Results for: republican election takes trump his supporters

Cruz: Why Yes, Denying Trump the Nomination at a Contested Convention Would be Legitimate…ation-at-a-contested-convention-would-be-legitimate-n2134448
– frontrunner Donald Trump -- the one Republican who's most likely to help solve some of her problems on the Left and among the so-called … , but it's more likely that he's maxed out his 'Stop Trump' utility at this point.   … He welcomed Rubio supporters into the fold, offering kind words for his colleague from Florida.  …
The Only Candidate Ohioans Dislike More Than Trump Is John Kasich…date-ohioans-dislike-more-than-trump-is-john-kasich-n2133564
– for the sole purpose of stopping Trump. … presidential election. … Those who want to stop Trump think voting Kasich is the answer as it will pull delegates from Trump.…
Anti-Trump Conservatives Might Need to Swallow Pride, Support Cruz…servatives-might-need-to-swallow-pride-support-cruz-n2131681
– But the most plausible path to a Trump-free, Republican-controlled White House is consolidation around Cruz. … Cruz brilliantly made his bed, and Trump leapt into it when Cruz wasn't looking. … Still, Cruz has been the only candidate to effectively respond to Trump and is arguably the only one many Trump supporters could live…
If Trump Wins The Nomination, The House Is In Play, Believe Me
– Polls show that Trump, like Clinton, would be a weak general election candidate. … National Journal’s Josh Kraushaar is a bit more brutal in his analysis of a Trump candidacy. … That’s something that some Tea Partiers, and Trump supporters, miss; a bad bill could take a few election cycles to fix.…
Donald Trump Has 37 percent. Hard to Get to 270 Electoral Votes…p-has-37-percent-hard-to-get-to-270-electoral-votes-n2137313
– Many Donald Trump supporters think he is a slam dunk to beat Hillary Clinton in the general election. … his candidacy. … Trump has won 37 percent of Republican votes and is regarded unfavorably by more than 60 percent of general election voters.…
Even Without Trump, Republicans Still Have A Hard Electoral Map This Year…publicans-still-have-a-hard-electoral-map-this-year-n2145681
Trump supporters and anti-Trump supporters can go back to their corners because the Cook Political Report just threw a wet blanket … By contrast, there are 13 states that have voted for the Republican nominee for president in every election since 1992. … Still, there is a path to victory with Trump, the frontrunner, as Ed mentioned in his column for The Week in February, albeit he also…
Thank You Kindly
Trump will likely be the GOP nominee, who will probably get beaten in the general election. … Even if Donald Trump were to win and he made good on his promise to put business leaders into Cabinet posts it wouldn't make history … He thought he and his Arab allies had created a new order in the Middle East.…
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Conservatives Question Trump’s Bathroom Law Remarks, WH Weighs in On Dem Candidates…bathroom-law-remarks-wh-weighs-in-on-dem-candidates-n2152582
Republican Primary Donald Trump: Trump is facing backlash for his controversial takes on the North Carolina bathroom law and … Trump also suggested the Republican Party change its platform on abortion to make an exception for rape, incest and the life of the … Even though Trump has accused the Republican Party of "rigging" the election, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus has managed to defend the…
Politics, Not Personalities, Will Likely Determine Presidential Election…alities-will-likely-determine-presidential-election-n2178905
– Barack Obama has scoffed this his own grandmother was a "typical white person," called on his supporters to "get in their face" of … his opponents, invoked a variation of the phrase "bring a gun to a knife fight" in an attempt to fire up supporters during his first … And Trump, for all his contradictions, is, at least for the moment, far more conservative than Clinton.…
Republican Miracle in Deeply-Democratic California: Jack Guerrero…iracle-in-deeplydemocratic-california-jack-guerrero-n2296475
His opponents used every dirty trick in the book to shut down his re-election chances. … They played the Trump card very hard throughout the three month election cycle. … Jack’s supporters have worried that his Republican credentials would drag down his chances.…
Trump Isn't Running The Government Like A Business
– many of his ventures (Trump Steaks, Trump Airlines, among others) vanished without a trace. … He and his supporters preferred to focus on his successes, which he promised he could duplicate in the White House. … This embarrassed many of his Republican allies in Congress and drove his approval ratings down to historic lows.…
Message to the Freedom Caucus: “Never Give Up. Never Surrender!”…to-the-freedom-caucus-never-give-up-never-surrender-n2306652
– President Trump’s tweet slamming Freedom Caucus this week has a lot of Trump supporters very upset. … Donald Trump was not elected by the people of this country because he is a Republican. … A lot of Trump supporters this week wished he’d remember that.…
The Establishment Is Laughing At You, President Trump
