Results for: Democratic Presidential Candidates

Good Riddance To The BCS And Now Change The GOP Nominating Process…o-the-bcs-and-now-change-the-gop-nominating-process-n1772964
– Which of course brings me to the presidential nomination process. … Neither John McCain in 2008 nor Mitt Romney in 2012 benefitted from the fiascos, and we forget how terribly the 2008 Democratic nomination … much more difficult task, but he and his team are wrestling with that too, and there is a very good argument that serious GOP candidates
The 20 Most Annoying Liberals of 2013
– puzzler in that she's habitually dishonest, nasty, annoying, and generally unlikable; yet she's risen to become the Chair of the Democratic … Defining quote: "...Democratic candidates will be able to run on ObamaCare as an advantage leading into the 2014 election!" … screwed half of Arkansas behind her back, leveraged people's pity for her into a Senate seat in New York and then turned a failed presidential
302 Days to Go
– more seats in the Senate than Republicans, but six of those seats are in red states - states won by Mitt Romney in the 2012 Presidential … (read, Christine "I am not a Witch" O'Donnell) or qualified candidates who say untenable things (remember Todd "Legitimate Rape" Aiken … This will not make many Democrats up for re-election in red states beg for a Presidential appearance.…
Wanted: A Tough as Nails Governor Who Likes to Fire People and Knows How to Clean Up the Mess in Washington…le-and-knows-how-to-clean-up-the-mess-in-washington-n1780259
– WASHINGTON - We're getting closer to the 2015-16 presidential election cycle, and for many White House aspirants, it's already … The talk among Republicans, especially in the nation's capital, is about the early leaders in the GOP's presidential sweepstakes and … "Christie knows how to exploit power," says state Democratic Sen. Ronald Rice.…
CPAC Update: Rubio and Paul Are Going
– The Iowa caucus is two years away, and if past cycles are any indication, candidates typically launch their campaigns more than six … That means 2014 is the year when would-be candidates start securing big donors and laying the groundwork in early-voting states. … But what about more establishment presidential hopefuls like Chris Christie and Jeb Bush? Will they attend?…
Poll: Hillary Showing Unprecedented Lead Over Fellow Democrats
– I touched on this phenomenon tangentially in my piece from yesterday: Hillary Clinton is the hands-down favorite to win the Democratic … morning drives that point home: Clinton trounces her potential primary rivals with 73 percent of Democrats and Democratic-leaning … Although Clinton’s favorability rating has fallen since she stepped down as secretary of state a year ago, she has broad Democratic
A Lackluster Year for Obama and His Would-Be Successors
– And vice presidential nominee Paul Ryan's budget deal with Democratic Sen. … Martin O'Malley has raised taxes in Maryland -- maybe not a problem in a Democratic primary -- and has seen his Obamacare health exchange … But both Republicans and Democrats have a problem if they want to be serious candidates in the 2016 cycle.…
Obama Criminalizes Dissent, Goes After Dinesh D’Souza
– John Edwards' presidential campaign got from so many receptionists, paralegals and other low-level staffers at plaintiff's law firms … The $2,000 donors include many employees who had not given to candidates or even voted in the past, and others who are listed on the … If straw donors had been reported contributing $20,000 to a Congressional Democrat’s campaign, would this Democratic administration…
Lessons for Shove Guv Andrew Cuomo
– Here in Colorado, supposedly moderate Democratic Gov. … Pueblo Democrat Angela Giron lost in her Obama-loving Democratic Senate District 3 by a whopping 12 points. … Once a hot 2016 Democratic presidential prospect, Hickenlooper's approval ratings have plunged.…
Report: Pro-Hillary Super Pac Will Sit on Sidelines in 2014…s-usa-will-take-back-seat-in-2014-midterm-elections-n1790639
– That’s to say, the progressive super Pac Priorities USA Action won’t be supporting any Democratic candidates this … Buzzfeed’s Ruby Cramer has the exclusive: The Democratic Party’s biggest super PAC, recently retooled … candidates.…
Dark Money Rising
– “I felt bad for Dorothy, but it was a million bucks for the Democratic Party,” he wrote. … “The center of power in the Democratic Party in terms of money really has moved to Katzenberg,” a top Democratic strategist recently … Rumors swirled in November that Priorities was looking to pick up some of the top Democratic political talent in Washington.…
Soros Trolls Hit Bottom of Barrel
– As the Democratic Party's candidate, the board is naturally tilted in Smith's favor. … By the way, Obama spent $1.5 billion on his two presidential candidacies, all but killing public campaign finance. … Oh, and don’t worry about our candidates.…
Chris Christie: Born To Run?
