidate said on X. … “Typical turnaround time for pro forma protection requests from presidential candidates is 14-days.   … candidates that marred the 1960s.…
Is It Time for Conservatives to Support A National Popular Vote?…or-conservatives-to-support-a-national-popular-vote-n2588119
– When most conservatives think of the Electoral College, they think of one of the last bastions holding back the hordes of Democratic … The presidential election is a national event, and it seems like it should be treated as such. … Instead, the current system sees presidential candidates campaigning in, and making promises to, swing states only.…
Supreme Court Packing Plan Fulfills Power Grab Wishlist
– The two-paragraph bill fulfills the promises of nearly all the Democratic presidential candidates in the past election, and fully reveals…
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