– season trading email jokes about the size of the potential POTUS’s paws with his Bushie buddies while your supporters were out there … Where’s Anthony Scaramucci, the guy who stood up to the rest of Wall Street to back you, who sold his company to serve? … and his unwashed masses their place.…
A Test for the Trump Coalition
– If his data operation during the campaign was any indication, I’m not convinced Trump has that same degree of innovation. … Yet on the surface, that supporter should be one and the same since Trump summoned those conservative tenets throughout his campaign … But don’t expect many Trump supporters to respond likewise and reward the GOP for its profile in courage.…
Hillary's Perfectly Crafted Untruths
Trump never does this. Trump's willingness to say what he thought during the 2016 campaign endeared him to his supporters. … Unlike the press, Trump supporters understood that Trump shot from the hip and would make mistakes. … At the same time, Trump was planning his sixth and seventh trips to manufacturing towns in Michigan, and the local Trump headquarters…
In Pennsylvania, Georgia and Everywhere Else, All Politics Is Local
– Sometimes her biggest challenge in the process of winning over voters is not Republican elected officials or their supporters but members … This week, the national media will spend the bulk of its time giving "smart takes" on what the results of that Georgia special election … What was his demeanor? How did he discuss Trump? (For the most part, he hasn't.) How did he treat Republican voters?…
Radio Rumble: Benson vs. Gallagher on 'Never Trump,' Credibility, and Objectivity…allagher-on-never-trump-credibility-and-objectivity-n2354038
– the 2016 election detracts from the credibility of my current analysis on the Trump administration.   … Once he prevailed in the election, my 'Never Trump' membership expired. … If Trump were to actually follow through on his jokey insight that he could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue, and his supporters wouldn't…
President Trump, There’s One Island That Could Form A Pacific Wall Against Chinese Influence…could-form-a-pacific-wall-against-chinese-influence-n2351367
– The 2016 election was dominated by many issues, but trade was a key factor that helped push Donald Trump over the top. … In short, it’s a vestige of the politics of empire and Calvo hopes President Trump and the Republican Congress can eliminate or reduce … Guam’s Deplorables: The Island’s Strategic Shipyard And How The Workforce Might Be Natural Trump Supporters Over the course of the…
NAACP Chair Accuses Pastors Who Prayed With Trump of 'Theological Malpractice'…rs-who-prayed-with-trump-of-theological-malpractice-n2356722
– President Trump and his supporters have been targeted non stop by progressives and the mainstream media since he assumed office, but … The “extremist Trump Republican agenda” takes health care from the poor and transfers it to the wealthy, he argued. … Despite Barber's outrage, the fact remains that a significant amount of evangelical voters supported Trump in last year's general election
Three Things Trump Needs to Do to Win in November
– Secondly, Trump needs to keep the heat on his opponent Hillary Clinton, but drop the nicknames.  … While “Crooked Hillary” might play well to his staunchest supporters, they are not the ones he needs to win over.  … With a little self-restraint Donald Trump can turn things around and still win this election.…
Reports: Panicked Allies Plot 'Intervention' As GOP 'Actively Explores' Replacing Trump…ing-to-abandon-an-imploding-trump-campaign-en-masse-n2201345
– Newt called the situation "very disheartening to most of his supporters."   … Two Trump insiders said Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus has talked to Trump several times in recent days, conveying … His supporters should pray that she's as wrong about that as she is about so many things.…
Trump Speaks, Media Translates
– Tweet No. 2: "Was (Donald Trump) suggesting his supporters shoot Hillary? Shoot her nominee? Who knows. … It takes some kind of mind to interpret that as a call to urge supporters to murder Clinton. … But the media was already off and running with its storyline: Trump, if he lost the election to Hillary, had urged supporters to kill…
The Man Who Would Be Johnsoned
– Tomorrow night’s first presidential debate moves the race into a head-to-head match-up between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat … Johnson at 25 percent in his home state of New Mexico, just two points shy of Mr. Trump. … Trump and his supporters probably relish going face-to-face against Mrs. Clinton in tomorrow’s debate.…
RNC: Why Yes–We Have A Solid Ground Game Operation–And We Think It's Going To Be...Tremendous…ame-operationand-we-think-its-going-to-betremendous-n2220340
– come Election Day. … supporters. … At the time, the RNC stuck their necks out and assured the now-senator that he would win his election, which did happen.…
200 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Not Be President
– They bolster these claims with listicles of hundreds of supposedly disqualifying things that Trump has said or done throughout his … Called half of Donald Trump supporters irredeemably racist, sexist, and homophobic 59. … Suggested the Donald Trump supporters who weren’t racists were misguided and poor 60.…
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