Results for: they are all going to jail

True Health Care Reform Should Put the Patient First, Not the Bureaucrat…orm-should-put-the-patient-first-not-the-bureaucrat-n2325054
All of those things cause the price to go up for everybody.” Dr. … ], they could literally put the doctor in jail for seeing people for free, which is…inane.” … For now, it would appear that we are moving in the right direction in working to repeal Obamacare once and for all.…
Win Immigration Battle, or Lose in 2018
– “We’re going to win at the border. … We’re going to win so much, you’re going to be so sick and tired of winning, you’re going to come to me and go ‘Please, please, we … All odds are against you, Mr. President.…
Cruel and Stupid
– Decades ago, my colleagues and I made people more terrified of crime than they need to be, by covering all the grisly details of local … But they don't do it to everyone. … That's all he'd have to do to take the money and allure out of gang life.…
Sorry, Feminists, But The Truth is Sexist
– The latter might partially explain why more men are in jail than women.” … to lessen the chances that they will be raped. … So, they want to rewrite all the rules so that man-hating women’s studies majors will be at the top of the totem pole.…
MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell: Hillary Just Peddled A Russian Collusion Conspiracy Theory…ry-just-peddled-a-russian-collusion-conspiracy-theo-n2334588
– So they raised — best estimates are close to a hundred million dollars, they brought in their main vendors, they basically said, “We … Now, if you’ve ever read the John Podesta emails, they are anodyne to boredom [laughter]. … And he goes, “Yes, they are. Look, why wouldn’t they be? It worked for them!”…
Patriotism: The Last Refuge of an Illegal Immigrant Scoundrel…s-the-last-refuge-of-an-illegal-immigrant-scoundrel-n2334545
to champion: “Look at all the flags on my website! … They had green cards, but they broke the law (“They got into trouble,” according to Correa), and thus they were deported. … They fought for the rule of law overseas, and they are called to abide by those standards here.…
Lock Them Up!
– However, the identities of Americans in such conversations are supposed to remain confidential. … They all stated why Hillary deserved indictment. … Instead, they should propose a positive agenda and solutions to America’s problems.…
No, Dana Loesch Isn’t A Racist White Supremacist Calling For Civil War. Are You People High?…premacist-calling-for-civil-war-are-you-people-high-n2348842
They use the news media to peddle biased news, or in some cases—fake news. … They use schools to tell students that President Trump is Hitler reincarnated. … It’s a powerful montage of liberals going wild in the streets, with police coming in to bring order to the situation.…
The Opioid Crisis: No One's Fault and Everyone's Fault
– The Times reported that rural white Americans are going to prison more often and for longer sentences than urban blacks -- a giant … He is all for drug users going to prison for a very long time. "My job is to keep the bad guys off of the streets," he said. … Our politics has been just as ignorant: To many Democrats, rural Americans are just bitter and deplorable; to many Republicans, they
Fugitive Still on the Run from Alabama Jail, Escaped Using Peanut Butter…e-run-from-alabama-jail-escaped-using-peanut-butter-n2362604
– We’ve got some evil people down here, and they scheme all the time to con us and our employees at the jail. … You’ve got to stay on your toes. This one time we slipped up. I’m not going to make any excuses.”  … According to CNN, the Jasper Police Department and off-duty personnel are participating in the search for Kilpatrick, and a helicopter…
Sanctuary Cities, Rahm Emanuel and Power Politics
– "They were close. My brother just wanted to cross the street and see his friend." … "I've talked to the feds recently," said Brian McCann. "They know where he is. Chavez is in Mexico. … Mentioning the Dennis McCanns runs counter to approved narratives, and they become the forgotten.…
Regulating Guns
– Wolf and Jordan spent less than a day in jail, but each had to pay lawyers $15,000 to bargain the felony charge down to "public disorder … "We are not going to apologize for enforcing our gun laws," said Assistant District Attorney Jack Ryan when I confronted him about … I had to show him where they were," she told me.…
It's On: Rahm Emanuel is Suing Trump's DOJ Over Sanctuary City Funding…uel-is-suing-trumps-doj-over-sanctuary-city-funding-n2365542
– "We're going to be filing a case saying that the Justice Department is wrong on constitutional legal grounds that is we will always … They don't share information with us," he said.Homan said that in denying to detain criminals, sanctuary cities end up putting them … back on the street where they "will re-offend" and prompt ICE agents to take the dangerous step of tracking them down."…