– Chris Christie's potential presidential campaign for the February issue of Townhall Magazine. … In a presidential context the truculent governor’s aggression against critics could rub some people the wrong way. … The question is whether he’s disciplined enough to be a successful presidential candidate,” Wehner says.…
Double Standards, Sexism & Hillary Clinton
– then-First Lady of the United States Hillary Clinton, who, of course, is now widely considered the odds-on favorite to win the Democratic … course, that Hillary critics are guilty of the very grave sin of sexism, when criticizing the former first lady and putative Democratic … She goes on to outline a plan whereby Hillary can escape the emerging unpleasantness, and continue with her presidential prospects…
Rand Paul vs. Hillary Clinton: A Radically Transformational Presidential Election Fighting Over Peace and Prosperity?…dential-election-fighting-over-peace-and-prosperity-n1795985
presidential nomination ever. … The next presidential election is not going to be “Rutherford B. Hayes vs. Samuel Tilden.” … The 2016 presidential election has transformational potential because the world, almost unnoticed, has transformed.…
Jay Carney: Of Course Obama's Big Campaign Donors Don't Get Hired as Diplomats Because They Donated…rs-dont-get-hired-as-diplomats-because-they-donated-n1794025
– Federal campaign finance records show that over the past decade, Johnson has contributed more than $100,000 to Democratic candidates … During the 2008 presidential campaign, Johnson donated more than $33,000 to Obama's campaign, federal records show.…
Pay Dirt: RGA Reaps Largest January Fundraising Haul Ever Under Christie…argest-january-fundraising-haul-ever-under-christie-n1793433
– The RGA's overriding purpose is to raise money to support GOP gubernatorial candidates around the country. … But if the various investigations fail to implicate him in the scandal, as they have thus far, his viability as a presidential candidate … The RNC trounced the DNC in 2013: The Republican National Committee beat the Democratic National Committee in 2013…
A too-early look at the 2016 presidential race: Bet on a dark horse…k-at-the-2016-presidential-race-bet-on-a-dark-horse-n1793293
– The most interesting dynamic about the presidential race so far is that the Democrats are behaving like Republicans -- and vice versa … On the Democratic side for 2016, the two top-tier candidates are both next-in-liners, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden (stop laughing…
The Good War and the Bad Afghan Leader
– At the 2008 Democratic National Convention in Denver, he pledged, "I will end this war in Iraq responsibly and finish the fight against … As the April presidential election looms, major candidates support the security agreement. … Tom Umberg, a former Democratic state assemblyman in California and an Afghanistan War veteran, disagrees.…
In Hyperpartisan Era, Only Candidates Can Change Outcomes…perpartisan-era-only-candidates-can-change-outcomes-n1799878
– The South was still solidly Democratic, providing a majority of the Democratic Caucus when O'Neill came to Washington, but it started … Coal country became Republican, hybrid vehicle country Democratic. … During Tip O'Neill's years in Congress, presidential candidates won the popular vote by an average 12 percent.…
Unions Can't Win
– Some 90 percent of union political contributions go to Democratic candidates, and union staff and "volunteers" are the backbone of … Yet 40 percent of union households voted Republican in the last presidential election, despite unions' unprecedented efforts to turn … Unions have become little more than subsidiaries of the Democratic Party, promoting liberal policies with which many of their own members…
Back to the Past: Not a Winning Formula for GOP
– The number of electoral votes needed to win a presidential election is 270. … Electoral votes for Republican presidential candidates have steadily declined since Ronald Reagan's impressive 1984 victory over Walter … elections, four have gone to the Democratic nominee, at an average yield of 327 electoral votes to 210 for the Republican.…
Don't Write Those Tea Party Obituaries Just Yet
– Many Republicans argue that Tea Party candidates have lost winnable Senate races, cementing the Democratic majority there rather than … The peace groups secured the Democratic presidential nomination for George McGovern in 1972 and, more successfully, generated support … The peace movement permanently changed the character of the Democratic Party.…
Tomorrow's Party Todayñoz/2014/03/03/tomorrows-party-today-n1801068
– Only twice since Richard Nixon was elected in 1972 have Republican presidential candidates ever won Americans between the ages of 18 … That’s a lot of what we’re doing, and helping candidates do.” … “To help facilitate this we are putting together templates that candidates can use to host events.…
A Very Jolly Election
– It was thought to be marginally Democratic. … They preferred three earlier candidates. … In this election they will not be able to rely upon their presidential base.…
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