An American Who Talked Too Much
– I was cheering for him over the weekend, though at the outset he was going to have to turn his guns on none other than the White House … They are all around him. … Something has to be done. The leaks are coming from every corner of the government, especially the intelligence community.…
Feds Finally Nail Someone for Banking Crisis
– Democrats led by Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren are still complaining that bankers did not go to jail for the 2008 banking crisis … It is no wonder they took three hours to head for the hills, leaving Bloom and his company shattered. … On August 13, 2007, Sentinel sent a letter to their account holders telling them that they had requested from the CFTC the right to
Google Women
– My Princeton professors taught me that differences are caused by sexism. Boys are encouraged to achieve, girls to nurture. … (G)ive a little puff of air on their abdomen, they (are) much more likely to startle." … Social engineers may dream of a society where genders are exactly equal. But it's not going to happen.…
Feel Safer: Easier to Get Parole, Harder to Buy Bullets
They have reduced the state prison population from close to 150,000 in 2010 to 113,000 now by downgrading what crimes put an offender … Now they are pushing a ballot measure that would enable repeat serious and violent offenders to qualify for early release -- to further … No worries, though, because they also are passing laws that make it harder or costlier for everyone to buy guns and ammunition.…
Democrats Get Mad At the Russians; In Other News, a Dog Marries a Cat…d-at-the-russians-in-other-news-a-dog-marries-a-cat-n2198312
– should be on the line if the Europeans are not all in too. … Until all of our allies step up and match our contribution, Trump is going to speak for many Americans outside the Beltway bubble when … warhorses knew how to do that they didn’t.…
Friendly Reminder: The Democrats Are Still Divided–And It’s A Deep Schism Too…emocrats-are-still-dividedand-its-a-deep-schism-too-n2198216
– We all know the most, if not all, Republicans are in that camp—let’s see what post-convention polling finds from this group. … by saying, “Respectfully, if that is your position then I will talk only to white people about how we are going to deal with the very … ” and that people are now in jail for far too long.…
‘Lock Her Up’: The Unofficial Battle Cry Of the RNC?
– yell and they scream and they use kind of, you know, divisive language that doesn't get to the core of my problem with her." … Here’s the thing: from here on out—it’s going to be a bloodbath between Trump and Clinton. Both are unpopular. … Both have bases of support from voters who are supporting them, not necessarily due to their position on policy, but because they can…
25 Reasons Not to Vote for Hillary Clinton
– the American people about her email server; she broke the law and deserves to go to jail. … We’re saying that for America to get back on track, we’re probably going to cut that short and not give it to you. … We’re going to take things away from you on behalf of the common good.”…
5 Questions Pro-Amnesty Republicans Never Seem To Answer
– Yet, they never seem to answer the basic questions like…. 1) How do Republicans continue to get elected if we make millions … to try to do the same thing and all the same arguments used against deportation still apply. … hard to catch everyone,” “What, are we going to kick people out who’ve been getting away with breaking the law for so long?”…
Vulcans Have No Sense of Humor
– Clinton's defenders, like hold that we should all move along. Nothing to see here. … You are probably going to be successful. There will be people that are going to die because of this." … They are among scores of Clinton visitors and phone contacts in her official calendar turned over by the State Department to AP last…
Because Famous Liberal Women Are Special, You Peasants
– I'm going to go back to my cell phone. … These are laws, the kind of laws where other people who break them go to jail. … Because, after all, unlike us peasants, famous liberal women are special.…
Left’s California Dream Built on Ignorance
– It is always easy to say that policies are good when they are affecting the other person or their family. … Where are those 15 people going to ever find another job?  Who is going to support them?   … And I did not even get into how this is a plan to raise the wages of the unions and union members and they are willing to sacrifice…
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